Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 403 Superhero! The company is open!

Magneto glanced around at the white walls made of concrete. In this pentagonal room of only a dozen square meters, he could not sense the presence of any metal.

Even to prevent him from escaping, the guns of the security personnel outside were all made of plastic. In addition, the prison where he was located was located on the bottom floor of the Pentagon, hundreds of meters above the ground.

This distance means that even if he spreads the magnetic field to the maximum, it will be difficult to sense the metal on the surface. Simply put, Magneto's ability has a certain directivity. If he is given a target, even if it is a satellite antenna several kilometers away , he can also reverse the satellite pot on its top.

But now he is trapped in the prison on the bottom floor, surrounded by plastic, ceramic tiles, concrete and other things that he cannot control. If he wants to escape, he can only keep extending his magnetic field upwards like a tentacle, but This is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack, and even if he senses the presence of metal, it will be difficult to control it to go deep into the ground and rescue himself.

All in all, the reason is that Magneto's ability is not strong enough, or that he has not fully tapped his potential.

"Since you don't know anything, you'd better stay here." The guard stood on the glass, looked at Magneto at his feet, shook his head disdainfully, then turned around and walked out the door.

"Wait for me, do you really think I can't get out?" Magneto said with a cold face, clenching the photos in his hands. At this moment, overwhelming anger surged in his chest, "I have been trapped for ten years, and I can't get out." That’s enough.”

Under the violent emotional fluctuations, an invisible magnetic field, with Magneto as the center, flapped upward and spread like a raging tide!

At this time, some tourists who were visiting the Pentagon noticed something strange. The keys on their waists suddenly shook for some reason, as if there was something under the floor attracting them. In addition, inside the invisible wall, , those criss-crossing steel bars actually made a slight sound that was produced when metal deformed.

"I don't believe it! I can't get out!" Magneto gritted his teeth, turned his hatred into motivation, and frantically activated his own abilities, trying to pull up the entire Pentagon.

You know, in the original plot, he lifted the entire stadium.

However, after a few breaths, he staggered back a few steps due to exhaustion. There was nothing he could do. After all, he was hundreds of meters away from the ground, and the middle was filled with concrete, dirt, etc. Unless his abilities were strengthened by Apocalypse, or The potential explodes to several levels, otherwise it would be almost impossible to shake the Pentagon above.

"If it doesn't work once, just twice, it will always succeed." The massacre and the appearance of the motherland really stimulated the former mutant leader. In Magneto's view, if his ability is not as good as that of his future subordinates, how can he succeed? Can you convince the public? As a leader, isn't he a joke?

Of course, at this time, Nicholson and others did not know what Magneto was thinking. The strange situation just lasted only a few seconds, and was regarded by many people as an illusion.

The presidential car, an extended black Lincoln, is heading towards the White House.

"Based on the changes in Eric's micro-expression, the technical department can basically confirm that he does not know the massacre and the people of the motherland. Mr. President, it seems that our trip was in vain." The guard whispered.

"It's not like running away in vain. Since Eric doesn't know him, he might be Charles's man."

Nicholson frowned slightly, thinking about whether to send someone to monitor Charles.

"By the way, how was your investigation on Jervis?" After the White House incident, he immediately asked his confidants to investigate the contact on the business card. It turned out that it was a company called Weiss Daily. The president of the newspaper, Jervis.

The guard had a gloomy face and slowly shook his head, "We can't find out. Just like the massacre and the people of the motherland, the identity information is blank. I guess they are either stowaways or have had plastic surgery. In short, there are no records in the national database." , no information related to the three of them could be found."

"Have you compared DNA?" Nixon asked.

"Not yet, mainly because we can't collect their blood, hair and other DNA samples."

"Leave this matter to the CIA. They are professionals in this area."


Two months later, a sudden blockbuster news was like a boulder hitting the water, causing countless waves. In an instant, public opinion across the United States was like a ignited dynamite barrel, exploding with a bang!

All of a sudden, countless media reporters swarmed in front of a newly opened company and blocked the door.

"Mr. Jervis, is your company's main business really related to mutants, as the newspaper said? Why did you choose to start a mutant company? As we all know, mutants are different from us humans. They With extraordinary abilities, they are destined to easily stir up some chaos."

One of the tall female reporters with blonde hair and blue eyes struggled to squeeze out of the crowd, then took the microphone and said to Xia Shang on the stage.

"Don't worry, I won't run away." Xia Shang smiled, looked at the female reporter, and invited her to come to him.

"First of all, I can tell you clearly here that the main business of Jer Group is not mutants."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Aren't you kidding us? It's clearly written in your newspaper that Jer Group recruits mutants, and its business is related to mutants." A male reporter said angrily.

"That's right, we came all the way here, and you told me it was an error?"

Facing the condemnation from everyone in the audience, Xia Shang calmly stretched out his hand and pressed it down. Only when the noise slowly subsided did he speak again: "Everyone, I have to correct your views. To be precise, The main business of Jell Company is superheroes, not mutants, please don’t confuse the two.”

"Superhero?" In the crowd, a handsome man wearing a black leather jacket with medium-long hair was playing with a playing card. The playing card with the suit K was like a butterfly fluttering between his fingers. , worn back and forth, it looks quite flexible, as if it has been given life.

"It would be a shame not to go to Las Vegas with your skills."

On the side, a young man with silver hair said with a smile. He looked a bit like a swimmer about to enter the water. He had goggles on his forehead to fix his hair, and he also had a pair of headphones hanging around his neck, which looked very fashionable. .

"What a coincidence, I just came from Las Vegas." The man flicked his fingertips and shot the playing cards into his cuffs instantly. It felt like magic, and the playing cards disappeared in the blink of an eye. (End of chapter)

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