Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 417 Shameless guy! Hug Xia Shang’s thigh! (Four

"Not bad, the writing is okay." After flipping through the newspaper in his hand, Xia Shang nodded slightly and commented. However, then he frowned and looked at Camille beside him, "It's just that the wording is not bold enough. It was timid and disappointing to me. "

Camille, who heard the first half of the compliment, was about to raise a smile, but the smile on his face stopped abruptly due to the sudden criticism.

"Really? I feel quite bold." Camille said bitterly.

"you sure?"

Although there was no emotion or anger in Xia Shang's voice, Camille was still shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

"The whole newspaper is writing about how miserable mutants are, and there is almost no mention of the US government behind the military base. Do you think all Americans are blind? Don't they see that Stryker's military base and the United States are Are there countless connections between the governments?" Xia Shang said in an impatient tone as he slapped the newspaper on his desk.

"A bunch of unsatisfactory things! You are so afraid of the US government that you have simply forgotten the mission of journalists at your grandma's house! Don't forget what kind of power the American people have given us! If you can't do it If the truth of the matter is exposed, then do Americans still need newspapers to be used to wipe their butts?!"

Under a series of accusations, Camille's head hung lower and lower, and she didn't even dare to raise her head to look at the angry Xia Shang.

"Made! When it comes to the U.S. government, you look timid. You are completely unlike the editors of those big newspapers. They are doing everything possible to think about the troubles of the U.S. government and are eager to fight with it to the death. But what about you? ? Just thinking about how to avoid trouble, for fear of taking some risks." Although Xia Shang didn't point at Camille's nose and scold him, it was almost the same.

He grabbed the newspaper on the table, slapped it on Camille's chest, and said in a cold voice: "Go tell the editors now. If they can't change their minds, just get out. I will transfer people from other newspapers. Take their place."

Camille, whose back was completely soaked with cold sweat, quickly pressed down the newspaper, nodded and said, "Understood, I'm going to warn them right now. I promise, this situation will never happen again."

"I'll give you the last day. I want to see a newspaper that satisfies me. Otherwise, those who should be fired will be fired, and those who should be demoted will be demoted." Xia Shang has promised Paihuang and the others to complete all public opinions within a week. If Because of this trivial matter, if his plan failed or was delayed, he wouldn't mind giving Weiss Newspaper a major overhaul.

"I will personally supervise this time to ensure that there are no mistakes." When he thought that his position as vice president was in jeopardy, Camille suddenly felt like a thorn in his back, as if the soles of his feet were on fire. He hurriedly left the office and headed towards the editorial department. Speed ​​away.

While Xia Shang was training people, Deadpool, who had his feet up on the coffee table, put his feet down at some point, like a good student, put his hands on his knees, and sat up straight.

"Go get me a cup of coffee, don't forget to add milk."

Xia Shang glanced at the fake Deadpool and said lightly.

"Are you mistaken? I'm a superhero, not a waiter in a restaurant." Deadpool muttered quietly as he went to pour coffee for Xia Shang, "I think it's not just women who have menstrual periods, I'm afraid this guy has one too."

As soon as he handed the steaming coffee to Xia Shang, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Open the door." Xia Shang took a sip of coffee and said casually.

"You really treat me as a waiter." Deadpool got angry for a moment, and then walked towards the door honestly.

As soon as the door opened, Deadpool saw a man in a suit standing at the door, holding two heavy-looking boxes in his hands.

"It's you again? I've rejected you two or three times and you haven't given up yet? That birdman is really patient." Looking at the burly man behind the door, Deadpool said angrily.

"Sorry to bother you, we came empty-handed the first two times, but this time it's different. We specially prepared some Worthington family specialties for Mr. Jervis. We hope he likes it."

The man said as he walked around Deadpool and walked into the office.

"Specialty?" Deadpool stretched out his hand to stop him, and looked at the suitcase the man was carrying with his thief eyes. Then, with lightning speed, he quickly took a step forward, and with a bang, he backhanded Close the door.

"Isn't it the kind of specialty product with a dead person's head on it that can make people feel happy?" Deadpool, who had a sinister look on his face, leaned towards the man mysteriously and said in a low voice.

Even though he was separated by a hood, the man could still feel the intense gaze of the other person.

"Uh... more or less." The man said hesitantly.


Deadpool kept staring at the man until the man felt uncomfortable. Then he sighed, shook his head, and said seriously: "Actually, you also know that the big boss has no shortage of specialties. In his eyes, this thing is as good as Dung makes no difference. If you try to impress him this way, the success rate is no less than an 80-year-old woman wearing a bikini trying to seduce you into bed."

