When Victor heard this, he frowned and said, "You know, I am only good at killing people. If you ask me to please Slaughter and have a good relationship with him, then I would rather go to Three Mile Island to deal with the people of my motherland."

"Are you going to die?" At this time, Stryker's face was as gloomy as water. He glanced around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping on their conversation, then lowered his voice and said angrily: "To tell you frankly, the situation here is It's extremely bad. Wade betrayed me so stupidly. Ghost and the others are all dead. Even Fred quit the team not long ago. In other words, you are the only mutant I can use at the moment. You are absolutely You can’t die, let alone be worthless!”

After hearing this, Victor was silent for a while and then said: "I understand, everything will follow your arrangement."

At this time, Mystique, who was tall and had a lady's cigarette between her red lips, slowly walked down from the circular staircase on the second floor of the club. Her eyes swept across the bar, and finally stopped at Street beside Victor. On the body.

"Are you Victor's boss?" When she came to the two of them, Mystique gracefully took off her cigarette and asked.

"That's right. Did Massacre ask you to take me over to see him?" Stryker looked at the woman in front of him who had killed his boss and nodded slightly.

"Follow me." Mystique turned around and walked towards the second floor of the club.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

"You guys stay here for now, I can go there alone."

Stryker vaguely touched a hard object under the clothes around his waist and said to the two guards around him. Under his clothes was a pistol loaded with Adamant alloy bullets. This was also the confidence that he dared to face the massacre alone. Because of the hardness of Adamantium alloy, as long as the shot didn't miss, he believed that even the people of the motherland would never be able to withstand a headshot from him.

Passing through the red carpeted corridor, Mystique led him into a rather luxuriously decorated room.

In the room, the lighting is soft and there is a light aroma in the air. In addition, in the corner of the room, there is a small bar with a variety of drinks on it. The right side of the bar is equivalent to the room. In the center, there were three pure white sofas made of velvet. Slaughter, wearing a black coat, sat comfortably on the middle sofa with his legs crossed and looked at Stryker who walked into the room.

"I've heard your name for a long time, Mr. Slaughter."

After Stryker entered the room, Mystique on the side took the initiative to retreat.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Looking at Stryker standing in front of him, Xia Shang smiled.

"With Mr. Slaughter's intelligence capabilities, I think I don't need to introduce myself." Being able to rescue Victor from Jervis and turn a blind eye to Victor's contact with him is enough to show that his identity is in the other party's hands. There was no secret in his eyes. Thinking of this, Stryker said softly.

"In that case, let's get straight to the point."

"I have also read the latest issue of Weiss Daily. Logically speaking, as a member of the mutants, my position should be on the side of Jere Company, but who told me that I would not like the people of the motherland." Disguised as massacre Xia Shang chuckled lightly and said with a hint of sarcasm: "But that doesn't mean I want to help you. Since you are here to discuss cooperation, just tell me your conditions and let me see if you are sincere."

"I came to see you alone to show my utmost sincerity." Although Stryker couldn't stand the arrogant attitude of Zhan, he was asking for help after all. He tried hard to suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart and said in a cold voice: "As long as If you are willing to go to Three Mile Island to help me deal with the people of the motherland, I will give you half of my military base. From now on, we will be partners. You should know that I have the support of the US military. "

"What's the use of your military base? Transform it into a casino?" Xia Shang said disdainfully.

Arrogant, rude, and arrogant, this was the first impression Carnage gave Stryker.

"I can give you stronger power. It is a very strange metal. I have already experimented with it, and it was very successful. The experimental subject has an indestructible steel frame. I estimate that you will see him soon. In addition, In addition, you can also get support from the U.S. military, whether it’s the most advanced equipment or the intelligence you want, they can give it to you.”

Stryker said expressionlessly, in his opinion, as long as the explosives in the base are detonated, there is a high probability that it will affect the nearby nuclear power plant. At that time, once a nuclear leak occurs, the superheroes of the motherland and the people in front of them will be affected. Massacre might lead to death directly on Three Mile Island, so what he said above was just a blank check.

"It sounds really tempting." Xia Shang, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Stryker and chuckled: "Unfortunately, I don't believe a word of what you said, so I'll just tell you the truth." Tell me your plan.”

Quietly, an invisible, slender tentacle rushed out from the back of Xia Shang's hand and touched Stryker's forehead.

The memory storm, coupled with the cognitive invasion, instantly made Stryker's eyes dull and rigid. As if he was sleepwalking, he revealed his true plan in an emotionless tone.

"As expected of a ruthless man who can experiment on his own son, he actually wants to detonate the nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island." After learning about Stryker's crazy plan, even Xia Shang couldn't help being surprised, but then he thought about it. Think about it, today's Stryker is equivalent to a desperate gambler who is ready to make a desperate move. If the plan succeeds, it will not only kill the motherland and massacre, but also plunge the reputation of Jer Company into the abyss, and completely end mutants and humans. the possibility of peaceful coexistence.

And even if he failed to kill the people of the motherland and massacre, he would not have any losses. The base was blown up, and not a single hair of the information and documents about human experiments on mutants would be left. Then the so-called mutant research base would naturally be destroyed. It became a fabrication made up by the Weiss newspaper, and he, the mastermind behind it, only needed to lie dormant for a few years and wait until the limelight passed before he could make a comeback.

"Your plan is perfect, but it's a pity that you met me."

Xia Shang smiled and manipulated the tentacles to penetrate Stryker's head. A bit of red and white viscous liquid could be seen slowly flowing out from the small hole in the back of his head.

After a while, Stryker, who was wearing a black suit, adjusted his cuffs and walked out of the room with a smile on his face.

"This negotiation went more smoothly than I imagined. Carnage has agreed to cooperate with me. By the way, you go to Three Mile Island with Carnage. The people of the motherland will definitely be doomed this time." Stryker said to Victor.

On the other side of the room, Xia Shang played with the pistol he had just received and showed a faint smile. (End of chapter)

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