Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 424: Wave of demonstrations! Want to negotiate!

At the same time, in the United States, Manhattan Police Department.

69 Book Bar

Chief Michael is busy with the public demonstrations. He really can't understand why so many guys who have nothing to do would take the initiative to stand up for mutants.

You know, not long ago, they still regarded mutants as a flood and beast. Who would have thought that the wind direction would change so quickly.

In fact, this situation is not difficult to explain. Originally, most ordinary people have never come into contact with mutants, let alone what mutants are like. It is completely politicians with ulterior motives and some scientists like Trask who manipulate public opinion behind the scenes and maliciously discredit the mutant group. Therefore, over time, mutants have become monsters in the eyes of ordinary people! Aliens! And terrorists who destroy social order!

After all, the unknown can arouse fear in people's hearts. The US government understands this very well and is good at using this.

Originally, their plan would have gone very smoothly, until Xia Shang appeared. He not only published the mutant weekly, unraveling the mysterious veil of mutants, but also vigorously promoted the heroic deeds of his countrymen, shaping mutants into superheroes. More importantly, Xia Shang controlled half of the traditional paper media, and he could also manipulate and guide public opinion, and his influence was not inferior to that of the US government.

In addition, Americans seemed to be born to distrust the US government. Simply put, they generally have paranoia, so they always like to demonstrate and march, which is essentially a resistance to tyranny. However, the power of ordinary people is ultimately limited. At this time, superheroes who protect others and uphold fairness and justice bring them a full sense of security.

In addition, the exposure of the Three Mile Island incident made them realize that mutants are not as terrible as they imagined, but are even a vulnerable group. As we all know, sympathizing with the weak is human nature, and those crazy members of the Animal Protection Association can prove this point well.

"Send someone to the scene to maintain order. Remember, do not engage in violent clashes with the crowd, especially bloodshed. This must not happen." Michael rubbed his brows and instructed his assistant. Then he could see police cars whizzing out of the police station gate.


"Destroy all the evidence in the base as quickly as possible. I'm on my way to Jer Company now. I'll try to delay time for you." In a high-speed black Cadillac, Defense Minister Gaston was holding a mobile phone and said solemnly to Stryker on the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the car suddenly slowed down and even stopped.

"What's going on in front? Why are there so many people gathering there?" Gaston, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, frowned as he looked at the crowd gathered on the side of the road.

"I'll go over and take a look." The driver took out the key and prepared to get off the car.

"I'll go with you."

Gaston opened the car door and walked towards the noisy crowd.

"I have a dream today! I dream that one day, mutants can live freely on this land without oppression and discrimination! I dream that one day..." When Gaston approached the crowd, he found that someone was giving a speech on the roadside, and the content of the speech seemed to refer to Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream". Gaston saw that many people were excited and shed tears, and some even made a cross on their chests, as if praying for something.

Confused, Gaston squeezed into the crowd accompanied by his bodyguards, only to find that the speaker was actually a mutant, and there was a pair of snow-white wings on his back, the shape was exactly the same as the angel in people's hearts.

"Oh my God! I must be dreaming." Gaston opened his mouth slightly, his eyes full of shock.

I saw Warren, wearing a golden armor, spreading his wings, standing in front of the microphone, reading the manuscript in his hand with an extremely infectious voice, and under the illumination of the surrounding lights, he was like a holy light, like an angel descending to the earth, as if his voice contained a mysterious power.

"This guy is simply a born charlatan." The driver beside him couldn't help but sigh.

If Xia Shang was at the scene, he would definitely agree with his point of view. There is no other reason. Warren's appearance is simply invincible in the United States where Christianity is prevalent. He is popular with people of all ages. Even if Warren can't even beat Wade before he was strengthened, he only needs to show his face occasionally and fly over the United States. His popularity will definitely explode.

Even if ten Wades are tied together, in terms of popularity, they can't compare with Warren with angel wings.

As the speech came to an end, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more heated.

"We need freedom! We need equality! Mutants are also part of our human race!" People shouted loudly, raised their arms and cheered, and their emotions were extremely excited.

"It's Jerco again." Gaston saw a paragraph of introduction written in English on the signboard next to Warren, [Angel descended to the earth, another superhero of Jerco, Warren Kenneth Worthington III]

He looked very ugly and said, "Excuse me, setting up Jerco is the most wrong decision Mr. President has made in his life."

Gaston was in a terrible mood at the moment, but Warren on the stage was in a pretty good mood.

"I should have completed the task assigned to me by Mr. Jervis quite well. It's really wonderful to be a superhero. Jerco is good in every way, but that guy named Deadpool is too mean. He always calls me Birdman. I'm obviously an angel." After the speech, Warren immediately flapped his wings and rushed to the next speech venue.

After exiting the crowd, Gaston and others returned to the car. The atmosphere was quite solemn. No one spoke until the car stopped at the door of Jer Company.

"I am the Secretary of Defense, Gaston, and I want to see your president, Jervis."

Gaston took out his ID, waved it in front of the security guard, and then walked straight into the Jer company. Although the security guard didn't see clearly what was on the ID, he knew with his feet that even the most daring liar wouldn't be able to do it. Dare to use your identity as Secretary of Defense to deceive in the United States.

He hurriedly followed, "Mr. Gaston, please follow me."

At this time, in the CEO's office, Deadpool was slapping his chest and saying with a serious face: "I promise you, no one knows publicity better than me. I can also give speeches everywhere like that birdman."

"What? Are you anxious to see Warren in the limelight? You don't even look at yourself in the mirror to see what you look like. Do you have what Warren has?" Xia Shang curled his lips.

"Discrimination, this is naked discrimination, do you know? Your words deeply hurt the heart of an outstanding employee." (End of Chapter)

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