Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 419 Delivering the letter! Deadpool and Charles meet for the first time!

"Understood. Camille took the newspaper from Xia Shang respectfully, then turned around and walked out of the office. At the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his position as vice president was finally saved.

at the same time.

In an old castle located on the outskirts of New York, USA, Beast Hank was pushing Charles in a wheelchair, preparing to go outside to bask in the sun on the lawn.

"Hank, what do you think of the Jervis company founded by Jervis?" Charles asked, holding a copy of the latest Weiss Daily.

"It's very good. As far as I know, the superheroes launched by Agere are very popular throughout the United States. Although there are not many people, only the Fatherland and Deadpool, their popularity and influence have exceeded that of a certain person. These popular stars." Hank pushed Charles out of the castle and continued: "And under their influence, people don't seem to be as discriminatory and afraid of mutants as before."

To be honest, Hank did not expect that Jervis' plan would be so successful. The conflict between humans and mutants would be alleviated and even potentially resolved because of the emergence of superheroes.

Charles was silent for a while and sighed: "It's still unclear whether the situation he created is a false peace, but at least for now, I am not as good as him."

"Professor, don't say that. It was you who stood up, gathered mutants, formed the X-Men, and successfully prevented the Cuban Missile Crisis. You also later assisted Magneto in killing Sebastian Shaw." Han Ke paused and then said: "After returning to China, you established Weizel Academy for Geniuses under great pressure. It can be said that your contribution to mutants is far greater than that of Jervis."

"There's no need to comfort me." Charles in the wheelchair shook his head, with a wry smile on his lips, "I know how much I have contributed to mutants. If I hadn't established the Weizel Academy for Geniuses, maybe Sean and Ya Alex and the others wouldn’t have died, it was me who killed them.”

"Professor..." Hank originally wanted to let the past go, but in the end he couldn't say it out loud. He could only sigh softly in his heart, "Oh, this incident has hit the professor so hard, even It is worse than paralysis of the lower limbs. The deaths of Sean and Alex have made the professor blame himself for ten years. If he wants the professor to reconcile with himself, he has to take it step by step. "

A few hours later, the two returned to the castle and had lunch together.

On an expensive table made of mahogany, there were two plates of salad, two bowls of soup, and two plates of noodles with meat sauce.

"Do you need me to get a beer?" Hank asked.

"Thanks, I don't want to drink beer today."

Compared with two months ago, Charles's mental state has improved significantly now. Although he is still a little decadent, the frequency of drinking has dropped a lot.

Hank, sitting opposite Charles, understood that this was all due to the content published in the newspapers recently. The change in people's attitude towards mutants made Charles's mood no longer as heavy as before.

Ding ding ding! ! At this moment, a rapid ringing of the bell rang. Charles put down his knife and fork and said with a slightly surprised expression: "Did I hear that right? Someone seems to be ringing the doorbell outside?"

Since the college closed down, he and Hank had been in a state of seclusion. Almost no one would come to visit him. Even the newspaper boy who delivered the newspaper would just leave the newspaper at the door and leave without ringing the doorbell at all.

"Is he selling insurance door-to-door?" Hank stood up and walked over.

When he opened the door, he saw a strangely dressed guy standing outside. He was wearing a red tight-fitting suit. The eyes on his hood had two black spots like pandas, and he had two long knives on his back. .

Such a strange costume made Hank recognize the identity of the person at a glance.


"That's right, it's me, the most famous superhero under Jer Company, Deadpool, known as the gangster terminator."

I saw Deadpool raising his hands and pointing his thumbs at himself.

"Come in." Although he didn't know why Deadpool came here, Hank still turned sideways and let Deadpool walk into the castle.

"I'm starving to death. As soon as I received the mission, I rushed to New York without stopping and didn't even eat breakfast." Deadpool complained while looking at the dining table, "Spaghetti Bolognese, although I would rather eat maple syrup pineapple." Tortillas and tacos, but this is good too.”

With that said, he sat down on Hank's seat, then pulled up his mask to reveal his mouth, "In order not to affect your appetite, I think it's better not to expose your whole face."

"Has your face been burned?" Charles asked, looking at the scars on Deadpool's face.

"This is a sad story. It starts when I was discharged from the army in Canada a few years ago." Deadpool rolled up the Bolognese spaghetti on a steel fork and stuffed it into his mouth. He said inarticulately: "At that time, I accidentally discovered that I had cancer. …”

What could have been said in two or three sentences, Deadpool insisted on talking for half an hour, and kept going off topic in the middle.

"To put it simply, you were originally a Canadian special forces soldier. Then in order to cure the cancer in your body, you found an officer named Stryker and joined his Weapon X program. In the end, you were disfigured during the experiment. "Hank interrupted the chattering Deadpool and said directly.

"Well, yes, that's what happened."

At this time, Deadpool was lying leisurely on the sofa, touching his stomach with one hand and putting the other behind his head.

"Do you have anything to do with us? Did Jervis ask you to come to me?" Hank asked.

"It's not you, it's him."

Deadpool raised his index finger and pointed at Charles in the wheelchair beside him.

"Looking for me?" Charles was a little surprised. He was now an ordinary person who was partially paralyzed and no longer had super powers. Why did Jervis send someone to find him?

"I'm just a messenger. By the way, my name is Wade Winston Wilson. You can call me Wade. Of course, it's okay to call me Deadpool." Deadpool took out a bag from the satchel around his waist. The circled letter said, "Should you read it yourselves, or should I read it to you? After all, as a superhero, you still have an obligation to take care of the disabled."

"Thank you, we choose to see it ourselves."

Hank took the envelope from Deadpool's hand and handed it to Charles standing aside.

At this time, Hank seemed to have thought of something, and said in surprise: "Could this letter be related to Weizer Academy? I remember Jervis promised me to help the professor re-establish Weizer Academy for Geniuses."

"More or less, I just asked you to go over and clean up the battlefield." Deadpool, who was lying on the sofa, said casually.

"Have you opened the letter and read it?" Hank looked at Deadpool suspiciously.

"You guessed it, my premonitions are always very accurate. For example, I feel like I am a virtual character, currently filling in a book and helping the shameless author improve the word count." (End of Chapter)

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