Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 407 The Deadpool who abandoned darkness and turned to light! The second superhero!

"Because..." Xia Shang deliberately prolonged his tone, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at the approaching people of the motherland, and said loudly: "Just yesterday afternoon, at 3:05, the patron saint of Washington, the respected motherland Mr. Ren decided to join Jere Company and become a member of the superheroes, and he is also the first superhero of our Jere Company!"

"Oh my God!" The blond female reporter covered her mouth in shock. She didn't expect that she guessed it right. The people of the motherland had indeed become the superheroes of Jie Er Company.

"Everyone, where did the applause go?"

Xia Shang smiled and looked at the people in the audience who were as if they were petrified.

A few seconds later, a young man with a scar on his face in the crowd took the lead in applauding. With fanatical eyes, he raised his hands above his head and cheered loudly: "Well-deserved, the people of the motherland are well-deserved superheroes. It was he who saved the world." All of us!”

Xia Shang felt that the young man looked familiar. He seemed to have seen him somewhere. Oh, it turned out to be the guy who worked as a security guard in the bank before.

Immediately afterwards, thunderous applause broke out from the audience.

Under the blazing eyes of everyone, the people of the motherland walked calmly to the podium, and in an instant, applause broke out again.

At this moment, the motherland is the most perfect savior image in the hearts of the people at the scene. When he kills the mercenaries with his laser eyes, what people see is not a mutant, but a real person from the mythical story. Come out God!

"God, will he be your incarnation in the world?" A religious believer clasped his hands together with great excitement and looked at the people of the motherland with pious eyes.

Perhaps it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the mood of religious believers at this time. To him, the people of the motherland seem to have descended into the world, the jealous judges in the Old Testament.

"He shouldn't be called a superhero. It's an insult to him, but he is kind and doesn't seem to care about it."

When the applause subsided, the people of the motherland took the microphone from Xia Shang and said simply and clearly: "Superhero is not only a title, but also a responsibility. From today on, I will officially become a member of the superheroes. "

His speech was brief, but his voice was particularly powerful.

"Jer Company welcomes you, Mr. Motherland." Xia Shang smiled and nodded, and then shook hands with the Motherland in front of the camera.

He did not intend to portray the people of the motherland into the same image as in the black robe, but felt that the concept of gods on earth was more suitable for the current people of the motherland.

Bang bang bang! !

Amidst fierce applause, Xia Shang announced that the opening ceremony was successfully concluded.


"You damn Wade! I'll have to kill you sooner or later!"

A few days later, in a military base embedded in the mountain, a man in military uniform with a ferocious expression roared angrily at the Weiss Daily in his hand.

His face seemed to have turned a purple-red color similar to pig liver due to anger, and veins popped out on his neck.

Stryker swore that no one had ever made him so angry, but Deadpool did it. This guy's character was worse than a bitch. Even using the word bitch to describe Deadpool was an insult to bitches. It's an insult for a bitch. At least she has some professional ethics before she pulls up her pants.

"Fake Squid! Son of a bitch..." Stryker was like a machine gun, spewing out a string of greetings to Deadpool's relatives.

The root cause of Stryker's anger stemmed from a color photo in the newspaper.

In the photo, Deadpool is wearing a sexy red tights suit, standing next to Xia Shang, and giving a thumbs up to the camera.

In addition, the caption above the photo is: "Deadpool turns the dark side into the bright side! The second superhero of Jer's company!"

"Captain Stryker, Logan wants to see you for something." Fred opened the door and walked into the office.

"Let him wait, I still have things to deal with."

Stryker suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a livid expression.

Needless to say, Logan must be looking for him because of Victor, but now Stryker would not dare to let Logan go to Washington to avenge Victor.

What if, like Deadpool, Meat Bun beats the dog - and never comes back? After all, Logan, who is fused with Adamantium alloy, is currently the strongest combat force under his command.

"Okay, I'll tell him right now." Fedeli, sensing that Stryker was in a bad mood, turned around wisely and walked out of the office.

At the same time, Logan, who had just finished fusing Adamantium alloy, was looking at the brand new metal steel claw.

"It looks pretty good, but I don't know how powerful it is."

He tried to pierce the steel claw into the wall, but before he started exerting force, the extremely sharp claw tip sank into the concrete wall.

It was so silky that Logan didn't seem to feel any resistance.

Then, he swung hard and instantly made three deep claw marks on the wall.

"Incredible." Logan raised his hands and looked at the six steel claws protruding from his fingers. His expression became a little weird, as if he couldn't believe that his old friend who had been with him for more than a hundred years could one day be completely transformed. , incredibly strong.

Clang! When the steel claws collided with each other, there was a crisp sound and dazzling sparks spattered outward.

At this time, Fred found Logan and said, "The captain is temporarily busy and doesn't have time to see you. You'd better wait patiently."

"How long?" Logan put away his steel claws and frowned.

"I don't know. He hasn't been in a good mood recently. The guy Deadpool betrayed him." Fred shrugged, feeling a little gloating.

"When did this happen?"

Logan didn't seem to be surprised at all by Deadpool's betrayal. This guy usually looked unconventional. It was reasonable and expected that he would betray Stryker.

What's more, Deadpool joined Team X just to cure his cancer. Now that the cancer problem is basically solved, he will naturally not stay in the team.

"Just this morning, he joined the Jell Company and became a superhero just like the people of the motherland."

"Superhero?" Logan felt that putting this word on Deadpool was not quite inconsistent, but also extremely abrupt.


Fred paused and lowered his voice: "As a friend, I have to remind you that the people of the motherland are not that easy to deal with. You are like a living target in front of him. He can use laser eyes in the air." Cut you into pieces.”

He knew that Logan wanted to avenge Victor, but sometimes reality was so cruel. When a mutant who couldn't fly faced another mutant who could fly, the former was destined to suffer.

"How do you know if he is easy to deal with if you haven't tried it?" Six steel claws suddenly popped out from between Logan's fingers, and under the light, they glowed like silver.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I will resign in a while. A friend contacted me and wanted me to box. It is said that the salary is very high, and the opponents are all rookies." (End of Chapter)

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