Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 408 Leave the base! Deadpool review!

After Fred finished speaking, he touched his stomach. Yes, he had just finished breakfast and was hungry again.

"The food at the base is still the same garbage as always. It's just a few slices of bread with bacon. I couldn't eat it for half an hour." Fred couldn't help complaining, "I really don't know where Stryker spent his budget. , is it difficult to add pork knuckles to breakfast?"

"So is this why you resigned?" Logan looked at Fred up and down, feeling that this guy seemed to have gained weight again, "In just a few years, you have gone from a burly mercenary to a I’m a regular customer at KFC. By the way, don’t you exercise? You need to pay attention to body management.”

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Fred's eyes flashed with an imperceptible light, and then his face darkened and he said with an ugly expression: "You mean to say that I am fat?"

You know, he hates it when people point fingers at his figure, not even Logan.

"Don't get me wrong..." Before Logan could finish his words, he saw a fist the size of a sandbag hit him.


The punch coming towards his face meant that Fred was showing his true strength.

"That's not true, can this also excite you?" Logan turned sideways, dodged the incoming fist, and looked at Fred in shock, "What the hell did you do wrong? I didn't mock you. you."

"It's not okay to call me fat!" Fred's eyes were red, like an angry brown bear.

With a loud bang, he punched the wall. The wall made of poured concrete could not withstand such a heavy blow. A hole several centimeters deep was directly punched out. You could even see a slight hole inside. Twisted steel structure, it is obvious that there is a load-bearing wall behind Logan.

"If you really care so much, then I take back what I just said."


Fred was like a disorganized boxer, completely ignoring defense and only focusing on attacking.

"If you don't stop, then I will have to fight back." Logan, who had dodged several attacks in succession, was gradually filled with anger, although some of the words he said may have unintentionally hit Fred's sore spot. , but there is no need to hold on to this misunderstanding.

At this time, he was forced to press his back against the wall, facing the roaring fists, and it was almost impossible to escape.

"Fuck you!" Wolverine Logan put away his steel claws while punching out his right fist. Otherwise, the steel claws would be sharp enough to pierce Fred's fist.

However, Fred had no intention of appreciating Logan's kindness at all. In his opinion, the little friendship between him and Logan had been used up when he reminded him to be careful about his motherland.

"I'm afraid this guy has something wrong with his brain." Logan thought to himself.

boom! The moment the fists of the two parties came into contact, the opponent's huge force made Logan feel uncomfortable. His right arm that he swung out seemed to have hit a bulldozer.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slight click on his shoulder. Logan, who was experienced in combat, immediately realized that his right shoulder was dislocated. So, he turned sideways without hesitation and witnessed Fred's strength. The reduced fist slammed into the wall.

Seeing this, Logan's face turned cold, and his eyes showed the brutality of a beast. He rushed out in one stride, came to Fred, and then used his left hand with the steel claw to stab Fred at extremely fast speed. chin.

It seemed that the next second, blood would spurt out from Fred's wound.

"Stop!" A shout came from afar.

At this critical moment when Fred was about to die, Logan controlled his killing intent and stopped the tip of his extremely sharp claw less than one centimeter away from Fred's skin.

"How long have you been planning to coax us? Logan, please put away your claws."

Stryker walked quickly towards the two of them. After all, he did not want to see bloodshed in the base.

"I didn't intend to kill him in the first place." Logan looked coldly and took a step back. At the same time, the exposed steel claws swished into the back of his hand.

Fred, who almost died, did not speak, but nodded towards Stryker.

"You, Fred, write me a review right away, or get out of the base." Stryker, who was already in a bad mood, was now even worse. His entire face was filled with anger. Cyan, with anger flashing in his eyes.

"Sorry, I quit."

Fred glanced at Logan meaningfully, and then said: "In this base, there is me without him, and there is him without me."

"Okay, okay."

Stryker, who was extremely angry and laughing, pointed at Fred: "Get out! Get out of the base now, and I will have someone pay your retirement fee to your account."

"Since you chose to let Logan stay, I have nothing to say." Fred turned and left without hesitation, like a brown bear who successfully stole honey, with a hint of joy in his heavy footsteps.

He is not a fool. If he doesn't hurry up and leave here, I'm afraid he will end up like Victor and others, being directly killed by the powerful people of the motherland.

Looking at Fred's back as he left, Logan felt like he was being used.

"Damn it, you really can't tell a person's face."

Logan was a little speechless. He didn't expect Fred to resort to such methods in order to leave here. This was simply not in line with Fred's usual personality.

Then, he withdrew his gaze, turned to Stryker, and said, "When will you send me to Washington?"

"Sure enough, you are still as impatient as before." Stryker paused, and then said: "You have just fused Adamantium alloy, I'm afraid it will take some time to adapt. In half a month, I will arrange for someone to send you off. Go to Washington.”

"I hope you can keep your word."

Logan didn't talk nonsense. After speaking, he walked straight towards the training ground. The training ground is located in the center of the base, covering an area of ​​about 300 square meters. It is where the soldiers in the base usually train.

"Don't worry, we are grasshoppers on the same rope now. We both want to kill the people of the motherland, so I have no reason not to help you."

When Logan passed by Stryker, Stryker said calmly.


Weiss Newspaper Agency, the president's office was very quiet. The dazzling sunlight shined through the window and shone on Xia Shang, as if it was coated with a faint golden light.

"It's a wonderful life like this. You don't have to work but you can still get paid. It's so comfortable."

Deadpool, wearing a red tights suit, lay on the sofa like a salted fish...turned over and made a comfortable sound.

And the sexy battle uniform he wore was tailor-made for him by Xia Shang based on his memory. As expected, Deadpool was very satisfied with it and even gave this comment: "Big boss, you are really me." Don’t worry about the roundworms in your stomach, I will definitely not take deworming medicine to pull you out.”

Thinking of this, Xia Shang, who was reading the newspaper, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly. (End of chapter)

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