Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 410 The super-powerful Deadpool with three abilities!

Seeing that Michael was still hesitating on the other end of the phone, Xia Shang immediately sneered and said, "I forgot to tell you that I am now the second largest shareholder of the Washington Post. A month ago, Mr. Buffett sold his shares to It was all sold to me, and I have recently been negotiating with the Suzbel family, the people behind the New York Times, about the acquisition.

Director Michael, you should be very clear about how influential these two newspapers are in the United States. To put it simply, no matter how big this matter becomes, your Washington Police Department does not have to worry about public pressure. Besides, there are superheroes. Now, those so-called gangsters can't make any trouble at all. "

At this time, in the Washington Police Department, dozens of kilometers away, in the chief's office, Michael, wearing a police uniform, looked shocked and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He swallowed and said in a slightly dry voice: "It seems that you are planning to monopolize the American newspaper industry. Aren't you afraid that the government will cause trouble for you?"

"Thanks to capitalism and freedom of speech, American media are all private enterprises, none of them have government background, and they are not subject to any official censorship and control. In other words, the US government cannot control me." Xia Shang raised his lips slightly and chuckled, "Do you remember the 'Pentagon Papers' incident? At that time, the US Department of Justice sued the New York Times. Guess who won the case in the end?"

"The entire American people know that the New York Times won." Michael said with a bitter expression. As the chief of the Washington Police Department, he is no stranger to the Pentagon incident.

At that time, someone stole a top-secret report on the Vietnam War from the Pentagon and copied it and handed it to the New York Daily News. Although the person who leaked the national secrets was never found, the Department of Defense suspected that it was probably a mutant. The person who did it must be Mystique, who can imitate the appearance of others. However, after catching Mystique, they also interrogated her, but Mystique refused to admit it.

Afterwards, the New York Times obtained the confidential document and published it in the newspaper without hesitation, which made the U.S. Department of Defense very angry. At the same time, the United States Department of Defense and the Department of Justice jointly pressured the New York Times to include the contents of the document. The newspaper immediately stopped serializing it. However, in the face of joint pressure from the two giants, the New York Times did not give in at all. It even publicly shouted in the next day's newspaper that the government asked the newspaper to stop publishing confidential documents, but the newspaper flatly refused.

As soon as this report came out, the entire United States was in an uproar. Like a tide of public opinion, it frantically attacked the U.S. Department of Defense.

In the end, there was really no other way. The Department of Justice took the New York Times report to court, and the request it made was extremely humble. It just asked the New York Times to delay the release of top-secret documents. However, even such a request was rejected by the New York Times. There was strong opposition, and what was outrageous was that on the second day of the trial, the Washington Post actually obtained a copy of the Pentagon Papers through its own 'efforts' and couldn't wait to serialize it.

In the end, the court ultimately ruled in favor of complete freedom of the press.

"That was a great victory for the press," Michael exclaimed.

Half a minute later, he nodded: "Okay, I agree to cooperate with you to eliminate the gangs, but you have to promise me that it will never affect innocent people, and the superheroes you send cannot kill people at will and must obey us. Police command.”

"No problem, Deadpool is very professional, and I'm also looking forward to him passing this matter and becoming famous." Xia Shang immediately hung up the phone and looked at Deadpool with a smile, "You are the number one employee of our company. Two superheroes, if you dare to mess up the company’s sign, I promise to put your head in your butt, roll it into a ball, and then send it to the garbage incineration plant for pollution-free cremation.”

Looking at Xia Shang with a smile on his face, Deadpool noticed a hint of chill, shrank his neck, and muttered in a low voice: "Damn Smiling Tiger, I don't think you can stuff my head into my cute butt."

As he spoke, he raised his butt and shook it.

"Smiling Tiger, is this how you evaluate your boss?" Xia Shang narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a serious tone.

"Who? Who dares to say that about the big BOSS! I will definitely cut him into pieces."

Deadpool stood upright on the sofa, then looked around.

"He's a guy wearing red tights with a rather wretched temperament. Maybe you can find him in the mirror." Xia Shang reached out and turned the mirror on the table. However, just when the mirror was about to point at Deadpool, Deadpool The waiter bent down and looked behind his crotch, "No, big boss, he doesn't seem to be in the room."

"Are you sure?" Xia Shang threw the mirror out angrily.

The mirror fell right between Deadpool's legs.

"Reporting to the big boss, I only saw a very handsome man. If he walked onto the street, many beautiful women would probably come into close contact with the telephone poles."

"The sofa under your feet was flown from Italy and is worth sixteen thousand dollars. If it breaks, I will deduct it from your salary." Xia Shang said lightly.


Deadpool jumped up on the spot as if he had stepped on a poisonous snake, "It's really evil capitalism. A sofa is more than my monthly salary."

"Good luck, good luck. This thing is not broken. Italian goods are indeed stronger than American goods." Standing on the floor, he put his head in front of the sofa. After a careful inspection, he breathed a sigh of relief. If it was really because of something Breaking the sofa and losing a month's salary, Deadpool felt that was more uncomfortable than killing him.

"This mission is only allowed to succeed, not to fail. When your mission is successfully completed, I will give you a month's paid leave."

When he heard that he could take a month's paid leave, Deadpool immediately stood up straight, raised his right hand in front of his eyebrows, and looked directly at Xia Shang, his eyes firm as if he wanted to join the party, "Your most loyal subordinate, Superhero Deadpool, guaranteed to get the job done!”

"Not bad, very energetic." Seeing this, Xia Shang nodded with satisfaction.

Xia Shang is still very confident about Deadpool's ability. After all, this guy is proficient in blasting, sniping, hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and all weapons. Letting him go to wipe out gangs is completely overqualified, and according to Deadpool himself, he In Stryker, not only did he gain powerful regeneration capabilities, but he also gained the White Queen's diamond transformation and the Red Devil's teleportation.

But the only thing that makes Xia Shang feel a bit pity is that Deadpool did not have Adamantium and Scott's laser eyes implanted in his body as in the original plot.

Otherwise, this guy's combat power would even be stronger than him.

"I guess Stryker also expected that Deadpool would be difficult to control, so he didn't inject Adamantium into him." Xia Shang murmured in his heart. (End of chapter)

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