Becoming A God Starts By Copying Talent Skills

Chapter 192 A Hot Spring Trip with Shigure?

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I went to the "Knife Hunting" with Sister Shiyu. Mingming told you before that I would accompany you, but you never took me there. "

At this time, Lin Yan and Shi Yuzheng were walking together on the streets of an unknown town. Looking at the houses full of ages around them, Lin Yan also breathed a sigh of relief and breathed in the fresh air of the countryside for a while.

Hearing Lin Yan's question, Shi Yu still looked expressionless, just turned her head and glanced at him deeply: "A Yan is a disciple. It belongs to the Master. You can't leave it to the disciple!"

"Although you say that, the excitement on your face is really not convincing!"

This small town does not seem to be prosperous, and there are not many people in the town. At least after Lin Yan and Shi Yu got off the tram, they walked a long distance and met no one.

More importantly, why are people here indifferent when they see the Odachi sword behind Shigure's back, it's a real weapon, it's not a cos-use prop!

"Speaking of which, Sister Shiyu, did you come here because someone here has your father's sword?"

"No, someone said he wanted to sell me a sword made by my father. The photo attached is real, and the agreed place is in the next town."

"This... no matter how you look at it, it's a trap!"

"Well, it's a trap! This person's purpose is not to sell swords, but for my... first level!"

To be honest, it should be something that needs to be taken seriously, but the unchanging expression on Shigure's face and the calm tone really made Lin Yan nervous.

Although Lin Yan’s strength is not afraid of this so-called trap, unless Yiying Jiuquan personally shoots, otherwise he is not panicked at all, Shigure is the same, or she is used to facing all kinds of things. Got trapped.

Shi Yu took Lin Yan to a slightly run-down hot spring hotel, and after greeted the old woman in the hotel, the two came to their room.

"Sister Shi Yu, I don't ask why you want to rest in the town next to your destination, but why we live in such a shabby place? This looks obviously a dilapidated house in disrepair!"

Fortunately, Lin Yan had a controlling voice, otherwise his words would make the old woman who runs this hot spring hotel sad, although this is also true.

"Ayan, although I also think it's a shabby place and I want to live in a better place, we have to consider Liangshanpo's economic conditions."

"Ah, this is my pot. I should prepare the place to live, but fortunately, there are hot springs to soak in. Anyway, let me take a rest first!"

He patted his forehead with a "pop", Lin Yan sighed, put down the luggage, took the towel and ran to the hot spring. Shi Yu looked at Lin Yan's leaving back, and after scratching his head, he began to organize her things.

Because there are not many people in the town, or even many tourists, the only guests of this hot spring hotel are Lin Yan and Shiyu. At this time, only Lin Yan was bathing in the hot spring.

"Ah, unknowingly I am used to hot springs too, but hot springs are really comfortable!"

This hot spring hotel looks shabby, but the hot spring place is quite tidy. It seems that it has been well maintained.

Leaning against the rockery in the hot spring pool, Lin Yan closed his eyes and enjoyed it. Then, in his perception, there was a high-calorie presence. When Lin Yan opened his eyes and looked at it, he realized that it was Shi Yu. .

At this time, Shi Yu was naked, even the bath towel was useless, so he walked into the hot spring and came to Lin Yan's side, and then sat down beside him.

"Sister Shi Yu, your common sense is really different from ordinary people. Normal women shouldn't wear clothes in front of men!"

"But Ayan is not an outsider, and it's a mixed bath. Isn't it common sense not to wear clothes in the hot spring?"

Although I don't know who taught Shi Yu Jie, this is different from common sense, but Lin Yan decided to forgive him because Shi Yu Jie let him feast on his eyes.

Although bathing in the hot springs makes people feel comfortable and want to sleep, Lin Yan not only doesn't want to sleep at this time, but the spirit is getting more and more excited, and he keeps looking at Shi Yu who is beside him.

Speaking of it, when he was in Liangshanpo, Shiyu was quite alert to others when he was in the hot springs, but here instead he treated Lin Yan as non-existent, with no sense of guard at all.

