Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 421 Public outcry! On the cusp of the storm!


The next day.

In Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States, known as the world's gambling city, in a club called the Water Club, Mystique, with delicate features and a tall figure, was sitting at the bar, reading the latest issue of the Vespa.

[Title: No more breathing! Mutant lives are also lives! ]

[Unbelievable! Located on the Three Mile Island of the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, the United States, there is actually a military base equivalent to the ‘Nacui Concentration Camp’… We have already obtained a lot of evidence to prove that the base used mutants as experimental subjects, conducted inhumane human experiments, and caused the deaths of a large number of innocent mutants.

We have reason to suspect that the military base is related to the US government, and what is horrifying is that there is a US nuclear power plant next to the base... If a nuclear leak occurs, the lives of hundreds of thousands of American residents in the surrounding area will be extremely threatened...

Jervis, President and CEO of Jervis, said that the actions of the military base are undoubtedly a crime, and strongly condemned the inaction and even indulgence of the US government. At the same time, he also said that mutants are also part of human society, just like the Jews who were once persecuted, they deserve human rights... He will send the superhero Homelander to Three Mile Island to find out the truth of the matter...

For more information, please pay attention to the "Wes Daily", we will continue to follow up for you. 】

"Where did this Weiss newspaper come from? It can even find the mutant research base of the US military." Looking at the content of the newspaper, Mystique's eyes flashed with surprise.

You know, in order to save Red Devil and others, she even took a huge risk and used her own ability to sneak into the Pentagon to find their whereabouts.

However, the result was nothing.

No, to be precise, she did gain something. She accidentally discovered a top-secret report on the Vietnam War, and the confidentiality level was the highest.

At that time, in order to retaliate against the US government, she directly copied the document and mailed it to the New York Times.

However, she didn't pay much attention to what happened later. She only heard that the US Department of Defense and the Department of Justice jointly sued the New York Times in court, and the two sides fought hard.

"It turned out to be on Three Mile Island." Mystique not only sneaked into the Pentagon, but also imitated Dr. Trask's appearance and sneaked into the Trask Industrial Building to look for clues about mutants. There, she saw the dissection pictures of Red Devil and others, and a plan called Sentinel Robot, in order to avenge the mutants and prevent Trask's plan from succeeding.

She disguised herself as a security guard and took out a gun to kill Trask in front of everyone at the Sentinel press conference a few days later. However, she had an accident while escaping and was arrested on the spot by the military.

"I have to go to Three Mile Island to rescue the mutants in the research base." Mystique just put down the newspaper and saw a sturdy man walking towards her. The man also held a newspaper in his hand and his face was extremely ugly.

"Tell Billy that my boss has something to do with him." Victor stopped and stood in front of Mystique, saying coldly.

"Who is your boss?"

Although Victor has been in the Water Club for some time, the two are not familiar with each other, and their relationship is basically that of strangers.

"Don't ask around, knowing too much will not do you any good." While speaking, Victor frowned and looked behind him. Sure enough, the black man wearing goggles was standing not far from him, watching him silently.

"Shit! I don't want to join the Water Club at all. When will Billy let me go?" Victor said impatiently. He felt like he was transferred from one prison to another. Under the surveillance of the black man, he could not escape from the Water Club at all, because he tried many times, but failed every time. The other party was much stronger than him in terms of speed and strength, and it was almost impossible for him to escape. Fortunately, he later contacted Stryker through the guests entering and leaving the club. However, Stryker did not send anyone to rescue him, but asked him to stay in the Water Club and find an opportunity to collect information about Billy and others. "As far as I know, he didn't seem to invite you to join." Mystique shrugged and said in an indifferent attitude: "Also, if you don't want to say it, forget it. I don't care who your boss is. As for you looking for Billy, I'm sorry, I can't do anything because I can't contact him." Just then. A voice suddenly sounded from behind Victor. "Are you looking for me?" At some point, a man in a black robe appeared behind Victor and said expressionlessly. "Sir, my boss wants to talk to you." Victor turned around calmly and said to Billy who suddenly appeared. Because this situation often happens, he was shocked at first, but he got used to it slowly. "Well, I know, let him come over." As soon as the voice fell, Billy, who had just appeared, disappeared from the sight of the two in an instant. There is no need to think about it. Stryker's visit to him must be related to the latest issue of the Weiss Daily. After all, once the newspaper was published, public opinion in the United States was instantly ignited. In just one morning, under the bombardment of many news media, the military base on Three Mile Island became a hot topic among people. Almost instantly, Stryker, who was caught off guard, his research base, and the US government were pushed to the forefront.

In the Walter Club, in the conference room left by the Black Emperor, Xia Shang, disguised as Billy, looked through the walls at Victor in the hall, and chuckled softly: "I was worried that the people from the motherland would come and cause trouble, so I called Have I been there to help? But this is exactly what I want. It’s time for Victor to be put to use.”


After a while, a black Ford car stopped in front of the Walt Club.

After opening the car door, a serious-looking Stryker, accompanied by two bodyguards, walked towards the club in front of him.

To be honest, he originally thought that Victor was dead and died at the hands of his motherland, but he didn't expect that this guy was actually still alive. For him, the dead Victor was more useful than the living one.

If Logan knew that Victor was not dead, then Logan would most likely leave him, and it would be impossible to deal with the people of his motherland as he wished.

So Victor must die... and the silver fox must also die at the hands of the motherland, at least to make Logan think that it was the motherland who killed his woman and brother.

While thinking, Stryker crossed the threshold and came to the luxuriously decorated hall. (End of chapter)

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