Hearing Deadpool's wonderful metaphor, the corners of the man's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"What should I do? This is a task assigned to me by my family. I must complete it." The man's strong psychological quality allowed him to suppress his desire to complain. He frowned and said in a worried tone.

"As for that? Does the birdman with two wings on his back have to join the Jer company? If I were him, my first priority would definitely be to keep an eye on his father's lower body, and then search the world for his father's illegitimate son, and find one Kill one." As he said that, Deadpool let out a weird laugh.

"It would be great if he really thinks so. I wish he would do it." The man actually agreed deeply with Deadpool's words.

At first, when Warren proposed that he wanted to be a superhero, he was opposed by everyone in the family. After all, in the view of Warren's father, Warren should inherit the family step by step instead of going to Agere Company. Why do you want to be a superhero? Besides, besides being in the limelight, what else can you do as a superhero? The money earned is probably not even worth a hair of the Worthington family.

"Today's young people are so blessed that they don't know how to be blessed."

Deadpool lamented that he had also heard about the Worthington family. This family made its fortune during World War II and earned its first pot of gold through medicine, arms and other means. He heard that after the war, they purchased a large number of goods in New York, USA. Real estate, in terms of family wealth, can definitely be ranked among the top 500 in the United States, and it is not even the 500th.

"That birdman is really lucky. He is the heir to the Worthington family. If I had a rich father, I would still be soaking in a swimming pool filled with champagne, hugging a hot beauty in a swimsuit. While whistling to other beauties." As soon as he finished speaking, Deadpool couldn't help but cursed himself.

"Shet! What the hell is whistling? I should be addicted to the movement of creating humans. How the hell do I have the heart to whistle? Damn it, I am so poor that I don't even have such a lack of imagination!"

Deadpool raised his head and looked at the ceiling, feeling sad in his heart.

"If I were rich, I would have to hold a pool party. I would rent a big villa and call all the female celebrities over to play a game of cunt-catching chicks."

Deadpool couldn't help but stretched out his hands, like squeezing balloons, and grasped the air with his five fingers.

Until his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a man coughing.

"Oh Shet! I almost kissed Marilyn Monroe." Deadpool said angrily.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Can you let me in now?" The man glanced at the time on his watch and asked anxiously.

"What? Will the birdman have to meet God in a few minutes? By the way, his shape is very similar to that of an angel, with both big wings. Could it be that he is actually the illegitimate son of God?" Deadpool was still as venomous as ever.

"You're really right." The man, who felt that his words were a bit ambiguous, quickly added: "I was referring to the first half of the sentence."

He then briefly summarized Warren's current situation.

At first, due to the opposition from his family, Warren skipped school angrily and fled to Washington to hide. The Worthington family spent a lot of effort to find him, but after some persuasion, Warren had no intention of going back. In the end, his father was forced to have no choice but to send someone to find Xia Shang, hoping that Xia Shang would decisively reject Warren and make Warren give up his desire to become a superhero.

Xia Shang did not refuse and agreed decisively. Normally, the matter should be over at this point.

But what the Worthington family didn't expect was that this guy ran away from home again and went to an underground boxing ring to engage in black boxing. In addition to normal people, there were also many mutants. Warren was He wanted to use this method to make himself famous quickly, so that Xia Shang would notice him and think that he had the qualifications to become a superhero.

On the other hand, when the Worthington family saw that he had run away from home and did not come back for several days, they were completely panicked. They quickly spent money and got the location of Warren from a well-informed guy.

In the end, they talked hard and persuaded Warren to go back, but what they promised to Warren was that no matter what the cost, they would definitely let him join Agere Company.

Therefore, they sent people to find Xia Shang. Although they offered to invest a large sum of money in Xia Shang, they were still rejected by Xia Shang because they were not qualified.

After being rejected, the Worthington family suffered from a severe headache. On one side was Jervis, who refused to take any advice, and on the other side was the extremely rebellious Warren.

In the end, because they had no other choice, they had to send people to find Xia Shang again.

The man who came this time was charged with this mission.

"If Mr. Jervis still doesn't agree this time, who knows what Warren, the only son of the Worthington family, will do. There's no way he can just watch him get beaten to death with a black fist." The man said helplessly. .

"Actually, it's not difficult to get the big boss to accept Warren."

At this time, Deadpool spoke.

Seeing that the guy in red tights in front of him seemed to have a way to get Jervis to accept Warren, so the man tentatively asked: "Do you want to find a way to get Warren to join Jervis Company?"

