Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 409 Revenge! Eliminate the gangsters!

At this moment, a pop-up window suddenly popped up on the panel that had been silent for a long time.

[Congratulations to the player for changing the original plot many times and gaining a total of 3100 fantasy points]

Looking at the translucent panel suspended in front of him, Xia Shang raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised, "It actually accumulated to three thousand points so quickly. It seems that I changed the plot again unintentionally."

In order to prevent the panel from always popping up prompts, he specially set it up. If the fantasy value obtained in a single event does not reach more than 3,000 points, there will be no prompt. Only if it exceeds 3,000 points, or the cumulative value exceeds 3,000 points, it will prompt once, so this In the past two months, except when he took the initiative to open the panel to check the progress of the fusion, no prompt message about the fantasy value had popped up.

"More than two months have passed since the fusion of ghost teleportation. According to the previous progress, the fusion should be successful today." Xia Shang put down the newspaper and focused on the panel.

[Ghost teleportation fusion is in progress, the current progress is 98%]

[The current player’s fantasy value is: 21600]

"It's still 2% short." Xia Shang was speechless. He had been able to completely integrate ghost teleportation as early as a month ago. Unexpectedly, during the process of extracting blood, John, who was seriously injured, failed to hold on and died. In the laboratory, during this period, the researchers only used his blood to make three tubes of serum. It has to be said that compared to Hank, the success rate of those guys in making the serum was ridiculously low.

"After absorbing three tubes of serum, the fusion progress on the panel has only increased by 20%, and the effect becomes worse towards the back, just like the original No. 5 compound." After sighing, Xia Shang helplessly shook his head.

"This method is okay if you use it once in a while. If you use it regularly, then I have to catch the fusion object before fusion and send it to the laboratory to serve as a guinea pig. Moreover, it seems that only guinea pigs like Victor can... Only then can he withstand frequent blood draws. If it were Charles, he probably wouldn't be able to survive for a few days and would have to turn into a mummy."

Based on Xia Shang's own situation and the efficacy of the serum, it can be basically determined that with sufficient serum, the time it takes for him to fuse an ability can be shortened by almost half.

However, this does not mean much to Xia Shang. First of all, he does not lack time and there is no need to use this method to speed up the fusion. Secondly, and the most important point is that Xia Shang does not want to fuse Magneto King and Magneto King so quickly. The reason for the abilities of Charles and others is very simple. In Xia Shang's view, the abilities of Magneto and others are currently castrated or simplified versions. Only after being strengthened by Apocalypse can they have the most fusion value.

"It's a pity that we can't dig out Apocalypse yet." Xia Shang is still wary of this so-called oldest mutant. Judging from the strength shown in the movie, although he is not a fifth-level mutant, he is at least a level 5 mutant. It is also the peak of the fourth level. Of course, there is no such thing as a peak in the mutant level, but Xia Shang himself thinks so.

Compared to the fourth-level mutant Apocalypse, Xia Shang knew very well that he was no match for him. Although Apocalypse might not be able to kill him, he definitely couldn't kill Apocalypse.

"It's too risky to dig him out now, and the enhanced mutants will become more difficult to analyze than before, so before digging him out, it's best to gather a complete superhero team and let Jay Our company has gained a lot of favorability among the mutants..." Xia Shang raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a sinister smile, "When the time comes, we will arrange a plot to let the superhero team defect to Apocalypse, and then let them be strengthened by it. return."

"Big Boss, your expression now looks like the villain in the movie. By the way, aren't we the positive characters?"

Deadpool, who was sinking into the sofa, raised his head, looked at Xia Shang and complained.

"If you have nothing to do, I will send you a task now." Xia Shang smiled, glared at him, and picked up the landline phone on the table.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Immediately afterwards, a rather majestic voice sounded on the other end of the phone. You could tell from the voice that the person who answered the phone was definitely not an ordinary person. He was most likely in a high position and held power in his hands.

"It's me, Jervis." Xia Shang said calmly.

When he learned that the caller was Xia Shang, the other party's tone immediately softened a lot, "It turns out to be Mr. Jervis, is there anything you need my help with?"

"Chief Michael, do you have any difficult and difficult criminal cases in your police station, preferably related to the mafia?"

The word Mafia originated in Italy and France, specifically referring to criminal organizations, and spread to the world with Italian immigrants, and has a second spring in the United States. As far as Xia Shang knows, Washington alone , there are dozens of gangs, large and small, and their means of making money are mainly drug trafficking, robbery, and kidnapping. Some large gangs also have the business of human trafficking.

"Yes, how much do you want? I can fill up half the archives with their information alone." Michael said casually while smoking a cigar.

Xia Shang looked at Deadpool with a sneer, and then said: "I want them all."

"Are you sure? Why do you want their information?" Michael frowned and said in confusion.

"Of course I will work with you, the Washington Police Department, to wipe out those gangs, and I will send reporters to record the entire process."

"Don't be impulsive!" The frightened Michael shook his hands and almost lost his grip on his cigar. "Although those guys are a cancer in the United States, they are really not that easy to mess with. They basically have guns and even heavy firepower weapons in their hands. , if you are not careful, it is likely to cause a vicious incident of innocent casualties."

"Don't worry, I will send a superhero to assist you. He is very resistant to beatings and is immortal."

As soon as Xia Shang finished talking, he heard Michael's breathing become heavy and rapid.

After all, if this matter can be completed successfully, it will be a huge political achievement for him. This matter is related to his career, and Michael can't help but become nervous.

After a moment, a slightly hoarse voice rang from the phone.

"What if they unite to retaliate?" As soon as he said these words, Michael realized that something was wrong, so he quickly added: "I mean, they are just a group of desperadoes, and this method is very easy. Provoking them will make it difficult for the Washington Police Department to explain to the public if a heinous bloodshed occurs."

"Don't worry, the superhero I sent is very professional. He can sneak into the gang and carry out assassinations by himself, and your police department only needs to be responsible for not letting any fish slip through the net."

Deadpool on the side heard Xia Shang's words clearly.

He buried his head on the sofa speechlessly and muttered in a low voice: "Sure enough, you can't be too arrogant as a person, especially someone as outstanding as me. It's too easy to be retaliated against." (End of Chapter)

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