Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 420 Alex? The major shareholder of the college!

"Delusional disorder, also known as delusional disorder, do you need me to check your brain? Your brain nerves may have been damaged during previous experiments. Looking at you lying on the sofa, your left foot is on your right foot When Deadpool got on, Hank on the side couldn't help but laugh in a teasing tone.

"My mental state is very good. You don't need to check it. Besides, even if you cut my brain into slices and put it under a microscope, I guarantee that you won't see anything except full of wisdom."

Deadpool rolled his eyes and continued to lie down in a more comfortable position.

"What did you mean by clearing the battlefield?" Hank asked curiously, skipping the previous topic.

"It's written in the letter, you'll know after reading it."

Deadpool narrowed his eyes, took out a cigarette from his bag, and smoked it comfortably.

"No smoking here. Didn't you see the sign on the wall?" Hank really couldn't figure out how the guy in front of him became a superhero. Is the salary standard of Jer company so low?

"I'm sorry, it's our family's traditional custom to have one after a meal, and the priority is higher than your crappy brand." Deadpool puffed out a cigarette in his mouth.

"Forget it, Hank, as long as he doesn't set the couch on fire, let him be."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Charles waved his hand casually, and then focused on the envelope in his hand.

The envelope felt a certain thickness, and he guessed that besides the letter, there should be other things inside.

Sure enough, when he opened the envelope, he pulled out a folded white paper and several color photos.

Charles first spread out the white paper and looked at the content on it. His expression changed from calm to serious.

[Dear Mr. Charles:

I am the president and chairman of Jervis, Jervis. I am very happy that you can receive this letter. I believe you have met Wade at this time. He is a rude guy. If I offend you, I am willing to Apologize to you for his actions. Besides, I heard from Hank that you don't seem to be in good health. I sincerely hope you can recover soon.

Ahem...getting back to the subject, the main purpose of writing to you this time is actually that I want to elaborate on a bloody and cruel fact. From 1963 to now in 1974, the living environment of mutants has deteriorated day by day, and people's hatred, Exclusion, coupled with government suppression, has caused mutants to be like rats in the gutter, hiding in dark corners and eking out an existence.

But even so, the mutants who blindly hid were still hunted by the military. Some of them were forcibly sent to the battlefield and became cannon fodder, but more of them were sent to laboratories and became cold soldiers lying on the operating table. corpse.

According to my investigation, there is a mutant research base on Three Mile Island in the United States. There, countless mutants were dissected and their brains were cut open with cold scalpels. They were treated as living bodies by researchers like white mice. The consumables for the experiment, it can even be said that their experience is equivalent to that of the Jews who were imprisoned in the Naqen concentration camp. It seems that the only thing waiting for them is death.

I, Jervis, felt extremely angry after learning the news. To tell you the truth, I am also a mutant and will never allow this kind of thing to continue to happen. So I planned to destroy that research base, but I didn’t want to destroy the base. Easy, but how to place the rescued mutants is a big problem.

Fortunately, at this time, I thought of the Wetzel Academy for Gifted Talents that you founded. Maybe it would be a good idea to place them in the school.

It is worth mentioning that our actions have been supported by Mr. President. If you are willing to come forward and relocate them, our Jieer Company will give you a school building fund, become a shareholder of your college, and promise you , the situation during the Vietnam War cannot happen again. After all, the government has no right to interfere with and supervise a private school founded by a private enterprise.

Hope we can reach cooperation.

A mutant who shares your philosophy:


Putting the letter on his lap, Charles rubbed his sore eyebrows. It had to be said that the content in the letter was very tempting. There seemed to be signs of recovery in his long-dead heart.

As the founder of the X-Men and the Mutant Academy, he has always wanted to reopen the closed school because he always firmly believes that only through education can the concept of mutants be changed and mutants and humans can coexist peacefully. , can save the future of mutants.

So when he saw the olive branch extended by Xia Shang, he was really moved.

"Re-create Weizel Academy for Geniuses?" Charles murmured softly with hesitation.

He hesitantly picked up the photo and looked through it.

As his eyes passed from photo to photo, Charles couldn't help but hold his breath, and his hands and feet felt cold. Suddenly, his movement of flipping through the photos stopped abruptly, and he suddenly stood up from the wheelchair and said in a voiceless voice: "Alec Si!”

"Wardfa! What a medical miracle!" Looking at Charles standing up, Deadpool said in shock.

Hank next to him was not surprised. After Charles was injected with the drug he developed, he would lose his ability and regain his original mobility. It was just that sometimes Charles was used to sitting in a wheelchair.

"Hank, do you think the person in the photo is Alex?" Charles reached out and handed the photo to Hank, speaking excitedly.

Hank frowned slightly as he took the photo. If he remembered correctly, he had received news of Alex's death a few years ago. It was a death notice sent by the US military.

However, when he saw the familiar figure in the photo, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Yes, it's definitely Alex! He is actually still alive. How is this possible?"

"Don't be too surprised. Stryker has captured so many mutants. It's normal for you to have old acquaintances." Deadpool sat up from the sofa and looked around with his extinguished cigarette butt, "Where is your trash can? As a As a quality person, I don’t want to throw cigarette butts everywhere.”

"Put it on the coffee table."

Hank was extremely excited at this time. If the photo was real, wouldn't it mean that Sean and the others, like Alex, might still be alive.

"It seems we were deceived. Alex didn't die on the battlefield at all." Charles said solemnly.

Then, he looked at Deadpool, who had just flicked the cigarette butt into the vase, and said seriously: "Please go back and tell Mr. Jervis that I, Charles, have decided to cooperate with him and ask him to destroy that research base as soon as possible and bring Alex down." They were rescued."

"No problem. We will call you to inform you of the specific time of our operation." After getting Charles' phone number, Deadpool walked towards the outside of the castle. (End of chapter)

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