Deadpool pretended to be reserved and touched his chin, saying: "There is no way, but I need to take a lot of risks..."

"A little greeting gift, don't be polite." Seeing Deadpool's gesture, how could the man not understand what he meant? He took out a thick stack of cash from his arms and handed it to Deadpool in front of him.

Deadpool took it naturally, rolled it up, and stuffed it into his pocket with difficulty, and then said seriously: "Aren't you asking me to make a mistake? If Mr. Specialty, just speak for others, so wouldn’t it be impossible for me, a superhero whose status is only lower than that of the people of the motherland, to replace the people of the motherland and become the superhero captain?”

Seeing Deadpool's attitude, the man gritted his teeth and stuffed another stack of cash into Deadpool's hand. At the same time, he cursed in his mind: "Made, this guy doesn't look reliable at all. Could he have just accepted the money and not done anything?" "

Since his pocket was already filled with the stack of banknotes, Deadpool could only clip another stack of cash to his underwear. He jumped, and after sighing that the elastic cord on the side of his underwear was of good quality, he patted the man on the shoulder. Said: "Warren's matter is said to be easy to handle, but said to be difficult to handle, it is indeed a bit difficult to handle."

"I only have so much cash on me," the man said with a dark face.

"Okay." Seeing that there seemed to be no more money to be squeezed out of the other party, Deadpool smacked his lips and said confidently: "Warren needs someone with enough weight to put in a good word for him. If there are insiders, With his recommendation, it would be easy for him to join Jie Er Company.”

"But we don't know where the people of our motherland live. How much do you think we can do to impress them?" the man asked.

As a result, it was Deadpool's turn to have a dark face. He rolled his eyes and said, "I am enough."

After saying that, he patted the banknotes in his waist, opened the door and walked into the office with a smile.

Then he said to Xia Shang: "Old acquaintance, it seems that they are determined to let Warren join Jie Er Company this time. I say big boss, how about you give him a chance? After all, that guy's appearance It's okay. If you bring them in, you might be able to attract a wave of religious believers. Those guys are simply examples of people who are stupid and have too much money. When the time comes, we can persuade them to donate a small amount of money to build our group building higher. "

"Dear Mr. Jervis, I sincerely hope you can give Warren a chance. This is a small gift specially prepared for you by our Worthington family. I hope you will accept it."

I saw the man placing the suitcase he was carrying on the coffee table made of solid wood. "If Warren can become a superhero, we will send four more boxes like this in the future."

Click, open the combination lock, and the man opened the suitcase lid. In an instant, a stack of neatly stacked new banknotes was exposed to the air. Seeing this scene, Deadpool's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes instantly stared straight into his eyes. , the two piles of banknotes seemed to have strong glue on them, making Deadpool's eyes glued together.

However, Xia Shang, who looked calm, only glanced at it, then looked at Deadpool and said: "There is no milk in the coffee, hurry up and add it to me."

"Did you agree to this Warren?"

What Xia Shang said seemed to be different from what Deadpool heard.

"No, I can't recruit everyone into Jier Company." Unexpectedly, as soon as Xia Shang finished speaking, Deadpool pounced on him.

"Please, give me some face. I have promised to let Warren join our company."

Deadpool, this unscrupulous guy, actually hugged Xia Shang's thigh and howled, causing Xia Shang to have a black line on his head, "The money around your waist is exposed."

"I don't care. If you don't agree, I won't get up." Deadpool poked the banknote inside and continued to hold Xia Shang's thigh and kept wailing.

Xia Shang was also speechless, encountering such a weird thing as Deadpool.

The man on the side felt that the money was well spent.

"Okay, I agree." Xia Shang considered that although Warren was not strong enough, his appearance was indeed very good.

If he were placed in the black robe world, he would definitely be recruited into Walter Company and become a member of the Super Heroes.

"The current Jell Company really needs a guy with excellent appearance to enhance the company's reputation and win the favor of the American people. Thinking about it, Warren will come in handy." Xia Shang thought to himself. , and at the same time glanced at Deadpool, who was holding his thigh and rubbing his face, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Let him report this afternoon. I happen to have a task to give him. If he can complete it successfully, then it is not impossible for him to become a superhero."

"Thank you very much for giving Warren this opportunity. I have to go back now and tell him the good news." Just as the man was about to close the suitcase and leave, he heard Xia Shang cough twice, and he touched his hands in frustration. He touched the tip of his nose and left his suitcase in the office before leaving.

"Okay, can you get up now?" (End of Chapter)

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