Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 405 Please, I am a man who wants to become a superhero

"Who says otherwise? It would be better to give the tax to them than to a dog."

Some people curled their lips and said with disdain that compared to other countries, the American people living in "dire straits" are more aware of their status as taxpayers. After all, in the United States, even if you buy a bottle of water, the label on it Consumption tax is written on it.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that other countries don’t have to pay taxes, it’s just that compared to the United States, they are more hidden.

At this time, Xia Shang on the stage saw Gambit King and others through radio induction. Although their appearances were not exactly the same as those in the movie, they could still recognize them at a glance, "Card King Remy, Quicksilver Pete , and Angel Warren, a young man from Long Island, New York.”

At a glance, Xia Shang saw that in addition to the three of them, there were some unknown mutants. In short, there were no more than ten in number.

For those mutants with unfamiliar faces, Xia Shang tried hard to identify them, but he still couldn't recognize them. However, this was normal. After all, it was impossible to give every mutant a shot in the movie. It can only be said that they looked like most of them. Just like ordinary people, they belong to passerby A, cannon fodder B, gangster C, bandit D...

"Ahem." Xia Shang withdrew his gaze and continued, "To put it simply, mutants like Carnage are always threatening your and my personal safety, and the difference between superheroes and Carnage is that One is America’s guardian and the other is a dangerous terrorist. Today’s America needs superheroes just as Washington needs our countrymen.”

Next, Xia Shang told some heroic deeds about the people of the motherland.

And the people in the audience applauded vigorously for the one hundred dollars they earned every day! Under the guidance of Tuo, the herd effect was vividly displayed, and for a while, there was thunderous applause! And last forever!

On the other side, Deadpool, whose surgery was successful, was sitting in the car, sighing in the mirror.

"Alas, my perfect appearance is just gone. This is definitely a big loss for Hollywood."

"Shet! Can you please stop yelling? It's been two full hours since you shut up last time!" A mercenary under Stryker's banner was tortured all the way and finally couldn't help roaring. .

"Okay, sir, where are we going?" Deadpool, whose appearance had been disfigured, put on a homemade hood that was made by digging two holes in a cloth bag.

"Jer Company, today is their opening day. It is said that their main business is related to mutants. It seems that they want to create some kind of superhero. It is a joke."

The mercenary holding the steering wheel sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

"I understand, isn't it just making trouble? I'm good at this."

Deadpool picked up the handheld grenade launcher next to his seat and started playing with it.

"Be careful, we are using live ammunition this time." Through the rearview mirror, he saw Deadpool playing with the launcher and the mercenary driving the car. His eyelids jumped wildly. He knew very well how powerful this thing was. If it explodes in the car, they will probably have to see God in the next second.

"Don't worry, I can't die anyway."

In the laboratory, Deadpool has seen how terrifying his self-healing ability is. Even if a leg is blown off, it can still grow back.

"You can't die, but I will die, and I'll die in a mess." The mercenary was really angry. "I really don't know why General Stryker sent you to participate in this secret operation. By the way, wait. Please don’t reveal our identities and remember to speak Russian.”

"But what should I do if I don't know how to do it? Can I use sign language?"


The mercenary decided that no matter what Deadpool said next, he would pretend not to hear and ignore it.

After playing with the grenade launcher for a while, Deadpool, who felt bored, threw it aside, then leaned against the car window and said sadly: "Although my self-healing ability is so powerful that no one can kill me, at the same time I have also lost trouble……"

Seeing a glimpse of Deadpool who looked like a resentful woman, the mercenary's mouth twitched a few times.

About ten minutes later, they parked the car on the side of the road, and under the horrified eyes of others, they rushed towards Xia Shang's location with guns in hand.

"Remember, after destroying the Agere Company, leave directly. I want the American people to know that the Agere Company cannot even protect themselves, and the so-called superheroes are worse than jokes." The mercenary led by the leader, under the mask, He showed a cruel and ferocious smile.

At the same time, after being interviewed by reporters, Xia Shang was preparing to announce the company's official opening. However, the crowd in the audience became chaotic.

"Terrorists, how can there be terrorists here?" People were horrified to see mercenaries armed with grenade launchers barging in unscrupulously, threatening them in Russian and squatting down with their heads in their hands.

The sudden change caught everyone by surprise.

"It's over. I should have known I shouldn't have come to join in the fun." A man squatted on the ground holding his head and crying without tears, hoping that the gangsters would let him go.

"J...Mr. Jervis, let's leave quickly."

The blonde female reporter was so frightened that her face turned pale and her voice trembled.

Facing the intruding gangsters, Xia Shang remained as calm as ever, but his tone gradually became colder: "It's a small scene, don't be nervous, the chaos will end soon."

In fact, he had known for a long time that there were government snipers hiding around him. At first, he didn't know what these people were here for. Now he understood that the government was still unwilling to allow mutants to have a status above them, so That would make Stryker send people to carry out terrorist attacks.

In this way, if successful, the reputation of Jere Company will be discredited, and he is sure that after the government kills those terrorists, they will definitely stand up and claim credit immediately. Even if he finds Nixon later, the latter will most likely die. The duck said harshly that it was just an accident.

"If you want to cause trouble, you have to consider whether you have the ability." Xia Shang finished speaking.

A powerful figure suddenly appeared above everyone's heads. The cloak behind the figure undulated slightly as the breeze blew.

"Ancestor... from the motherland?" Deadpool, who was standing behind the mercenary, subconsciously raised his head and saw the other man's brown-black pupils turning into deep red, as if flames were about to flow out.

Deadpool suddenly felt his scalp numb and rushed aside.

The moment he jumped out, two red lasers, like divine punishment, cut open the body of the mercenary in front of him like a hot knife cutting into butter. The mercenary didn't even react. His body was like a burst of fireworks, exploding with a bang.

"Wardfa?" Deadpool rolled over, and while standing up, he pulled out the two long knives behind him.

"Damn, how can this guy be so strong?"

The mercenary holding a grenade launcher approached Deadpool and said with an ugly expression.

"Are you sure you can kill him?" The mercenary looked at Deadpool with a rather urgent tone.

Poof! A sharp flash of sword light flashed before his eyes, and then he felt as if he was flying. No, that headless corpse looked so familiar.

"Hmph! Damn terrorist." Deadpool shook off the blood on the blade, then pointed at the body on the ground with the tip of the knife, and said righteously: "Am I familiar with you? Please, I am a man who wants to become a superhero. "(End of chapter)

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