Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 416 I can’t breathe anymore! Mutant lives matter!

"I guess the main reason why the air has become better is because fewer people smoke Big M. After all, in this operation, we seized a large amount of D products from the gangsters' homes, trading locations, warehouses, etc. This includes the big M which smells extremely unpleasant when lit. 6̳̳”

Michael looked at the panicked male reporter and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I was just joking with you. Judging from the amount of D products we confiscated this time, it is estimated that there will be a long period of time in the future." For a period of time, the air quality in Washington will remain at a very high level."

As soon as he finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the court.

"Director Michael, please stop joking with me. My endurance is limited. If it were a few seconds later, I would probably have to be pushed into the TCU." The male reporter shook his head with a wry smile. He was indeed frightened just now. , after all, whoever would be labeled as discriminating against superheroes and blaming the police department would be extremely panicked. Besides, he is just an ordinary newspaper reporter.

"Don't worry, this is very close to the hospital. I will send you there in time." Michael said seriously.

There was a friendly chuckle all around.

After the applause subsided, Michael, who was standing in front of the microphone, stretched out his hand to press it down and continued:

“The reason why we chose to cooperate with superheroes this time is very simple, because those gangsters basically have guns in their hands and are difficult to deal with.

If we relied solely on our Washington Police Department, to be honest, it would cost a lot to clear them out. A large number of young and outstanding police officers would even die at the hands of those vicious gangsters.

Cooperating with superheroes can reduce the number of casualties. Facts have proved that my decision was correct. In this operation against criminal organizations, not a single police officer from our Washington Police Department died, and the most seriously injured , he only injured his arm and needed to rest for two months. "

Speaking of this, Michael's voice became louder, "Here, I would like to thank Mr. Deadpool. It is because of him that our operation was so smooth and successful!"

"Next, please give me the warmest applause to welcome Mr. Deadpool to the stage to receive the Medal of Honor."

That's right, this is not just a press conference, but also a commendation conference held by the Washington government and aimed at Deadpool.

Suddenly, the audience burst into applause... move... move... Wardfa? Where are people? After applauding for a long time, even Deadpool was not seen. The reporters at the scene were all stunned. What happened? Could it be that everyone is here but Deadpool, the real owner, is not here? This is too fucked up, that guy actually dares to magnify everyone's pigeons!

"Director Michael, didn't you inform him about this today?" a reporter asked cautiously.

At this time, Michael on the stage had already mentally greeted Deadpool's relatives one by one.

Although he knew that Deadpool was a bit unreliable, he didn't expect it to be so unreliable. You know, the Mayor of Washington was still standing by, waiting to distribute medals to Deadpool. This guy dared not to come. Michael estimated that the Mayor His current expression was probably as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he didn't even dare to turn his head to look.

"Ahem!!" Michael coughed twice, trying to maintain a smile on his face while making excuses for Deadpool's tardiness, "He might be going to the toilet, or he might have gotten lost while looking for the toilet. Please wait a moment..."

Before he finished speaking, a voice that sounded like a slap in the face suddenly came from above everyone's heads.

"Hey! Why don't you look up? Are you all a bunch of invertebrates?"

When people heard the sound, they subconsciously raised their heads and looked overhead.

As a result, I saw a guy in a red tights hanging upside down from a steel frame. Unlike Spider-Man who was holding spider silk, this guy was holding on to a white nylon rope that he found somewhere.

Since the lighting at the scene was relatively dim, and no one was idle watching what was above their heads, no one really noticed Deadpool who had been hanging around for a long time.

"This move of mine should be great for picking up girls. An upside-down kiss will definitely capture the hearts of beauties."

Deadpool grabbed the nylon rope and dangled it.

"Is he performing acrobatics?" The corners of Michael's mouth twitched slightly, as if a flock of crows were flying over his head.

"But fortunately, people are here, and things are not too bad."

Yes, Michael's requirements for Deadpool are so low.

"Everyone, please open your eyes wide. I will jump down in the most gorgeous posture. Don't blink." I saw Deadpool hanging under the steel frame, shaking his body, and then suddenly let go of his hand, After rolling a few times in the air, he landed firmly on the ground with someone's signature move.

There was an exclamation of exclamation all around, as well as the sound of the camera's shutter.

"Oh Shet, my bones seem to be cracked." Deadpool, who landed with his right hand on the ground and raised his other hand, only lasted for a few seconds before standing up and complaining: "This action is really poorly designed. Science shows that the best way to release force is to land on the ground first with the soles of the feet, then bend the legs, bow, and finally roll the body forward."

"It's so cool. He is truly a superhero. Even his landing moves are so cool!"

"I decided to put the photo I just took on the front page of the newspaper. It will definitely increase the sales of the newspaper!"

"Deadpool! Some more moves!"

Listening to people's praise of himself, Deadpool felt as if he had stepped on a ball of cotton, and he felt a little dazed, "Fuck the rationality, the most important thing is that the action is handsome."


The next day, pictures of Deadpool appeared in major newspapers. In addition to the action of his sign landing, there was also a picture of the mayor of Washington hanging a medal on him.

"At that time, your mouth was almost bursting with laughter." In the office, Xia Shang, holding the New York Times, glanced at Deadpool sitting on the sofa.

"How do you know? Didn't I wear a hood at the time?"

Deadpool patted his face, then picked up a layer of leather on his hood, "Could it be that this thing is transparent? Oh God, I didn't manage my expression well at the time. I looked like someone who just picked up my wallet. and upon opening it found the nasty thief stuffed with banknotes.”

"Judging from your reaction, my guess seems to be accurate."

"You guessed it? Then I'm relieved." Deadpool breathed a sigh of relief and put his feet up on the coffee table comfortably.

At this moment, Kamil walked into the office and handed a newly printed copy of Weiss Daily to Xia Shang behind the desk, "Mr. Jervis, according to your request, I asked the editorial department to write the article overnight. , finally got out the latest issue of Weiss Daily before lunch, could you please take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be modified?"

Xia Shang took the newspaper and looked down.

On the front page of the newspaper, there was a very eye-catching headline, [Can’t Breathe Again! Mutant lives matter! 】(End of this chapter)

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