Becoming A God Starts By Copying Talent Skills

Chapter 191 Practitioner's Heart


Standing outside the dojo, Lin Yan silently watched the fierce battle between the two in the arena, but he had no intention of intervening at all, and even prepared to make some food to continue watching the show.

"White Idol Realm!"

Ke Qi approached Kenichi's side and used his nirvana once again. Seeing the attack that just made him unconscious (Kenichi didn't know that he had just died once), Kenichi's pupils were fierce. The shrinking.

Just when Keqi was about to use a fatal blow on Kenichi again, suddenly, Kenichi's whole person's momentum changed, and then his behavior suddenly felt indescribable.

This can be regarded as Kenichi's unique skill. After a long time with Liang Shanbo's experts, he subtly grasped the characteristics of each Master, and then imitated it to form a weakened version of the Master.

As it is now, if it is based on Kenichi's own ability, although it can avoid Keqi's attack, it is impossible to hide so easily as it is now, and even easily go around behind Keqi.

"What's the matter? Why does this guy's aura suddenly become so strange?"

At this time, Kenichi has entered the Ma Jianxing mode. In this state, Kenichi can imitate Ma Jianxing and use a variety of flexible moving footwork. His whereabouts are strange and changeable, but it looks more wretched.

Kenichi, who walked around behind Keqi, immediately switched to the Misakigoshi Temple mode. He grabbed Keqi's shoulder, and then slammed his shoulders with force.

Keqi, who was controlled by Kenichi's sudden move, slammed heavily on the wooden floor of the dojo after spinning around for a while, smashing the floor out of a crack.

Kenichi, who succeeded in the attack, did not step forward to suppress, but stepped back a certain distance, watching Ke Qi stand up from the broken wood, without the slightest fear in his eyes.

"Ahem, well done, Kenichi Shirahama, but why not take advantage of the victory? Just now, if you continue to attack, maybe I'm already dead here, but why don't you take it?"

Ke Qi, who had coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, was quite annoyed at Kenichi's behavior of only wounding but not killing. For the Practitioner, it was an honor to be able to die in battle, and Kenichi's behavior was like looking down on him.

Hearing Ke Qi's words, Kenichi replied without hesitation: "I am a disciple of Liang Shanbo, the descendant of Living Human Boxing, I am different from you guys who use killing boxing!"

Just as Ke Qi was about to say something, Richard's voice came from outside the dojo. Several other YOMI transfer students seemed to be looking for him.

Ke Qi glanced at Kenichi, and as expected, Kenichi had already put away his posture at this time, although his eyes were still fixed on him.

Ke Qi staggered and walked a few steps with a "cut", and when he reached the door of the dojo, he looked back at Kenichi, and after looking at him deeply, he left without looking back. .

Seeing that Keqi had left, Kenichi was also relieved, and the state of high concentration he had just maintained disappeared, and he slumped on the floor and took a few breaths.

"I have to say, Kenichi, your performance just now was pretty good. You have already died just now!"

"Eh? Lin Yan? Why are you here? Have you been watching the show just now! Also, why did you say that I have died once?"

"Well, it's nothing big anyway, aren't you still standing here?"

"If you don't explain it to me, I will care about it!"

However, Lin Yan obviously did not intend to explain to Kenichi. Anyway, he has died many times (referring to the devil training of the Master, especially the training of Apacha which caused the loss of vital signs), although he was rescued in the end, But for Kenichi, Death has become the norm.

Of course, the most important thing is that, because of Lin Yan's intervention, although Kenichi was killed by Keqi once, he quickly came back. Not only did he not fear Death, but he also strengthened his belief.

Facing Jianyi's endless questions, Lin Yan became irritable. He had known that he would not come out just now, but soon, he found a way to divert Jianyi's attention.

He stretched out his hand and patted Kenichi's head. After interrupting him, Lin Yan smiled at him: "Your friends seem to be here, so I'll leave it to you next, bye!"

After finishing speaking, before Jianyi could speak, Lin Yan slipped away and disappeared in less than a second. Jianyi watched the gate of the dojo with a twitch of mouth, but soon, the voices of Xinbai and everyone in united gradually came over. .

