Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 402 Magneto: Where did this guy come from?

At this time, other staff members in the control room, like the former, took off their earphones and saluted Nixon.

"Yes." Nicholson nodded with a normal expression, and then waved for everyone to sit down. He came here this time mainly to see if Magneto recognized Mutant Massacre.

Since the two men had similar styles of doing things and both had attacked the president, he had reason to suspect that the massacre was probably something that had slipped through the net during the previous eradication of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

"Which one of Magneto's surveillance pictures here is there?" Nicholson glanced around the monitors in the room. There must be at least thirty or forty surveillance pictures here, covering basically every corner of the Pentagon.

"Mr. President, it's all on this wall." One of the staff members said.

After hearing this, Nixon walked over and asked, "Is there anything wrong with his performance recently?"

"Everything is normal. We strictly follow the requirements and prohibit anyone from bringing metal products near the confinement room where Magneto is held."

"Very good." Nikeson lowered his hands lightly and stood behind the staff, looking intently at Magneto in the surveillance screen.

On the other side, the guard holding the photo saw Magneto in isolation after passing through the metal detection gate.

"This guy is really laid-back." The guard looked through the glass at Magneto, who was lying on the floor taking a nap.

Magneto had already noticed the arrival of the guards, but he didn't care. "It seems it's not time to eat yet. Isn't it a little early to come now?"

"I'm not here to deliver food to you." The guard came to a long hole and put the photo in. "See if you recognize the person in the photo."

"Not interested in."

The photo floated along the concrete pipe to Magneto's head, but Magneto didn't even glance at it. He just rested his head with one hand and turned sideways to change his sleeping position.

"I advise you to keep an attitude, otherwise you may be hungry for the next week." Seeing this scene, the guard couldn't help but get angry. They all said that a phoenix in trouble is worse than a chicken. This guy is so unruly that he thinks he is a mutant. Where is the leader?

"It doesn't matter." Compared with ten years ago, Magneto seemed more mature at this time, and the leadership temperament exuded from his body was also stronger.

"Don't you care about the information about Mystique?" Facing this smelly and hard guy at his feet, the guard knew very well what could arouse his interest.


Magneto suddenly opened his eyes, put his hands on the floor, and sat up. His expression became a little ugly, and his voice was low: "Did you catch Mystique?"

As far as he knew, among the Brotherhood of Mutants, only Mystique was still on the loose and had not been caught. Could it be that this only remaining person failed to escape the clutches of the government in the end? Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of self-blame flashed in his eyes.

If he had not chosen to save Kennedy, who was also a mutant, perhaps the Brotherhood of Mutants would not have existed in name only as it does now.

"To be exact, we caught her a year ago." The guard said coldly.

"She must have exposed it herself, otherwise with her ability, your government would not be able to find her even if it has eight eyes."

The guard did not deny what Magneto said, "Yes, a year ago, she publicly assassinated Dr. Truss in front of everyone, and then we caught her on the spot, but I am not here to tell you this. Well, just a few days ago, someone broke into the White House and rescued Mystique."

"What?" Magneto raised his eyebrows, suspecting that he had heard wrongly. Breaking into the White House and rescuing Mystique sounded like a fantasy.

When this matter was mentioned, the guard's face became even more ugly. After all, this matter was particularly disgraceful to the government.

"Haha, interesting. It seems that a great guy has appeared among the mutants." Magneto grinned, with a hint of ridicule in his laughter.

"The person who rescued Mystique is the person in the photo. I advise you to be honest and tell everything you know."

The guard glanced at the surveillance camera. He knew that the president was also paying attention to the situation here.

"Do you suspect that he is a member of my brotherhood?" Magneto was so smart. In just a few words, he analyzed the purpose of the guard's visit. He showed a rare smile in ten years and reached out to pick up the photo on the side. , and looked at it carefully.

"Well, he looks quite fierce and looks like a born gangster. What is his superpower? He must be very strong, otherwise he wouldn't be able to kidnap Mystique in front of you."

"Flying at supersonic speeds, controlling flames, controlling metals as if they were like you, and super strong defense that can't even be penetrated by bullets." Every time the guard mentioned an ability, the smile on Magneto's face became stiffer until When the last ability fell, his eyes became even more horrified.

"How is it possible that one person has four abilities?"

He became no longer calm and retorted subconsciously.

Seeing Magneto's mood fluctuate, the guard felt a lot more relieved for some reason. "He is no less dangerous than you. He once promised to carry out indiscriminate massacres in the United States. Therefore, his nickname is Massacre."

"Where did this guy come from? Are all the mutants out there so strong?" Looking at the photo in his hand, Magneto felt huge waves in his heart.

But before he could finish digesting this shocking news, the guard immediately dropped another bombshell.

"He originally wanted to assassinate Mr. President like you, but he was stopped by another mutant."


Magneto blurted out, after all, he could think of the only person who could stop that guy, Charles.

However, he saw the guard slowly shake his head.

"It's not Charles, but a guy named Patriarch. He's stronger than Carnage. At least Carnage doesn't dare to have a head-on confrontation with him."

hiss! Magneto took a breath, and the horror in his eyes surged wildly. What's going on? He had been imprisoned for ten years, but it felt like a century had passed.

"It seems you don't know either of them." The guard said with some disappointment.

"Damn! How can I escape from here?"

Magneto's desire to escape has never been stronger. He can foresee that if he can take those two mutants under his command, his dream for many years may one day come true.

The most valuable thing for a person is to have hope. But since he was captured and the Brotherhood of Mutants was destroyed, Magneto has completely given up the idea of ​​overthrowing human rule. But now, the long-extinguished thoughts in his heart have begun to resurrect. .

"No, I must find a chance to escape!" (End of Chapter)

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