Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 406 The only word in my eyes is loyalty!

Sure enough, Deadpool, who Stryker had high hopes for and regarded as an X weapon, rebelled in an extremely smooth manner.

"Wade! You son of a bitch!"

Compared to the people of the motherland who killed the team members, Deadpool, who had no professional ethics at this moment and rebelled on the spot, made the mercenaries present even more angry.

"I'm not on the same side as you." Deadpool held two slender Japanese swords, sprinted, and slashed at them with the swords. Then when he got close to the other party, he whispered: "Idiot, what am I doing? He is defrauding the trust of the people of the motherland, and when he flies to me, I will kill him with a knife."

After hearing this, the leading mercenary said in the same low voice while avoiding the incoming attack: "Wade, I believe you for the last time. If you dare to betray us, General Stryker will never let you go." Pass you."

"Understood." Deadpool nodded slightly and accelerated his slashing speed.

Poof! Under the disbelieving gaze of the mercenary captain, Deadpool sent the blade into the chest of a mercenary with his backhand, and stirred it a few times.

"You sure don't have the truth in your mouth!"

Realizing that he had been deceived, the mercenary captain was so angry with Deadpool that his brain was congested. He raised his gun and roared at Wade: "Shet! Kill this son of a bitch first!"

For a moment, all the mercenaries present turned their guns and frantically pulled the triggers on Deadpool.

"Da da da da..." Brass-colored bullets shot out from the tongue of flames.

"A little impatience will ruin a big plan, Captain, I am doing this to make the play more realistic." Deadpool shouted.

The leader of the mercenary turned pale and yelled, "Fuck you!"

Facing the hail of bullets, Deadpool stood on the spot, holding two knives and waving them in front of him. Amidst the afterimages, the long knives in his hands were like high-speed rotating fan blades, seeming to deflect the incoming bullets. Keep them all out.

"That guy is a bit fierce." Gambit not far away couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing Deadpool's superb swordsmanship.

"I don't think the situation is very optimistic."

Quicksilver clearly saw that the bullet passed through Deadpool's knife wind, and then shot through the opponent's body while bringing up a handful of blood flowers.

But what surprised him was that Deadpool, who was clearly shot in the fatal part, did not fall down, but continued to play with the long knife in his hand as if nothing happened. Such a strange performance made him temporarily give up on saving people. thoughts.

The fierce gunfire lasted for less than eight seconds before ending abruptly.

Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's reloading, Deadpool lowered his swords like a master, looked at the mercenaries, and said forcefully: "What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger."

It's just that when he said this, the wounds on his body were bleeding out, which seemed a bit inconsistent.

Obviously, Deadpool himself was aware of this. He looked down at the combat uniform stained red with blood, and curled his lips and said: "It seems that I have to wear red clothes next time, otherwise everyone can see that I am injured. "

"Retreat!" After venting their anger, the mercenaries' minds became slightly clearer. They were about to take the hostages and leave, but they found that everyone around them had fled and there was an open space.

"You just said you wanted to be a superhero?"

A voice sounded from the air. Deadpool looked up and found that the owner of the voice was looking at him.

"Well... I may be super, but I'm definitely not..."

Before Deadpool could finish his words, two red laser beams smashed the mercenaries in front of him into pieces.

Looking at the broken limbs scattered on the ground, Deadpool swallowed hard.

At this time, the motherland patted him on the shoulder from behind, "But it must not be anything?"

"That's right! My dream since I was a child is to become a superhero, dear Mr. Motherland." Deadpool took a step, turned around neatly, then raised his right hand with a very pious expression and put it in front of his eyebrows, his voice was sonorous and powerful. road.

At this moment, it seems that there are only two words in his eyes, loyalty!

Because the mercenaries died so suddenly, some people at the scene didn't even react. It wasn't until they saw the bodies on the ground that they were sure that those dangerous elements had been killed by the motherland.

"It's incredible. The people of the motherland are really as strong as what was written in the newspaper." With the backbone of the people of the motherland, the people present no longer trembled or sweated, and even their breathing seemed to become smoother. .


"If you want to join us, introduce yourself first." After dealing with the mercenaries, the people of the motherland walked towards Xia Shang.

Deadpool followed behind him and began to introduce himself:

"I'm Wade Wilson, you can call me Wade, or Deadpool. Deadpool is my nickname, which comes from a betting agreement between me and someone, that despicable, sanctimonious, renegade, old-age inaction After the gambling agreement ended, he owed me two hundred thousand U.S. dollars, and he hasn’t even paid me a cent yet."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Deadpool became furious.

"That guy is definitely a worm in the United States, a shameless and despicable embezzler. To deal with such a person, he should be taken to a military court and sentenced to three to four hundred years, or simply sentenced to death." He was filled with indignation and chattered.

"That villain actually wants to use that money to control me. How could I be fooled by him? However, the money is mine after all. I will get it back sooner or later. The nickname Deadpool is just to prevent me from getting it back." I just forgot about it."

"Are you in the same group as those guys just now?" the native said calmly as he walked away.

"Mr. Motherland, you don't know how miserable I was there."

Deadpool tried to squeeze out a few tears to support his misery, but in the end, he failed. Well, wanting to shed tears for a second like those chicks is really not Wade's strong point.

"How miserable is it?" asked the motherland.

"It's miserable anyway, inhumanely miserable."

Deadpool originally planned to add fuel to the fire and make a big statement, but sadly found that being miserable didn't seem to be his strong point.

"It seems that I need to strengthen my practice in this area in the future. After all, being miserable and crying are two powerful tools to capture the heart of a beautiful woman." Deadpool thought to himself.

On the stage, Xia Shang looked at the blonde female reporter and smiled: "I said, the chaos will end soon."

The female reporter, who had not recovered yet, nodded reflexively.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was a little distracted just now." The female reporter, who seemed to have just woken up from a dream, was stunned for a moment, and then quickly apologized to Xia Shang.

"By the way, how did you know Mr. Motherland would show up?" she asked curiously.

Could it be... A light flashed in her eyes, as if she smelled the big news. (End of chapter)

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