Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 395 Massacre Billy! Press conference!

"By the way, Mr. Jervis, there's one more thing." Camille opened the newspaper and placed it in front of Xia Shang. "This is the latest issue of the New York Daily News. There is a news item about President Nixon. , the Watergate scandal about him has been making a lot of noise recently, basically occupying the headlines of every newspaper, I mean, should we send reporters to attend the press conference tomorrow morning?"

Making headlines is an old tradition in the newspaper industry. As the second-in-command of the newspaper, Camille naturally wanted to join in the fun.

"Take a few reporters to go there in person. I have a hunch that something unexpected may happen at tomorrow's reception." Xia Shang smiled slightly, then waved his hand to signal Camille to go out.

After Kamil heard this, he sighed in his heart and couldn't help but think of the people of the motherland that Xia Shang asked him to vigorously promote recently. Will the people of the motherland appear at the press conference tomorrow morning? Camille didn't dare to think about it, turned and left the office.

At this time, Xia Shang, who was sitting behind his desk, put up the newspaper on the table. At the same time, the white suit on his body suddenly turned into a viscous black liquid, and in the twisting and condensation, it turned into a black suit in the blink of an eye. robe.

"This is your chance to become famous in one fell swoop. Mr. President, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil." Xia Shang slowly put down the newspaper that was covering his face. If there were others present at this moment, they would definitely exclaim, because Xia Shang's face actually looked exactly like Slaughter Billy is exactly the same.

The name Massacre was given to him by the citizens of Washington, specifically from what Billy once said, "In one week, I will start an indiscriminate massacre across the United States."

It was precisely because of this sentence that the citizens of Washington were panicked. Fortunately, a week passed and nothing happened, so they breathed a sigh of relief.


The next morning, the White House.

On a lawn directly in front of the White House, reporters with guns and cannons arrived at the reception early.

In addition to journalists, people who came also included senior government officials, prosecutors from the Federal Prosecutor's Office, members of the U.S. House of Representatives and other high-profile figures.

"I did not invite anyone from the committee to attend the press conference." In the President's Office, Nixon, wearing a black suit, stood by the window and said angrily while adjusting his tie.

He was furious when he saw those prosecutors. These guys were biting him like mad dogs. It was obvious that installing eavesdropping equipment was a common and secretive thing. Normally, everyone knew about it, let alone from Ross. Starting from the time of President Fu, every president has done this, and he is not the first.

"Shet! What a bunch of shit." Nixon cursed a few times to express his dissatisfaction, but he also understood that the essence of this matter was a partisan dispute. His party was now in a weak position. According to their words, It was said that it would be best for Nixon to give up and resign. However, Nixon was unwilling to do so, so he held a press conference to see if he could save the situation, and maybe the situation could be reversed.

Thinking of this, he sighed, because the possibility was very small...

"Mr. President, you don't look happy." Suddenly, a strange voice sounded from behind Nixon.

"Who are you?"

Although Nixon was shocked, he still pretended to be calm. He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw the man who suddenly appeared. He had deep eyes, a slightly fierce face, and a thick beard, as if he was a gangster.

"Slaughter." Xia Shang smiled and said Billy's nickname.

"Massacre?" A trace of doubt flashed in Nixon's eyes, "I don't think I've seen you before."

"I'm a mutant."

As soon as these words came out, Nixon immediately became alert, looked at the uninvited guest in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Are you here to kill me?"

Xia Shang shook his head.

"A living president is worth more to me."

"What do you mean?" Nixon, who was tense, slowly moved his body and groped for the button under the desk. This button was specially prepared to prevent someone from assassinating the president. Once pressed, someone would rush in immediately. Enter the office.

"Do you think it was you who pressed the button faster, or I killed you faster?" Xia Shang, who had clairvoyant eyes, smiled after seeing Nixon's little move.

"Well, I guess we could have a chat."

Seeing that his actions were seen through, Nixon took a step back and glanced at the security personnel below to maintain order with the corner of his eye.

"Mr. President, I'm here to help you solve your trouble. You should know very well that it won't be long before those people from the prosecutor's office will force you to hand over the wiretap tapes and documents. This is equivalent to a bomb that will blow you to pieces. .”

"It's interesting, keep talking." Nixon seemed to have guessed the purpose of the other party's visit this time. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and returned to his usual calmness.

"If you want to cover up the sound of a bomb explosion, you need to detonate a bigger bomb, and I am here to act as this bomb. As long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will put your troubles away. Blast them all to pieces.”

Xia Shang raised his hand, then opened his palm in front of Nikeson, "Bang... the eyes of the people across the country will not be focused on you."

"What do you want? Money or something else?" I have to say that the other party's words sounded extremely tempting. Although there would be certain risks in cooperating with the other party, Nixon had no other choice at this time.

"I want to start a mutant company. You can think of it as the Chaoying Group. All you have to do is silently support it."

"You want to turn mutants into superheroes?" Nicholson narrowed his eyes and said solemnly.

"I will not betray humanity for the sake of my own future."

"you sure?"

Xia Shang clenched his five fingers, and a red fireball burst out from his palm, "Mr. President, I forgot to tell you that I actually have a drug that can turn ordinary people into mutants. Think about it, if I give it to your children Injecting that drug will make things very interesting, and by then, your sons and daughters will also become anatomical objects for studying mutants."

All of a sudden, Nixon's face became extremely ugly, and at the same time, a wave of panic arose in his heart. Is there really something that can turn ordinary people into mutants? Why had he never even heard of it? In other words, that kind of drug didn't exist at all, and the other party was just lying to him.

"The press conference is about to begin. I will give you at most one minute to think about it. It is your choice to live or die."

The fireball in Xia Shang's hand sent out bursts of heat waves, and it seemed that the temperature in the office rose several degrees in just a few breaths. (End of chapter)

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