Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 394 The serum works! Fusion progress 29!

Hank never expected that Jervis would let him go so easily.

It stands to reason that he has already mastered a lot of the other party's confidential information, such as the formula of Compound No. 5 and the underground laboratory of Weiss Pharmaceuticals. These are all shady things. If they are leaked casually, they can cause a riot in the United States. There was an uproar.

Especially the Provisional No. 5 Compound. If the U.S. military learns about it, they will probably snatch it away from Jervis at all costs.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sign a confidentiality agreement?" Hank didn't believe that he could gain the other party's trust in such a short period of time.

"It's completely unnecessary. I trust you won't tell those things."

Xia Shang smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Hank, "If you need anything in the future, please feel free to contact me at any time."


Although he didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, out of politeness, Hank also smiled and stretched out his hand.

However, the moment their palms came into contact, an inexplicable energy flowed down Hank's arm and into his brain.

Under Xia Shang's smiling gaze, Hank's eyes suddenly became particularly hollow and dull.

"First, forget all memories about compound No. 5 and the serum. Second, you have been working at Weiss Pharmaceuticals during this time and helped me invent a good cold medicine. Third, you have never You have never seen Victor, John and Agent Zero, they have never appeared in your memory..."

Through the two superpowers of cognitive invasion and memory storm, Xia Shang is gradually modifying Hank's original memory. In order to prevent the other party's memory from deviation, he patiently adds various patches and then continuously strengthens it.

It wasn't until his eyeballs were bloodshot that he let go of Hank's hand.

Xia Shang, who looked slightly tired, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyeballs were back to their original state.

"Mr. Jervis, then I won't disturb you." Hank smiled and nodded to Xia Shang naturally, not realizing that his memory had been tampered with.

"Thank you for your contribution to Weiss Pharmaceuticals. The cold medicine you invented is really good."

"It's nothing, I just improved it based on your original one."

The heart rate was normal, and there were no micro-expressions when lying. The memory tampering should have been successful. Seeing that Hank's reaction was normal, Xia Shang was basically sure that the instructions he issued took effect smoothly.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words.

After many tests to ensure that everything was safe, Xia Shang watched Hank open the office door and walk out.

Looking at Hank's back as he left, Xia Shang thought to himself.

"It seems that there is a high probability that there will be no mistakes. Even if Charles has powerful psychic abilities, I guess he will not be able to discover that Hank's memory has been tampered with in a short period of time.

What's more, given Charles's character, unless Hank himself senses something is wrong and proactively asks Charles to check his memory, it is impossible for Charles to use psychic powers on Hank. "

After Hank left, Xia Shang sat back on the office chair.

And open the panel to view the progress of ability integration.

[Ghost teleportation fusion is in progress, current progress is 12%]

To be honest, in just one week, the fusion progress can increase from 2% to 12%. This speed is not too slow. Of course, this is also related to Xia Shang's frequent use of this ability. Facts have proved that practice can indeed speed up the fusion speed.

"In other words, it will take about two or three months to completely integrate ghost teleportation without the help of external force." Xia Shang began to absorb the newly obtained serum while observing the panel.

At first, he only absorbed a few milliliters. After he was sure that the serum would have no adverse effects on him, he slowly injected the liquid in the glass tube into his body.

[Ghost teleportation fusion is in progress, current progress is 12...13%]

Seeing the progress bar jump back, Xia Shang couldn't help but feel happy. It seemed that the serum was really effective, but he didn't know whether the effect was stronger or weaker than that of Compound No. 5.

Soon, he absorbed the entire tube of serum. At this time, the progress bar on the panel reached 29%.

But at the same time, the cells in Xia Shang's body felt vaguely full, as if he had eaten too much in one go.

"Hank is really a genius." After solving the problem of slow integration, Xia Shang was in a particularly happy mood. He stood up and walked to the window, looking at the pedestrians passing by on the road, and thinking about another problem.

Can he find the apocalypse buried underground?

Because in the old timeline, Tianqi did not revive. According to Xia Shang's inference, the reason should be related to the group of Tianqi believers. He vaguely remembered that the reason why Tianqi woke up was because a believer accidentally broke into the tomb where Tianqi was buried. , letting the sunlight shine in, so this is an accidental event. Since it is an accidental event, it is normal that it did not happen in the old timeline.

"Egypt...Cairo." Xia Shang flipped through the memories of Tianqi in his mind, and finally spit out the area where Tianqi was located.

However, the brain waves of Apocalypse who is sleeping should be very weak. Even if he goes to Cairo, Egypt, he may not be able to find Apocalypse buried deep underground.

"Forget it, after I integrate Victor's regeneration ability, I will take the time to go to Egypt." Xia Shang wants to maximize his profits, so he will not consider analyzing Magneto, Charles and others for the time being. He will only wait until they After his ability is strengthened by Apocalypse, it is the best time to take action.

Although the risk is higher, the greater the risk, the higher the return!

At this moment, there was a loud knock on the office door.

"Come in." Xia Shang put away the empty glass tube and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Jervis, it's me, Camille."

Camille opened the wooden door with a creak, walked to the desk with a newspaper, and said with a smile: "Good news, the sales of our second issue of Mutant Weekly are three times that of the first issue. Now there are newsstands in various cities. Everyone has sent us a huge number of orders, and it is estimated that it won’t be long before our Weiss newspaper will be among the top ten newspapers in the country.”

Speaking of this, Camil paused and stopped talking.

Seeing his appearance, Xia Shang sneered: "Have other newspapers started to suppress us?"

"Uh...yes, the Washington Post has publicly condemned our behavior in newspapers, saying that we are whitewashing mutants. Some extremists even burned our newspapers on the street in protest. , during this period, many violent incidents occurred." Kamil said.

"It's normal, just get used to it." Xia Shang obviously didn't take this kind of thing to heart. Before establishing Mutant Weekly, he expected that similar incidents would happen one after another. The best way was to ignore it and not respond. Anyway, wait for the motherland As people's image is shaped, there will only be fewer and fewer such people. (End of chapter)

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