Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 396 I will massacre everyone present!

As time passed, Xia Shang, holding the fireball, lifted his feet off the ground and slowly rose into the air.

At this moment, he lowered his head slightly, like a god in charge of judgment, looked at the hesitant Nixon, and said coldly: "The last ten seconds."

The surroundings became quieter and quieter, and it seemed that Nixon's breathing was getting heavier and heavier.

"He would never dare to kill me! If I die, governments from all over the world will unite to drive out all mutants!"

Nikeson, who pretended to be calm on the surface, was roaring crazily in his heart. Unknowingly, he had clenched his fists and his palms were filled with sweat.

"What if this guy is a lunatic?" A terrible thought suddenly emerged, and I saw that Nikeson's temples were instantly wet with cold sweat.

"Ten, nine..." Xia Shang's expression became increasingly cold, and he looked at Nixon as if he were looking at a dying person.

"This guy is a lunatic!"

Nixon gritted his teeth and nodded heavily: "Okay, I agree to cooperate with you, but I have two conditions."

There was no other way. He really didn't dare to gamble with his life on whether the other party would kill him. Even if the probability of killing him was only 1%, no matter what, the probability was not zero.

"What conditions?" Xia Shang put away the fireball and asked.

"First, it is impossible for me and you to cooperate for a long time. Second, during my tenure, you will never step into the White House."

Nixon knew very well that if the news of his cooperation with mutants was leaked, the consequences would be far more serious than the wiretapping incident. By then, he would be pointed at and reviled by the American people, and he would even become the most notorious president in history textbooks.

Besides, he didn't want what happened today to happen again because his heart really couldn't bear it.

After hearing this, Xia Shang was silent for a moment. The two conditions proposed by Nixon were not excessive, and he could barely accept them.

"No problem. After the matter is over, contact the person on the business card." Xia Shang conjured up a black business card as if by magic. "I believe that as for our relationship, you will keep it secret. Otherwise, I won't mind coming back again." One trip.”

Throwing out the card, Xia Shang disappeared instantly.

"Vis Newspaper Agency... Jervis." Nixon bent down to pick up the business card and looked at the content on it with an expression as ugly as possible.


Half an hour later, Nixon, wearing a black suit and shiny leather shoes, arrived at the press conference amidst the extremely fierce shutter sound.

"Please be quiet, please."

Nickerson stood in front of the stage with a flashlight and spoke into the microphone.

In an instant, the scene became much quieter. Whether it was reporters or others, their eyes fell on his face.

"I am holding a press conference this time mainly to explain the Watergate incident that happened some time ago." before Nixon could finish his words.

A hard-nosed reporter from the Washington Post raised his hand and asked loudly: "Mr. President, it is said that in one month, the Judiciary Committee will decide to release all the evidence related to your impeachment. Under the current circumstances of conclusive evidence, , did you hold this reception to cover up and absolve yourself of your crimes?"

The reporter's speech was undoubtedly a slap in the face to Nixon in public.

Nixon suppressed his anger and tried to make his voice sound calm and natural.

"Before the Judiciary Committee does not pass the articles of impeachment against me, I still have the right to defend myself. In fact, this was just an accident, not to mention the installation of listening equipment, which I had no knowledge of at all."

As soon as this statement came out, the reporters present couldn't help but smile knowingly. This kind of reason that even children would not believe would actually come from the president's mouth. It seems that this Mr. President is really cornered. .

"Mr. President, we hope you will hand over the tape. We have sufficient evidence to prove that your assistant was involved in this matter at your request."

Several prosecutors walked out of the crowd and said to Nixon.

Just when they raised the documents in their hands, a ball of flames fell from the sky and hit one of them on the head. The prosecutor who was hit screamed in agony, and his whole body was instantly completely engulfed by the flames. engulf.

In just a few breaths, he was burned into a charred corpse by the flames and fell down on the lawn amidst the screams of everyone.

Everyone immediately raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

However, what they saw scared them to death.

I saw a man in a black robe, suspended in the sky, surrounded by circles of red rings composed of countless fireballs. The man in the center of the ring had an indifferent expression, looking down at the ground like a god. .

mystery! powerful! These words suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

"Slaughter! Billy the Slaughterer!" Camille in the crowd shouted.

Apart from him, several other reporters from Washington looked horrified, "Mutant massacre! Why is he here?"

"Slaughter? Is there such a person among the mutants?"

Due to the official blockade, reporters in other cities had no idea that Billy existed.

"I said, if you don't hand over Mystique within a week, I will carry out indiscriminate massacres across the United States." Xia Shang's figure slowly dropped, and the high temperature emitted by the surrounding fire ring even The reporters on the lawn felt their skins burning hot.

"It's a pity that the effect is not good. You don't seem to have any intention of handing over Mystique, so I think you don't care about the lives of ordinary people."

He stretched out his right hand towards the crowd, and instantly, a large number of fireballs fell down like meteors.

However, under Xia Shang's deliberate control, the fireballs only hit some prosecutors or some high-level government officials, while the reporters on the scene survived.

For a moment, the crowd dispersed, but some brave reporters still focused their cameras on Xia Shang in mid-air.

Especially after the reporters discovered that the fireball had no intention of hitting them, they were even more relieved.

"Notify the army! Send the army over quickly!" An officer in military uniform shouted around.

At the same time, the guards responsible for the security of the venue nervously raised their guns, pointed at Xia Shang in the air, and kept pulling the triggers.

"Da da da!!" There was a loud sound of gunfire, and countless bullets were fired towards Xia Shang.

Facing the incoming bullets, Xia Shang calmly waved his hand and directly changed their flight direction, letting them shoot into the lawn.

"You have five minutes to hand over Mystique, otherwise I will massacre everyone present."

"Quick! Inform the Mutant Research Institute and ask them to bring Mystique over quickly." Nicholson on the stage tried his best to cooperate with Xia Shang's performance. He pretended to be panicked and grabbed the collar of the assistant next to him. He said in a rushed tone. (End of chapter)

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