Seeing Xia Shang smile and say nothing, Haka wisely stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Jervis, I won't disturb you anymore. I wish you a happy life."


Xia Shang immediately looked at Camille beside him and said in a calm tone: "Please send this gentleman off, and then tell the people queuing outside that Weiss Newspaper is not considering selling shares for the time being. If they come to ask for material, Yes, just take them to the editorial department. After all, our newspaper’s influence is limited, so it’s not a bad thing to choose to cooperate with other newspapers.”

"Understood." Camille knew clearly that the boss was going to leave some soup for other newspaper offices after eating the meat.

It has to be said that this approach can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It can not only show the generosity of their Weiss newspapers, but also use the influence of those newspapers themselves to once again expand the reputation of the motherland.

You must know that nowadays, the Motherland is a golden sign of the Vis Daily. In the previous issues of the Vis Daily, many heroic deeds about the Motherland have been recorded. In other words, once the Motherland becomes popular, the maintenance Sri Lanka Daily will also become popular.

"Mr. Haka, please follow me."

Afterwards, Kamil took Haka and walked out of the office.


On the other side, a symposium on mutants is being held in the government conference hall of the White House.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, President Nixon glanced around and then said with a serious expression: "Everyone knows the problems facing the United States now. Just a few days ago, mutants massacred and openly attacked the White House. center and successfully rescued Mystique.

In this process, not only was my life threatened, but the prestige of the U.S. government was also reduced to a freezing point. "

"Nowadays, public opinion that is unfavorable to the government is arousing among the people. It seems that in the eyes of the people, how can a country that cannot even guarantee the safety of the president protect their personal safety."

Nixon's voice was sonorous and powerful, causing the Secretary of Defense, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security and others present to silently lower their gazes.

“So the top priority right now is how to resolve the current public opinion crisis. This is just my personal opinion.

That is to create a company specifically designed to manage and guide mutants. As for the person in charge of the company, I haven't thought of a suitable candidate yet. "

"Mr. President, I think this approach is inappropriate. In doing so, I am not giving in to the mutants, and I am afraid it will increase their arrogance." Defense Minister Herman O'Hara said with an ugly face.

"That company must not be established in the name of the government. Otherwise, if word spreads, I, Nixon, will not be able to afford to lose face."

Nicholson frowned and continued:

"Do you have a better way to solve the uneasiness in the hearts of the people? Oh, by the way, unless you can kill that mutant named Carnage." He sneered, looked at Defense Secretary O'Hara, and said sarcastically : "It has been three days since the White House incident. Have you found any traces of Massacre? Besides, even if you can locate the location of Massacre, who are you going to send to kill him?

For a mutant who possesses astonishing destructive power and can fly faster than the speed of sound, all I can think of is to use another mutant to deal with him. "

"A native of the motherland?" O'Hara said subconsciously.

The people of the motherland have been very popular recently, and his name has even become a popular word. In addition, many people regard him as the patron saint of the United States. O'Hara naturally sneers at this phenomenon, but he cannot What is denied is that this guy's strength, according to the analysis of internal personnel of the Security Bureau, is likely to exceed that of Mutant Massacre.

Its level of danger is even higher than that of Magneto, and the reason is very simple. Not only does this guy move super fast, but his defense is also ridiculously strong. He can easily catch a helicopter that weighs several tons and is moving at high speed.

This means that conventional weapons may not be able to cause any harm to the people of the motherland. It is like a walking nuclear warhead. This is the evaluation given to the people of the motherland by the Security Bureau.

"Yes, from another perspective, we are lucky. Although he has not clearly stated that he is on the side of our government, he has explained his attitude with actions. I believe that as soon as the company is established, he will Was the first mutant to join.”

At this time, Nixon could see obvious concerns on everyone's faces.

Obviously, they still reject and hate mutants in their hearts.

In order to dispel their concerns, Nixon said with a cold look: "Of course, this is just a delaying tactic by the government. It will first use the people of the motherland to delay or kill the massacre, and then secretly continue to develop drugs and weapons that can restrain mutants. In short, in Before drugs and weapons are developed, we must turn them into tools in our hands, and when they are no longer useful, we can discard them at will."

Yes, this is in line with the proper tone. O'Hara and other senior officials raised their heads and raised the corners of their mouths slightly.

"I agree with this plan." One of them said, raising his right hand.

"What if mutants develop?"

The director of the Security Bureau was a little worried.

He always felt that this behavior was a bit like raising tiger cubs. If the cubs mature one day, they might turn around and bite the US government.

"Oh, as far as I know, they mutants are not united within themselves. For example, Magneto is locked up at the bottom of the Pentagon. This guy is a complete anti-government element. His philosophy is destined to stand with the people of the motherland. Their opposites are each other’s enemies.” Nixon sneered.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I agree." The security director slowly raised his right hand.

"And I."

"Me too……"

Nixon looked around, and after seeing more than half of the people raising their hands, the boulder in his heart finally fell.

"Seven to six, the plan is passed."

After the meeting, Nixon, accompanied by security personnel, came to the Pentagon.

"Give him the photos of the massacre and ask him if he has seen this person. By the way, find out whether the massacre has anything to do with Charles."

After taking the photo, a guard nodded, "Okay, Mr. President, but if he asks about the massacre, how should I answer?"

"Answer normally, no need to hide it."

Later, under the leadership of the staff, Nicholson walked into the monitoring room, where Magneto's every move was monitored in real time on the ancient electronic screen.

"Mr President."

The initially listless white security guard jumped up from his seat like a spring when he saw Nixon pushing the door open. He put his right hand in front of his eyebrows and saluted loudly. (End of chapter)

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