Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 425 The superhero team goes out together!

"Excellent employee? Are you sure?" Xia Shang glanced at him, then picked up a cardboard box and dumped all the letters inside on the table. "These are dozens of complaint letters received by Jieer Company within a week. seal up."

Immediately afterwards, he randomly picked out one letter from the pile of complaint letters. After opening it and reading it, he said with a speechless face: "It's this taxi driver again. This is the third time he has written a letter accusing you of not paying for the ride." , even if you are trying to pluck a sheep, you can’t pluck a sheep to death, the company’s finance department almost memorized this guy’s bank account number.”

"It's not that I don't want to give it, it's just that I can't find my wallet every time I go out. That thing is like a pornographic magazine. It's always hanging out in front of me when I don't need it. Once I use it, it will disappear inexplicably. I feel It's easy to understand, after all, this happens to everyone, but it happens to me more often." Deadpool shrugged and defended.

"Okay, I won't argue with you about not paying for the ride for the time being. May I ask how you plan to explain this letter of complaint?"

Xia Shang took out the second complaint letter, looked at the mailing address on it and said.

"This letter is from the Central Zoo in New York. They said that you jumped into the isolation area and fought with a lion in front of many tourists, causing great economic losses to their zoo." Xia Shang said in a kind of way. In an incomprehensible tone, he continued: "To be honest, I can't even think of it even if I rack my brains. What is your motive for doing this?"


"When I visited the zoo, I found that the lion was very arrogant and actually provoked me with contemptuous eyes. However, the main reason for fighting with it was because it scared a child to tears. As a superhero, I must stand up. Revenge for that poor helpless child."

Deadpool raised his chest and spoke righteously.

"Do you know that just because you put your diamond-shaped right hand into the lion's mouth, the lion broke three of its teeth, two of which were canine teeth? The person in charge of the animal said in the letter that since the lion After breaking three teeth, he suffered from severe depression. Not only did he go on a hunger strike, but he also became autistic. Currently, the Central Zoo is considering a dental implant surgery for the lion. At the same time, they hope that the damage caused by the dental implant surgery will be eliminated. All the expenses will be borne by you, Wade, or our company."

"They estimate the cost to be about 20,000 US dollars. I will deduct this amount from your salary. Therefore, not only will you have no salary this month, but you will also owe me several thousand US dollars."

As soon as Xia Shang finished speaking, the furious Deadpool shouted loudly: "Twenty thousand dollars?! All my teeth combined are not worth that much! Besides, can a lion suffer from depression? I think it's probably just a pretense. Yes, just give it another beating. If they can’t beat it, call me over and I’ll make sure that the lion goes to see God!”

Twenty thousand dollars! That was a total of 20,000 US dollars. Deadpool felt that his heart was bleeding. Normally, he would have to blackmail the delivery man even if he ordered a pizza, let alone losing 20,000 US dollars all at once, which was simply unacceptable to him.

"Hand?" Deadpool suddenly thought of something. He covered his right hand and let out a miserable cry: "BOSS, that damn lion bit off my hand. Contact the zoo and ask them to compensate." I have a lot of money, yes, and mental damages.”

"I advise you to be honest and don't think about committing fraud. Our Jieer Company is a serious company and will not help an unscrupulous guy like you."

Xia Shang didn't even look at his poor performance. He sorted out the complaint letters on the table and put them back in the carton.

At this time, the president's assistant walked into the office. She was a blond beauty with a good figure. She came to Xia Shang and whispered: "Mr. Jervis, the US Secretary of Defense is looking for you. Do you want him to come in?"

"Bring him in." Xia Shang nodded slightly and looked at Deadpool, "Start taking action. The plane has been prepared for you. It's on the top of the building."


In less than a cup of coffee, under the leadership of his assistant, Gaston walked into the office with steady steps.

"Welcome, Mr. Minister, to our company for guidance." Xia Shang stood up to greet him with a smile.

"I have long heard that the president of Jieer Company is very young. Now that I see him, it is true." Gaston smiled and took Xia Shang's outstretched right hand.

After the two exchanged polite greetings, Gaston got down to the topic, "Mr. Jervis, your Weiss newspaper recently published a piece of news that brought us a lot of pressure from public opinion. In fact, the military base on Three Mile Island had nothing to do with mutants at first. According to our investigation, it was a senior military officer named Stryker who violated the regulations and secretly conducted human experiments on mutants. This matter we The U.S. government didn’t know.”

"I think so. How could the U.S. government use mutants to conduct cruel and inhumane human experiments? There must be a misunderstanding. It's just that the editors under me acted too quickly and used inappropriate words. This made the American people mistakenly think that the military The US government is behind the base, and I have to apologize to you. It was my mismanagement," Xia Shang said with a smile, matching Gaston's performance.

Gaston was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xia Shang's attitude to be so good. In this way, he had a lot of confidence in winning this negotiation.

"It's great that Mr. Jervis thinks so. Then please take that news off the shelves as soon as possible and publish an article to explain the matter. As for Stryker, I will personally deal with him." Gaston, who was on the sofa, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, leaned back, and crossed his legs.

Unexpectedly, Xia Shang shook his head, "I'm sorry, we still have to hold a meeting to discuss the removal of the article, and try to give you a reply within half a month. After all, one meeting may not be enough, we need to hold three or four meetings. "

The smile on Gaston's face suddenly stopped. He suppressed the urge to get angry and forced a stiff smile, "Mr. Jervis is really good at joking. You are the major shareholder of Weiss Newspaper. Why do you need a meeting?" Discuss this matter."

"I am only the major shareholder and do not own all the shares of the newspaper, so I still need to consult other shareholders for their opinions."

"By the way, the Super English team has set off and is expected to arrive at Three Mile Island soon. The vice president of Weiss Newspaper is also very interested in this matter. He followed several reporters with him."

Xia Shang raised his left hand and looked at the watch on his wrist.

"What! Why didn't you inform me in advance?" Gaston stood up suddenly and shouted. (End of chapter)

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