"so cool."

The silver-haired young man's eyes wandered over the man, and he couldn't help but admire him.

"Want to take a gamble? How about black jack?" The man raised his eyebrows and looked at the silver-haired young man, as if looking at a fresh and delicious jackpot. There was no way, who made the air tickets so expensive, just from Las Vegas? The air ticket to Washington, USA, consumed most of his savings.

Although he is a frequent visitor to the casino and his skills are quite decent. He has made a lot of money with his skills over the years, but the saying that you will lose if you gamble for a long time is no joke. Every time he makes some money, he still has to keep warm. The call will be output at a faster speed. Therefore, now he can not be regarded as rich, but also heavily in debt.

This time I came to Washington, USA, not only to see what Agere Company was about, but mainly to avoid creditors and avoid the limelight.

Of course, it would also be wonderful if you could make some money in the process.

"My mother didn't give me any money when I went out." The silver-haired young man shook his head. Since his father mysteriously disappeared more than ten years ago, he and his mother were the only two people left in his family, and he had no job. Basically, he relies on his mother's meager salary to support his family. In addition, he is not very interested in money, so he only has a dozen dollars on him.

He didn't even have money to fly, so he relied on his own ability to sneak into the bathroom of the plane and was taken to Washington. This behavior is commonly known as fare evasion.

"That's such a shame." The man could only suppress his gambling addiction and looked at Xia Shang standing on the steps.

"It's unbelievable that you carry a whole deck of cards with you."

The silver-haired young man suddenly dodged and appeared on the man's right side, with an extra deck of playing cards in his hand.

"Give me the cards back." The young man's actions made the man realize that the other party was also a mutant.


The young man didn't seem to move much, and the playing cards in his hand turned into a driver's license. He opened the document, looked at the photo on it and said, "Remy LeBeau, is this your name?"

Gambit King's eyes instantly darkened, and he said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Were you hired to kill me, or did you say that I owed you money?"

"No, I'm just a nerd interested in games." The young man handed the certificate back to Gambit and said sorry casually.

"If what you say is true, I am Remy LeBeau."

Gambit took his driver's license angrily and stuffed it into his pocket.

"If this were in Las Vegas, I would definitely blow you up into a pile of minced meat." Gambit King hates people touching his things, especially playing cards. He turned over his hand and turned out a king of suit, and then Injecting energy into it, in an instant, the K in his hand glowed slightly red, as if it contained extremely violent energy, and a dangerous aura leaked out.

"Same kind?" The silver-haired young man was not afraid, but instead stared at the poker between Gambit King's fingers with interest.

"What? Your first contact with mutants?"

The card king was a little surprised, and at the same time he could feel that the young man didn't seem to have any hostility towards him, so he put away the poker and hummed.

"I said that I am a nerd. In addition to playing games, I also like to play table tennis alone." The young man retracted his gaze and said to the card king with a smile: "Pietro Django Maximov, you You can call me Pete.”

Little did they know that at this moment, a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old was staring at them with bright eyes.

The young man was wearing a decent white suit with a pale gold pattern embroidered on the collar. What was more special was that there was a slight bulge under the clothes on the young man's back. As soon as he was about to walk towards the two of them, something appeared beside him. Two strong men in black emerged.

"Master, it's very dangerous here. There are government snipers hiding nearby." One of the strong men in black reached out to stop the young man and continued in a low voice: "Your true identity must not be exposed. We suspect it may be A trap set by the government to hunt mutants.”

The young man stopped and frowned slightly.

"Isn't it possible? Doesn't the establishment of Jere Company mean that the government's attitude towards mutants has softened?"

"It's not certain yet. According to intelligence within the family, the government's attitude towards mutants has indeed changed significantly, but this does not mean that they will not attack mutants."

The strong man in black wanted to take the young man away, but under the strong resistance of the young man, he had no choice but to give up.

"Okay, but you can't leave our sight. After all, you are the only heir to me. You must not have any accidents." Several strong men in black, as if facing a formidable enemy, surrounded the young man like iron barrels. Likewise, it attracted a lot of people's attention.

at the same time.

The blond female reporter standing next to Xia Shang asked, "Mr. Jervis, can you explain to us the difference between mutants and superheroes?"


Xia Shang did not sell things at all, saying: "I believe you are all deeply impressed by the incident in the White House that happened some time ago. The occurrence of the massacre means that the personal safety of the American people is in danger. In this increasingly bad environment, if we still As usual, treat mutants with discrimination, exclusion, and even hatred.

Then I believe that there will be more and more mutants like Slaughter in the future. By then, the war between mutants and humans will probably begin completely. Countless happy families will be transformed by the flames of war. Even if we win in the end, it will be meaningless. The dead will not be resurrected, and the living will fall into long and sad pain. "

Many people in the audience nodded in agreement. After all, the Vietnam War was not over yet. Although it was an aggressive war launched by the United States against Vietnam, the haze caused by the war still spread to the heads of ordinary American people.

It is precisely because they have witnessed the tragedy and misfortune of those countries at war that they are even more afraid of war coming to them.

"Is it that serious? After all, mutants only account for a small proportion of us ordinary people." The blonde female reporter frowned.

"Ignoring everything else, just one massacre can provoke chaos in the United States. He has a flying speed comparable to that of a fighter jet, and can even launch fireballs, causing large-scale damage to ground buildings."

Xia Shang knows very well how to create people's need for superheroes, that is to exploit their inner uneasiness and panic. Only in this way will they realize that they need superheroes to protect themselves.

"The man on the stage is right. I don't want to be killed by a sudden fireball while walking on the street."

"I really paid my taxes in vain, and those guys from the government haven't caught the massacre yet." (End of Chapter)

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