Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 418 The most humble person is invincible! Hidden drug lord! (Reality

After hearing this, Deadpool immediately let go of Xia Shang's thigh, pretended that nothing happened, and stood up from the ground.

"The Worthington family is really rich. They just bought two boxes of banknotes." He patted his butt, turned to look at the open suitcase on the walnut coffee table, and said with great greed: "Two boxes combined, don't say anything." You have to have one or two million, and I won’t be able to earn that much even if I work as a mercenary for several years.”

As he spoke, he wiped his mouth subconsciously, as if saliva was flowing down.

"Let me check if this batch of goods is correct." Deadpool licked his face, moved to the box containing the banknotes, then buried his head in it, took a deep breath, and then, without raising his head, He gave Xia Shang a thumbs up, "Pure, so pure, this is what fresh US dollars should taste like!"

Seeing this, Xia Shang's mouth twitched slightly, remembering the phone call from Michael a day ago.

"Are you sure you won't be able to earn this much in a few years?" He said with a dark face.

"As a mercenary, I only earn a few thousand dollars a month. After excluding daily expenses, food, drink, prostitution and gambling... you can even say that my wallet is cleaner than my face before my disfigurement." Deadpool raised his head, reluctant to leave. He looked away from the banknotes in front of him and immediately looked at Xia Shang, complaining: "When will you give me the bonus you promised me? When I buy pizza, I can't even pay the deliveryman's tip."

However, he only responded with a sneer.

"Oh, you, a guy who even needs toilet paper from my office, still tip others? If you don't steal the delivery man's wallet, it will be an unexpected surprise for the delivery man." What kind of person is Deadpool? Xia Shang knew very well, he would give a tip? It's good that he doesn't take tips from other people's pockets.

"I am the Gu family, okay? If any beautiful woman marries me, she will not have to buy tissues for the rest of her life. I will get them from the company anyway." Deadpool said confidently.

"It's no use talking to you."

In Xia Shang's view, Deadpool, who has a face thicker than the city wall, perfectly fits the saying that the most humble person is invincible. For this kind of guy, even if he is scolded, he probably won't feel anything at all.

"Take it." Xia Shang walked to the coffee table, took out a few stacks from the open suitcase, and threw them to Deadpool, who had been watching for a long time.

"I'm so touched, boss. If I were a woman, I would definitely marry you."

Deadpool caught the banknote, completely ignoring the sullen Xia Shang beside him, and excitedly spun around in circles a few times.

"I still have a debt to settle with you, don't get too happy too early." Xia Shang picked up the box, came to the desk, looked at the black landline on the desk, and said in a cold tone: "One day ago, Michael The director called me and said that the quantity of D products he had confiscated was not consistent with what the gangsters had told him. There was at least a shortfall of thirty to forty million yuan. You guys are brave enough to take that kind of money. many."

When Deadpool heard this, he called him a false accusation.

However, Xia Shang could still hear some guilt in his voice.

"False accusation! It's just a false accusation!" He patted his chest and said sadly: "I worked hard to help them eliminate the gangs, and I don't know how many bullets were hit in my body, including my chest, thighs, and buttocks."

As he said this, he was about to take off his pants and expose his buttocks to Xia Shang.

But when he was just halfway through taking off his clothes, he remembered that the injury happened a few days ago. The wound was probably healed, so he pulled up his pants again and continued to cry out: "I was wronged because I helped the Washington Police Department handle the case. Injury, but in the end they framed me. This is simply an insult to my personality and a contempt for our company. Besides, with my professional ethics, how could I possibly take things belonging to gangsters? They said this clearly. They look down on us mutants, I want to sue them for discriminating against mutants!”

Looking at the indignant Deadpool, Xia Shang sneered and said, "In that case, I won't stop them and let them investigate. It's impossible to find those missing D products in your house anyway."

As soon as these words came out, Deadpool, who was still shouting about injustice, seemed to be strangled by the neck, and his voice suddenly stopped.

After a moment, he stiffened his neck and said angrily: "I have made meritorious service to the United States, I have shed blood in Washington, I have been injured for the police department, how can they investigate me!"

However, Xia Shang doesn't like Deadpool at all. It's not like he doesn't know what kind of character this guy is. It would be strange if Deadpool didn't move those D items home.

"Don't worry, after they complete the investigation, I will definitely publish the results of the investigation in the newspaper and let Director Michael apologize to you personally."

"'s not necessary." Deadpool shrank his neck, his voice became smaller and smaller, and he said without confidence: "Okay, I admit that I took it, but only a little."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and pinched it slightly with his thumb and index finger, leaving an imperceptible gap.

"What's the name of a D-grade worth 30 to 40 million yuan? According to American law, your sentence will be at least two to three hundred years." Xia Shang said calmly.

"Uh, what about more than 100 million?" Deadpool asked carefully.

"Shoot you with a heavy machine gun and make sure there is nothing but bullets in your body."

Xia Shang has long known that Deadpool is not a good person. In the original plot, this guy has 100 million U.S. dollars worth of D drugs hidden in his home. He can be called the leading drug lord in the United States. However, this guy has no intention of selling it out. Simply save, otherwise, you wouldn’t have to ask him to reimburse you for the taxi fare to work every day.

"Boss, I suddenly remembered that the natural gas at home was not turned off. I have to go back immediately." Deadpool turned around and ran away, preparing to destroy all those gadgets.

"Don't worry, you are a superhero of our company after all. How can the Washington Police Department investigate if they want?" What happened in the past will never happen again.”

"Understood." Deadpool stood there with his head lowered like a punished elementary school student, obediently admitting his mistake.

But he was thinking that after taking it next time, he might as well give some to the big boss in front of him.

"Back to the subject, take this letter and go to New York." Xia Shang put down his coffee, took out a letter from the drawer, and put it on his desk. "Give this letter to a man named Charles. He once He's the principal of Xavier's Academy for the Gifted, you should find him easily."

"Make sure to complete the mission."

"Go ahead, I won't give you the funds for this mission."

Xia Shang waved his hand and sent Deadpool away.


The next day, Vice President Kamil walked into the office and handed the revised newspaper to Xia Shang.

This time Xia Shang was very satisfied.

"Notify the printing house and ask them to speed up the printing. At the same time, you send this newspaper to several other newspapers." (End of Chapter)

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