Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 399 He is simply a god-like existence!

At this time, Mystique, whose hands and feet were handcuffed, was being pointed at the head by two special police officers. Moreover, in order to prevent accidents during transportation, they also injected some kind of powerful anesthetic into Mystique's body in advance.

"Someone is hijacking the plane!" The moment the hatch separated from the fuselage, one of the special police officers wearing a helmet shouted immediately, and against the roaring wind, he quickly turned his gun and aimed at the missing right side of the hatch. .

"Before I leave, I'll give you a gift."

Xia Shang sneered, grabbed Mystique with his telekinesis, and then dragged her into the air aside. Then, he raised his hand and lifted a helicopter weighing several tons, and suddenly threw it towards Nixon under the horrified eyes of everyone!

The huge force, coupled with the invisible power of thought, caused the entire fuselage to fly to the ground like a missile at an astonishing speed.

"Shet! I've offended someone. As for pointing the finger at me every time? Can't there be someone else?" Looking at the helicopter flying towards him, Nixon couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Seeing this scene, almost everyone on the scene held their breath. While their pupils were dilated, their heartbeats could not help but speed up.

At this moment, a majestic figure rose from the ground.

"It's another mutant!" Everyone exclaimed and saw the mutant stretching out his hands as if to intercept the oncoming helicopter.

"Holy Gift Crab, oh my God!"

Nixon and others actually saw that the motherland people actually hugged the head of the helicopter with both hands, and did not even take a step back under the huge impact.

"He is simply a god-like existence." Camille, with a shocked expression, immediately expressed everyone's thoughts.

In the sky, after Xia Shang saw that his attack was blocked by the people of his motherland, he did not speak, but left directly with Mystique.

"That guy is finally gone." Nixon looked at Xia Shang who left and breathed a long sigh of relief. Damn it, the president of the United States is indeed a high-risk profession. After lamenting his difficulty, he immediately looked at The motherland who held up the helicopter.

Under the admiration of everyone, Xia Shang slowly landed with the helicopter to the ground. Then, he first pulled out the palm that was stuck in the steel plate, and then walked to the hatch to check the injuries of the special police officers inside.

Although the helicopter was intercepted by him in time and did not crash, the SWAT officers were still stunned by the impact. Fortunately, they were wearing helmets, otherwise they might not have survived the impact.

After checking the injuries, he nodded to Nixon and said, "The people are still alive. Take them to the hospital quickly."

After saying that, he looked up at the sky, then his leg muscles tightened instantly, and he suddenly stepped to the ground, bang! With a muffled sound, he seemed to be carrying a powerful wave of air, rushing towards the sky at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. Soon, his figure streaked across the sky, like a bolt of lightning, leaving a straight white wave in the sky.

There was silence for four or five seconds. The reporters stood up one after another and looked at each other. Come on, how can they still pay attention to the trivial matter of Nixon? Compared with the eavesdropping incident, the two people who just appeared Mutants are the next big hot topic and big news in the United States!


Ten minutes later, Xia Shang took Mystique to Las Vegas, above a bar. This was once the base of the Hellfire Club. However, since the death of the Black Queen, the Hellfire Club was handed over to the White Queen. However, not long after, Magneto was arrested and taken into the Pentagon on suspicion of attacking the President of the United States.

The other mutants under his command, except for Mystique, were all captured and turned into experimental consumables.

As for Mystique, she has been wandering around the United States for a period of time. Due to the special nature of her abilities, the U.S. government has launched many arrest operations, but none of them were successful until last year when she publicly assassinated Dr. Truss at a press conference. , was caught on the spot, and has since been reduced to a living specimen to be slaughtered.

According to the development of the original plot, Mystique escaped from the US military laboratory more than 20 years later and prepared to kidnap a congressman from the "anti-mutant camp".

[Congratulations to the player for significantly changing the original plot and gaining 1,300 fantasy points]

[The current player’s fantasy value is: 18500]

"Half a month ago, I bought this place for three million U.S. dollars and renamed it the Walt Club." Xia Shang put his hand on Mystique's shoulder and teleported to the corner of the bar.

Then, he looked at the handcuffs on Mystique, and saw that the steel handcuffs were torn from the middle in an instant and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

"Who are you? Why are you saving me?" Mystique glanced at the bar. The surroundings were filled with the noise of rock music and drinkers. In addition, there was a thick smell of tobacco in the air, which was very familiar. It felt like she had been to this bar many times before she was caught.

"you guess?"

Xia Shang smiled, took out a vinyl disc from the cabinet next to him, and put it on an ancient music machine. After a while, a piece of melodious country music came from it. Outflow.

Mystique frowned slightly and thought for a moment. Soon, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes and she said excitedly: "Did Magneto send you here?"

"Why not Charles?"

As soon as Xia Shang finished speaking, Mystique shook her head, "It's possible for anyone, except him."

"You know Charles quite well." He waved to the waitress, and Xia Shang ordered two cups of free purified water.

"Charles would not choose to be an enemy of the U.S. government, so it is impossible for him to send someone to rescue me." Mystique asked for a glass of whiskey and took a sip. The obviously hot and smooth liquid filled her mouth. Became extremely bitter.

"Thank you." Xia Shang took the glass from the waitress and nodded with a smile.

"Hope you enjoy your time."

The waitress with a hot figure glanced at Mystique and saw that she had a female companion and she was quite beautiful, so she wisely turned around and left.

"Now can you answer my previous question?" Mystique drank the wine in the glass and then stared at Xia Shang.

She didn't believe that the other party would save her for no reason.

"First of all, your last boss Magneto is currently imprisoned at the bottom of the Pentagon. Unless someone rescues him, he will have to be imprisoned for at least ten or twenty years. Secondly, the reason why I rescued you is because in my opinion , barely of some use value, although your ability is very weak, you can still come in handy occasionally."

After listening to Xia Shang's words, Mystique vaguely felt that the other party was not a kind person, so she asked: "What do you want me to do?"

"Help me steal the experimental data and related documents related to the Sentinel Project, or destroy them directly."

"Of course, I will send someone to accompany you." Xia Shang put down the water glass and clapped his hands.

I saw a black man wearing blue goggles walking out of the shadows and coming to the two of them. (End of chapter)

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