"I have already reported this matter to Mr. President, didn't he tell you?" Xia Shang glanced at the incompetent and furious Minister of Defense, calmly picked up the coffee and took a sip. Well, enjoy double the milk. Silky smooth.

"Impossible!" Gaston retorted subconsciously.

Soon, he realized that he had lost his composure, so he took a deep breath and said in a calm tone: "Please lend me the phone."

"Excuse me." Xia Shang stretched out his hand and pointed to the black landline on the desk.

"Thank you." Gaston, who came to the desk and was well-dressed, quickly pressed a series of phone numbers unknown to outsiders on the landline.

About ten seconds later, President Nixon's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, I'm Nixon." At this time, in the White House President's Office, a group of senators and congressmen were arguing over Nixon's resignation. Until Nixon picked up the phone, their voices Only then did he restrain himself.

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"Mr. President, it's me, Gaston. I want to ask if you know anything about Jervis sending the superhero team to Three Mile Island."

"I know, and I have agreed." Three days ago, Nixon called Xia Shang privately and proposed that he wanted to resign as president. In order for him to retire with dignity and enjoy his old age, the two reached a cooperation , and the content of the cooperation is that Xia Shang needs to "destroy" key evidence about the Watergate scandal and absolutely cannot let it circulate.

What he had to do was to sell the Trask Industrial Group, which had an official background, to Xia Shang at a lower price before resigning. To put it bluntly, it was a simple official-business transaction.

"I understand." Gaston said feebly. It was obvious that he, the president, had already put on the same pants as Jervis, so the most important thing at the moment was not to prevent the British team from landing on Three Mile Island. , but we have to find a way to remove this Mr. President, because if this continues, the United States is likely to become a mutant United States.

After Gaston hung up the phone, he hurriedly left.


Pennsylvania, Three Mile Island, a tall and majestic figure is suspended in the sky above the military base. He is wearing a dark blue battle uniform. Under the strong air current at high altitude, the stars and stripes cape behind him is swaying in the wind, hunting. Sound.

The man lowered his head with a seemingly expressionless face, looking at the troops waiting on the ground without saying a word.

For a moment, it seemed as if the air was filled with the strong smell of gunpowder.

"Is that a native of Washington who is known as the patron saint of Washington? It looks very difficult, but if he fights me in close combat, I am confident that I can kill him." Wolverine Logan, who was standing next to Stryker, looked at The figure in the sky narrowed his eyes and said with full fighting spirit.

At this time, an old general with white hair held a microphone and shouted to the people of the motherland: "I advise you to go back wherever you came from. If you dare to take action, it will be equivalent to declaring war on the United States. Our warships It is approaching the sea here, and it is loaded with military missiles. Even if you have a body of steel, you will never be able to withstand our hot weapons. "

However, in the face of his words, the people of the motherland did not make any response, as if they were waiting for something.

Just like that, the atmosphere at the scene became more solemn. The soldiers clenched their guns and the word nervousness could be clearly seen in their eyes.

Finally, an imperceptible roar came from far away, and a plane broke through the clouds and appeared in everyone's sight.

"Has the government sent people to support us?" Logan whispered.

Stryker shook his head, looked at the plane solemnly, and said, "That's a private plane. If I guess correctly, the people in the plane should be superheroes from Jere Company."

Sure enough, after the plane landed, Deadpool, who was wearing a tight-fitting suit, walked toward the army with arrogant steps. In addition, behind him were Gambit, who was wearing a black hooded windbreaker and showing off his muscles, and Gambit, who was wearing casual clothes. Quicksilver holding a toothpick in his mouth.

"Is it so exciting? This is the first time since I was born that so many guns were pointed at me." Quicksilver took off the toothpick and smiled cynically.

"Get ready to take action."

Stryker's eyes were dark and he whispered into the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Shoot!" Seeing Deadpool and the others walking towards him, the old general knew that the matter could not be resolved peacefully, and immediately gave the order without hesitation.

In an instant, countless bullets sprayed out of the soldiers' gun barrels.

Seeing this, Quicksilver calmly put on his goggles and walked leisurely through the hail of bullets.

"It's a bit hot." He pushed away the bullets in front of him, walked up to the soldiers in a hurry, and then in front of the soldiers, he dismantled the guns in their hands into a pile of parts, because time seemed to be like The pause button was pressed, so the gun parts seemed to have lost gravity, suspended in the air, and could only fall at an extremely slow speed.

Unfortunately, Quicksilver's "bullet time" did not last long. After he dismantled most of the firearms, time returned to its normal flow rate. However, at this time, since the trajectory of most bullets had been adjusted, So even if Deadpool and the others stood still, none of the bullets hit them, but whizzed past them.

"Tell them to put down their guns, or I'll kill you." A voice suddenly sounded in the old general's ears. At some point, Quicksilver actually put a dagger on the old general's neck. When had the old general, who had experienced hundreds of battles, experienced such a strange scene? Before the battle started, his commander was held hostage? !

Just when the soldiers were at a loss, Stryker's voice appeared in their headphones.

"Don't hesitate! Shoot him to get rid of him, this is a life-and-death war!"

"Logan, it's your turn. The silver-haired boy's ability is a bit weird. Kill him first." Stryker said to Logan beside him in a deep voice.

Logan nodded, and his legs burst out with amazing power, shooting out like a cannonball. At the same time, six extremely sharp steel claws popped out from his fingers.

"Shit! Don't you see that I have a hostage in my hand?" Looking at the bullet head shot at him, Quicksilver cursed inwardly while retreating with the old general and returned to the side of the King of Cards.

"I'll deal with the guy with the long claws." Deadpool relied on his immortal body and rushed to Logan in the rain of bullets, and drew out two long knives from his back and slashed at Logan's chest.

Logan reacted so quickly, crossed his hands to block, and resisted Deadpool's attack.

"Old man, we meet again, your claws seem a little different from before." (End of this chapter)

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