Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 397 Which newspaper reporter is this, so brave?

"Understood. I'll have them dispatch a helicopter right away and send Mystique over as quickly as possible."

The assistant was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. You must know that not all those attending today's press conference are journalists. There are many high-level government officials and senior military generals among them.

No matter which one of them has an accident, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will even bring a devastating blow to the political ecology of the United States.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to waste a second. He immediately squatted on the ground, opened the suitcase he carried with him, and picked up the black box-shaped satellite phone from it.

"Hel me get through to the Mutant Research Institute immediately!" the almost bloodless assistant roared at the other end of the phone.

"Dudu...this is the Mutant Research Institute, and I am the director..."

"Xie Te! Shut up and listen to me." The assistant has no time to listen to the other person introducing himself. Every second now is precious.

"I ask you to send Mystique over in the shortest possible time, whether it's a helicopter or a transport vehicle, the sooner the better!"

"But the Sentinel Project needs to use Mystique for experiments, and we already have certain research results here..."

"This is an order from the president!"

"Okay, I promise to deliver it within ten minutes." The director on the other end of the phone put down the phone with a shocked expression. What happened? What's going on over there at the White House?


The scene turned to the White House. After Xia Shang's baptism of fireballs, the originally neatly manicured lawn was in tatters, with traces of fire everywhere.

"Damn! The bullet couldn't hit him."

The guards present were basically top fighters selected from the army. They had rich combat experience and their marksmanship was perfect, but these were of no use when facing the mutants in the air.

"Stop shooting and protect Mr. President."

Seeing that the guns were useless, they decisively stopped their movements and moved closer to the direction of Nixon.

"It's a pity that this is the White House and there is no suitable sniper point. Otherwise, you can try to use a heavy sniper rifle to blow his head off." One of the guards blocking Nicosson looked at Xia Shang with some reluctance.

"Who is stronger or weaker than this guy or Magneto?"

Nixon had read the introduction to Magneto in the Cuban archives, and he felt that this mutant named Carnage had abilities somewhat similar to Magneto.

But Magneto can control the gun barrels of battleships from extremely long distances, and can even control missiles in flight.

"Could this guy also control metal?"

Nikeson thought to himself.

"Also, Mystique is obviously Magneto's subordinate. The file says very clearly that the arrest operation that year had already wiped out all of Magneto's subordinates. It is impossible for any fish to slip through the net, since the other party is not Magneto's. Man, then why do you want to rescue Mystique?”

He couldn't figure out the cause and effect relationship at all... Suddenly, a name appeared in his mind.

Charles Xavier!

Thanks to the terrifying intelligence capabilities of the United States, the relationship between Charles and Mystique has long been discovered. Now the only person who has reason to save Mystique is Charles, the founder of the Mutant Academy.

Originally, after the Cuban incident, Charles was also on the mutant hunting list. However, after many tests, they confirmed that Charles was not only half-paralyzed, but also lost his superpowers.

Moreover, since the college closed down, Charles has become extremely low-key, so over time, he has faded out of the sight of the U.S. military.

"Could it be that he instigated it?" Nixon frowned, thinking to himself.

If it is really Charles, then this guy is too scheming. No wonder they forced him to do that, but he didn't react at all and allowed the army to take away the teachers and students of his college.

"Ten years, does it mean that this guy has endured ten years?"

At this time, Nixon had sorted out (in his mind) the causes and consequences of the incident.

He seemed to see a brave young man who sacrificed everyone except Hank in order to save himself.

The young man was filled with hatred and waited for ten years for the mutant named Carnage. Carnage was so powerful that he saw the hope of revenge.

No, since he wanted to retaliate against the US government, why did he create the Chaoying Group?

Nixon was stuck at a bottleneck and couldn't figure it out.


boom! ! A series of explosions suddenly sounded from the horizon. Nikeson subconsciously looked up and saw a black dot shooting from a distance, like a high-speed fighter jet, carrying a sonic boom cloud like a white line behind him!

"Wardfa?!" His pupils trembled wildly, and his mouth opened slightly unconsciously.

"What the hell is that?"

Nixon was not the only one who had the same doubts. The guards around him also looked horrified, and their hearts were beating wildly.

"It's actually here."

Camille in the crowd looked at the people of the motherland flying so fast and said in shock.

Could it be... He remembered what Jervis said yesterday and couldn't help but shudder, "Could it be that Mr. Jervis arranged all of this? The massacre and the people of the motherland are both actors used by Jervis to perform."

Camille didn't dare to think about it further.

He swallowed, raised the camera tremblingly, faced the people of the motherland flying towards him, and kept pressing the shutter.

"Mr. Jervis sent me here, he must have wanted me to record what happened today and use it as material to promote the motherland." Camille suddenly felt that it would be good to work for Mr. Jervis, at least there is no need to worry Will be killed by massacre.

Just when Slaughter first appeared, his heart was in his throat, fearing that he would be burned to death by a fireball from Slaughter.

"No wonder Massacre doesn't attack journalists, that's why." Camille straightened her back unconsciously and took pictures of Billy and the people of the motherland generously.

"Which newspaper reporter is this so brave?"

The reporters held their heads and squatted on the ground. From the corner of their eyes, they caught sight of Camille, who was standing tall and straight. Although he was as thin as a sugar cane and looked very old, the perseverance in his eyes made them feel extremely sad. Shocking.

At this critical moment when someone could die at any time, some reporters would ignore their own safety and focus their cameras on mutants who kill without blinking an eye.

Obviously, the senior wanted to record the mutants' crimes and then publish them in newspapers to warn the world.

This is a great fearless spirit, and this spirit is exactly what the journalist profession should possess.

Thinking of this, many younger reporters lowered their heads in shame and did not dare to look directly at the senior again. (End of chapter)

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