Just when Lin Yan was thinking about it, suddenly there was a soft feeling in his arm. Lin Yan looked down. It turned out that Shigure was holding his hand to his chest. It was just that the soft touch and the big whiteness. The two groups of unknown objects caused Lin Yan's anger to continue to surge.

Lin Yan, who is 18 years old, is no longer a virgin. What's more, she hasn't had close contact with women for a while after returning to this world. Although Mei Yu is close enough, she is too shy. Now Shi Yu’s behavior is simply to Lin Yanhuo. Add oil.

Just when Lin Yan couldn't suppress his anger and prepared to get started, a few strange auras appeared in his perception, and he immediately reacted. This is probably the assassin who came to attack Shiyu.

But, obviously the trap should be in the next town, why did these assassins attack here first?

Seeing Shi Yu preparing to get up and take action, Lin Yan quickly stood up and pressed Shi Yu's shoulders. She was naked now, so how could outsiders watch it? Although Shiyu didn't care, Lin Yan would.

It's just that Lin Yan forgot that he himself was naked, especially when the anger was just rising, a certain mysterious thing attracted Shigure's attention, and she didn't care about Lin Yan's movements, she kept staring at Lin Yan's lower body.

At this time, Lin Yan finally reacted, even if his face was thicker, his face flushed. One flashed and grabbed two towels, one to Shiyu, and the other to wrap his exposed stuff.

Right here, the assassin of Yu's first level when he came to fetch it was already approaching, and he took his weapon and jumped directly from the wall next to the hot spring, rushing towards the two of them.

However, at this time, Lin Yan was upset because of being disturbed, and his eyes grew colder as he watched the attacking assassin.

The two assassins with the swords moved with the help of various rockery in the hot spring pool and rushed towards Shigure, but Shigure was still squatting in the hot spring at this time, and Lin Yan was standing in front of her.

Although Shi Yu wanted to get up and make a move, Lin Yan stretched out a hand to press her down to prevent her from getting up from the hot spring. Lin Yan didn't want to give the opponent benefits.

With Lin Yan's physical quality, Shi Yu was naturally unable to resist. When the two were entangled, the two assassins holding the swords had also approached, and they directly raised the sword and slashed towards Lin Yan.

It's just that their knives really hit Lin Yan, but there was no blood. Under the ripples, Lin Yan's muscles were not even a spear. How could he use a few knives?

If it is a master-level master holding a famous knife, Lin Yan still has to persuade him, but a few trash fish-level things can leave a few white marks on Lin Yan's skin.

Unlike Lin Yan’s Yun Danfengqing, the two assassins who caused basically zero damage were already embarrassed at this time. They even began to wonder whether they were real or toy knives. Can't be cut?

Then, they were blasted directly out of the hot spring with a single punch by Lin Yan. Although they were not dead, Lin Yan used his strong fist to add ripples and directly impacted their internal organs, turning the two of them into useless people.

The captain who watched the failed action of Owner was also a little scared at this time. After all, he did not understand how Lin Yan was able to resist the hacking of the sword. Looking at the chain dart in his hand, he suddenly felt whether it was better or not. Retreat.

Unfortunately, his reaction was slow. When he was thinking about whether to retreat, Lin Yan had already appeared in front of him. After all, it was only such a distance. At Lin Yan's current speed, he could approach without a second.

Seeing the horror in the eyes of the leader opposite, Lin Yan smiled at him, then hit his chin with an uppercut, knocking him out.

Although he couldn't die, if Lin Yan continued with this punch, he would probably have to live as a disabled person in the future. After all, mentally retarded is also a disabled person.

After cleaning up the hot spring briefly to make sure that the old woman wouldn't find anything strange here, Lin Yan walked directly to Shi Yu's side and hugged her.

"Ayan, what are you going to do?"

Facing Shi Yu’s puzzled eyes, Lin Yan smiled without explaining, hugged her back to the room quickly, fixed the space around the room with the ability of space control, and after ensuring that no one else would disturb him, he started teaching. Shigure does things that adults should do.

(Ps: Although I want to write a little bit more in detail, unfortunately this book will not be available. You can make up your own brains, thank you...)

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