Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 400 Big news! Newspapers sold out!

"Let me introduce, this is one of the members of the Walt Club, a super-speed locomotive." Xia Shang raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he spoke. He believed that the locomotive himself would not have any objection to his imitation. Of course, , the grass on the grave is estimated to be three meters high, and I can't express any opinions.

"One of the members? Are there other mutants in the other party's club?"

Mystique's mood at the moment can be described as quite complicated. She originally thought that after being hunted by the government, there were only a few mutants surviving in the world. She even pessimistically believed that mutants were about to become extinct.

Especially after learning about the government's Sentinel Project, her premonition became stronger and stronger, so she took the risk of being arrested to assassinate Dr. Truss, because she knew very well that if the Sentinel Project was allowed to proceed smoothly, If we continue, more mutants will be caught and killed in the future!

Therefore, in order to save the future of mutants, she resolutely chose to kill Dr. Truss in an attempt to avoid future troubles. However, she did not expect that the development of things deviated from what she expected.

After being captured, the government did not kill her, but instead conducted various human experiments on her, all of which were related to the Sentinel robot. At that time, she knew that she had failed to stop the Sentinel Project and instead became a member of the Sentinel Project. accomplice.

When she thought about how she almost ruined the future of mutants because of her impulsiveness, a trace of remorse flashed in Mystique's eyes.

"Thank you for saving me. Can I know your name?"

Mystique looked at Xia Shang and said in a sincere tone.

To be honest, she really didn't expect that there was actually an unknown group of mutants hiding in the United States, and that they even exposed themselves in order to save her.

"Billy, you can also call me Massacre."

Xia Shang smiled.

"Slaughter, I have never heard of the Vought Club before, how did you know about me?" Mystique asked puzzledly. Before assassinating Dr. Trask, she had sneaked into Trask Industries and read about the Sentinels. Plan information, and learned from it that, except for Magneto, Charles and Hank, all the mutants of that year were killed.

Logically speaking, except for the above three people, no one knows her identity, and no one will take huge risks to rescue her from the government.

"Locomotive, bring me a newspaper from 1973." Xia Shang said to the locomotive.

"Hold on."

The figure of the locomotive disappeared from the noisy bar in an instant, followed by the exclamations of many drinkers. They seemed to feel a strong wind blowing around them, and some ladies' skirts were even blown up.

In just a blink of an eye, the locomotive appeared at its original location with the newspaper.

"So fast!" Mystique felt that the locomotive in front of her didn't seem to have moved, and a newspaper suddenly appeared in his hand.

"There's a special area for stacking newspapers in the bar, so he can be so fast."

Xia Shang took the newspaper delivered by the clone and handed it to Mystique, who looked surprised.

"Assassinate Truss in public. You were a celebrity back then. Not to mention mutants, even many ordinary people knew you."

Looking at the newspaper in her hand, Mystique frowned at first, and then said in horror: "The people actually regard us mutants as demons and dangerous terrorists!"

"As you can see, after you killed Dr. Truss, public opinion was completely out of control. All mutants, good and evil, were beaten to death with one shot and became public enemies." Compared with Mystique, Xia Shang His reaction seemed very calm, "You should find out for yourself what happened during this period. I have something else to do. If you have any questions, you can ask the locomotive."

After that, he stood up and walked out of the bar.

Mystique read the newspaper back and forth two or three times, and felt a sigh of relief in her heart. Maybe her original action was a huge mistake. If she hadn't killed Truss, it would have been impossible to completely push mutants into the opposition of humans. .

"Where are the other newspapers? Can you take me there?"

"follow me."


Sure enough, the news that mutants attacked the White House spread to the entire United States at the speed of a virus. After learning that a mutant almost killed the president, public opinion in the United States was in an uproar.

At the same time, the Weiss Daily News, which completely recorded the entire incident and included pictures, sold out of stock within just a few hours of its release. It can even be said that it is almost impossible to find one on the market.

And this time the U.S. government did not suppress Weiss Daily News, but instead added fuel to the fire behind it.

Seeing the booming sales of Weiss Daily, the Washington Post and other newspapers' eyes turned red with envy, as if they had pink eye.

At this time, the office of the president of Weiss Newspaper was extremely lively. Editors-in-chief and bosses of other newspapers kept coming to visit Xia Shang. Some wanted to get some materials from Xia Shang, and some even spent a lot of money to try to acquire them. Weiss Newspapers.

After all, the big families behind the newspapers were not fools. They had already sensed the change in the news.

Originally, the U.S. government had a very firm attitude towards mutants. Any newspaper that dared to write about mutants would be warned or banned immediately. But now it is different. The U.S. government's attitude seems to have changed subtly.

This means that Weiss Newspapers, which owns the Mutant Weekly, will be the first newspaper to try something new, and therefore has unimaginable commercial value.

"Mr. Jervis, this price is not low, 35 million US dollars, only 49% of your shares. As a recently rising newspaper, my boss, Warren Buffett, is quite sincere. "

Haka, the manager of Hathaway Company, was sitting on the sofa opposite Xia Shang, holding a document in his hand.

"Sorry, let alone 49% of the shares, even if it is 1%, I don't want to sell it."

It has to be said that the financial tycoon has a very strong sense of business and moves very fast. Just three days after the White House incident, he sent someone to find Xia Shang.

"Do you want to stop thinking about it?" Haka smiled professionally. After all, 35 million US dollars was not a small amount of money, and he did not believe that the other party was not moved at all.

"When I have time, I will visit Mr. Buffett in person, and I will have a detailed discussion with him then."

Buffett is thinking about Xia Shang's Weiss newspaper, but Xia Shang is not thinking about the Washington Post in his hands.

"This is really good news. I believe Mr. Buffett will definitely want to meet you, a rookie in the newspaper industry." Although the other party did not sign the acquisition agreement on the spot, Haka was very satisfied with the current result. In his opinion, Xia Shang was very happy. I probably agreed, but I just wanted to raise the price a little more. (End of chapter)

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