Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 393 Genetic Monster! Cancer cells mutate!

Afterwards, Stryker walked into the underground laboratory and saw Wade lying on the operating table. At this time, Wade's neck and limbs were buckled with hard steel hoops. The whole person looked like The fish on the chopping board, no, to be precise, it should be chattering fish, after all, his mouth was not sewn shut.

"Oh beautiful lady, are you sure that injecting me with that thing can cure my cancer? Maybe I should buy myself insurance before the experiment starts. Damn it, I actually forgot about this, but in my case , the insurance company should reject me decisively, wait, the golden ideas in my mind suddenly spewed out like diarrhea.

How about we sign a gambling agreement? It’s called Dead Pool. If I don’t die, you will give me one hundred thousand dollars, no, two hundred thousand dollars. If I unfortunately die, then my lovely body will be at your disposal. I can guarantee that this This betting agreement is very fair, and you have a good chance of winning. "

"Can you sew his mouth shut for me?" Stryker felt like a swarm of flies buzzing around his ears.

"Wardfa, this is really a vicious suggestion. Do you want me to become mute? Then I would rather shoot myself in the head." Wade protested on the operating table.

"As long as you promise me to shut up in the next experiment, then I will agree to sign a betting agreement with you."

Stryker walked up to Wade and said with an indifferent expression.

"OK, for two hundred thousand dollars, I can do it."

"Can you use medicine to cleanse his memory?" Stryker glanced at Wade, and then whispered in the female doctor's ear.

"Yes, but it will take a long time to completely erase his memory."

The female doctor answered while taking out the Wolverine serum prepared in advance.

"Then forget it." Although Stryker wanted to brainwash Wade into his own killing machine, time did not allow it. "The experiment can begin."


I saw the female doctor hanging the bag of serum on the shelf next to the operating table, and then in front of Stryker, she pushed the needle tip bit by bit into the blood vessel of Wade's left hand.

After a while, Wade had a very violent reaction. His body began to twist, and the sweat instantly wet the mattress. "Ah..." An extremely suppressed roar sounded from his mouth, and soon It spread throughout the laboratory.

The pain was clearly visible on Wade's face, but he still endured it with all his strength. It could be seen that his eyeballs were gradually covered with bloodshot eyes, and his skin seemed to be melting and beginning to fester.

"Things don't look good." Stryker, standing next to the operating table, had an expressionless face, deliberately ignoring Wade's pain.

The female doctor did not answer, but kept injecting various nutritional solutions into Wade.

As time went by, more than 90% of the skin on Wade's body had become ulcerated, and his body was covered with blood, and even some of the eroded flesh and blood texture exposed his pale bones. This kind of pain is simply unimaginable. If you can choose, Wade would rather die than endure the pain that goes deep into his bones!

Seeing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Stryker's eyes. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, the female doctor beside him let out a surprised sound.

"What? What's the problem?"

Stryker asked.

"Look, his wound is actually showing signs of healing." The female doctor looked at Wade as if she were looking at a novel toy.

At the same time, miraculous changes have taken place in Wade's body. Under the stimulation of Wolverine serum, the cancer cells in his body actually merge with and repel each other's regenerative abilities.

You must know that cancer cells themselves are a type of extremely tenacious cells. They secrete cytokines to evade pursuit by the body's immune system. In order to prevent being swept away by the immune system, they also expand their living space through continuous proliferation and proliferation. , and continuous mutation to produce heterogeneous bodies.

This leads to the regeneration ability in Wade's body to eradicate cancer cells and achieve a curative effect.

But cancer cells don't want to die, so they can only engage in a military competition with their regenerative abilities.

In this process, Wade can be said to have jumped back and forth between life and death. If he were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago. However, Wade is not an ordinary person after all. His willpower is like a string that is repeatedly disconnected and reconnected. Finally, the regenerative ability and cancer cells compromise each other and reach a delicate balance point.

"This is simply a miracle..." Stryker couldn't help but exclaimed as he watched Wade's wounds heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, although the wound healed, Wade's body was still left with dense and ugly scars.

"The fusion was successful?"

Stryker raised the corners of his mouth, and his smile gradually became fanatical.

"Go on and inject the genes of other mutants into him." He couldn't wait to say.

But the female doctor beside her frowned.

"It should be considered a success, but his situation still looks not optimistic. I suggest waiting and watching for a while before considering injecting the second and third serum."

"How many mutants can he hold at most?" As a subordinate of Dr. Truss, Stryker has a large number of mutant genetic serums in his hands, including the White Queen's transformation diamond and Dragonfly Girl's flight.

"I don't know, I don't have enough experimental data at hand, but in his case, it should be that the cancer cells in his body have mutated. Maybe he can have several abilities at the same time."

"Very good. When his condition stabilizes, I will inject the second serum. I want him to have the strongest abilities, regeneration, teleportation, and diamonds!" At this moment, Stryker has enough confidence, but he does not believe it. Fusion Deadpool with these three abilities can't kill just a native of the motherland!


In the office of the president of Jervis Pharmaceuticals, Washington, USA.

Xia Shang took the serum from Hank, looked at the clear liquid in the glass tube, and said, "Not bad, I didn't expect you to develop the serum I want so quickly."

"It's not difficult. I have already told Dr. Alek the method of developing the serum." The purpose of Hank's visit this time was not only to hand over the serum to Xia Shang, but also to take this opportunity to resign.

"I have helped you minimize the side effects of Temporary No. 5 Compound. When will you let me go? Also, you promised me to use newspapers to portray the people of the motherland as mutant heroes, and to help Charles rebuild mutants. Academy.”

"Don't worry, I've always been very trustworthy. Since I promised you something, I will definitely do it."

Xia Shang stood up, walked from behind the desk to Hank, and said with a smile.

"As for letting you leave..." He stretched out his arm and pointed to the door of the office. "This cooperation is very pleasant. If you want to leave, I will never stop you." (End of Chapter)

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