After the cadres of Xinbai United came over, Kenichi discovered that the person who brought them was actually the gate temple that had been forced to bring Kenichi to here, and listening to the friends, it seemed that the gate temple took the initiative to ask them to come and support. of.

When Kenichi fought with Keqi before, Kenichi inadvertently noticed the escape of Damen Temple, but he did not expect Damen Temple would go to Xinbai United to rescue him. It was obvious that the relationship between the two was not good or even possible. Say bad.

Looking at the Damen Temple with wounds all over his body, Kenichi was a little confused, but he still thanked Damen Temple, "Well, Daemon Temple, thank you for your notice, but why did you help me? Obviously..."

"It's nothing, I just... don't want to owe you favors. Moreover, a guy like you can get up from the ground, and I will never give up."

After a low murmur, Daimonji seemed to have figured out something. After slowly clenching the fist of his right hand, he snarled directly at Kenichi: "Shirahama Kenichi, one day, one day, I will challenge you again. Yes, I will never lose to you next time!"

Of course, after the roar, the gate temple naturally fled like a gallop. He was afraid that Kenichi would suddenly act on him and stifle the danger in the cradle, or the other people of Xinbai United would not be pleasing to the eye, so he would act first. .

Although the people of Kenichi and Xinbai had no such plans, watching the back of Damen Temple fleeing, Kenichi smiled unconsciously.

Looking up at the reddish sky, he said to the friends around him: "Anyway, let's go back to the headquarters first! And what just happened, we have to discuss it too!"

Because Lin Yan, the behind-the-scenes BOSS, basically doesn’t care, everyone now defaults that Jianyi is the true leader of Xinbai United, and Xinbai United has long been regarded by the "dark" as a subordinate organization of Liang Shanpo. Naturally, they are also YOMI's. Target.

Kenichi and his friends were discussing how to deal with YOMI in the headquarters of Xinbai United. Because Lin Yan will not end, the fight against YOMI basically needs to be dealt with by Kenichi and Xinbai United.

As for Lin Yan at this time, he had returned to Liangshanpo with Miyu and told the Masters of what happened this evening. After learning that Kenichi had successfully defeated Tilavitt Kirch, the masters couldn't help but nod their heads. Recognized the growth of Kenichi.

Without Lin Yan, there would definitely be one or two Masters in the vicinity of Kenichi during the war against "Darkness". However, Lin Yan's current strength is completely sufficient to protect Kenichi and Miyu, so the Masters are basically They are all dealing with their own affairs, such as being invited to solve the "dark" masters.

In the Liangshanpo Master meeting held again, the experts once again decided on Kenichi's next teaching and Lin Yan's next arrangements.

After learning that Lin Yan was able to defeat Alexander Kaida, Elder was shocked. After a little test of Lin Yan, Elder secretly said to others: "Xiao Yan’s strength is probably not mine. It's down!"

Although I don't understand why Lin Yan, who has only learned martial arts for one year (in fact, two years), has improved so quickly, everyone knows that this is a secret belonging to his disciples, just like the ripple breathing method he has learned.

After almost a year, Elder, Qiyuesi Qiuyu, and Ma Jianxing have already learned the ripple breathing method and felt the power of this breathing method.

After feeling the excellence of the ripple breathing method, several other experts have also learned. Although the time is too short and not particularly proficient, in fact, their strength has surpassed the past.

Therefore, they didn't think too much about Lin Yan's miraculous things. As long as Lin Yan did not fall into Devil Dao, then he would always be Liang Shanpo's chief disciple.

Ahem, it's far off. Lin Yan, a big killer comparable to a nuclear weapon, can't stay in school forever, especially now that Liang Shanpo's conflict with "Darkness" is getting more and more serious.

And because of Lin Yan's soaring strength, even Qiyue Temple Qiuyu now doesn't know how to guide Lin Yan to exercise except for martial arts.

Therefore, after discussion by the experts, they decided to let Lin Yan follow other people to act, contact other characters more, and complete his earthly experience.

As for the first person to follow, it is naturally the weakest and youngest master of Liang Shanbo, Kosaka Toshigure.

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