Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 422 Cooperation! (Strong revival, now being serialized!)

Even though it was daytime, there were still many customers in the Walter Club. They were generally wearing suits. Some were holding wine glasses and chatting and laughing with their companions, while others were smoking cigars and standing at the gaming table. Swallowing clouds and puffing out mist.

"I guess they don't know that this is the place where mutants are massacred." Looking at their relaxed postures, Stryker had a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. You know, since the White House incident, the massacre has basically been the same as killing people. Terrorists are equated. If these guys knew that the boss here was the notorious Massacre, they would probably run away immediately. The scene would be very exciting.

It's a pity that he came here to ask for help from the slaughter. Otherwise, he wouldn't mind spreading the news and causing some trouble for the other party.

At this moment, a male waiter walked up to him and asked with a smile: "Hello, how can I serve you?"

Stryker's eyes swept across his face and nodded slightly, "Do you recognize Victor? Do you know where he is?"

"You mean that guy who just came here not long ago. Of course I know him. He should be at the bar now." As he said that, the male waiter stretched out his hand to point him in the direction.


The area of ​​the lobby on the first floor of the club is not large, about four to five hundred square meters. In the center of the lobby, there are several gambling tables, and directly in front of the gaming tables is the bar.

Stryker planned to find Victor first before seeing Massacre to see if he could get more information about Massacre from him.

It is best to know what Slaughter needs or likes, so that he can ensure that the subsequent cooperation negotiations can proceed smoothly.

However, in the face of his inquiry, Victor shook his head and said calmly: "Although he rescued me from Jervis, we have not had much contact with each other, and I have not even met him many times. More than five times, but he is indeed very strong, and besides Mystique, there seem to be other mutants under his command.”

As he spoke, he turned his head and glanced, standing not far away staring at his locomotive, and whispered: "Did you see that black man wearing goggles? His name is the locomotive. He has the ability to move at high speed because he is always watching. Hold on to me, I can’t escape from this hellish place.”

"Another guy appeared out of nowhere." Stryker looked at the locomotive, carefully identified it, and after making sure he had no impression of it, he couldn't help but frown.

Although mutants are extremely mysterious to ordinary people, in the eyes of a person of his status, they are just that. With the powerful intelligence collection capabilities of the U.S. government, he even has a list of mutants in his hand, and there are several mutants on it. The identity information of tens or hundreds of mutants includes information such as the mutant's home address, the school he attends, and which store he likes to shop at.

Basically, once a mutant exposes his or her abilities, it is equivalent to being under surveillance by the U.S. government. Therefore, most mutants will be discovered when they first awaken their abilities, and what puzzles Stryker is Yes, neither the people of the motherland, nor the massacre, nor even the guy named Locomotive, ever appeared on the list, as if they appeared out of thin air.

"That's outrageous. Are those people in the intelligence department asleep?" Stryker complained.

"Colonel Stryker, how is the situation over there? I read the latest issue of Weiss Daily. I really didn't expect that guy to dare to expose the matter. Doesn't he know who is standing behind us?" Rather than worrying about where Carnage and the others came from, Victor was more concerned about the situation on Three Mile Island. After all, he could hear people talking about the mutant base in the Walt Club. You know how big the public opinion outside is.

When mentioning this matter, Stryker's face suddenly darkened, and he said with anger in his voice: "The situation is very bad. That guy Jervis has several well-known newspapers in his hands, and they are all publicizing this matter. , the U.S. government couldn't suppress it even if it wanted to. I heard that the people above wanted to negotiate with him and asked him not to make the matter so big, but he refused. He also said that the American people should enjoy the right to freedom of the press. Damn it. Yes, I think he just wants to use us as a stepping stone so that his Jer company can become an instant success!"

"But that's not the worst." Stryker said in an irritated tone: "If that's all, then I wouldn't ask a mutant to help. I just need to destroy all the evidence, and then remove all the evidence in the base. The mutants were transferred out and refused to admit it until the end. No one could do anything to me. The problem was that there was not enough time. I was being targeted by the motherland. Maybe that guy had already flown over the base and was ready to take action at any time. "

"Can't we blow up the base? There's a leak in the gas pipe, or there's an accidental fire. You can just find an excuse." Victor, who does Stryker's dirty work, knows very well how shady the things in the base are. Once it happens, If the news was leaked, he and Stryker would definitely have to be court-martialed, with no hope of survival.

"You think I don't want to, don't forget, there is a nuclear reactor near the base. If a serious nuclear leak occurs, we will also be dead."

Now Stryker's guts are filled with regret. In order to provide concealment and at the same time considering that few people would be close to the nuclear power plant, he built the base on Three Mile Island. Logically speaking, there is almost no risk of exposure. But who would have thought that they would actually find people from the Weiss newspaper office, and even sneak in and take a lot of photos.

"Now we can only find Carnage to cooperate and let him deal with the superheroes under the Jell Corporation." At this point, Stryker paused and continued: "While he is holding Homelander back, I will transfer those mutants out and destroy the relevant information in the base."

However, in fact, Stryker just wanted Carnage to go to Three Mile Island, because he placed enough explosives in the base. As long as Carnage and Homelander fought, he would immediately detonate the explosives and blow the entire base into ruins. At that time, even if a nuclear leak occurred, it would have nothing to do with him. The dirty water could be thrown on Homelander and Carnage, and even with the help of public opinion, Jell Corporation could be directly dragged down and turned into a public enemy.

Of course, Stryker could not tell Victor the real plan, so it was hard to say who was currently in the upper hand. The only variable was whether Carnage would choose to cooperate with him.

"Do you need my help?" Victor asked.

"Not for the time being, you can stay here. It's best to find an opportunity to join the Vought Club and gain Carnage's trust." Wolverine is now on Three Mile Island. How could Stryker let the two brothers meet? (End of this chapter)

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