
At noon the next day, Shi Yu opened her eyes with a tired face, feeling the fatigue from her body, turned her head and looked at her while still holding own Lin Yan. After thinking for a while, she moved into Lin Yan's arms. I got together, ready to continue to rest.

It wasn't until the evening when Shi Yu had enough rest that she woke up again, but when she woke up this time, Lin Yan was no longer by her side.

Inexplicably, Shi Yu felt a feeling of loneliness, but soon this feeling disappeared, because Lin Yan came back with a lot of food.

"Ahem, Shiyu sister, you are hungry too, I'm going to prepare some food, and I seem to be taking action at night, let's have a good meal first!"

It was just that Shi Yu did not go to eat immediately after waiting for everything to be eaten, but kept staring at Lin Yan until Lin Yan couldn't bear her gaze a little.

"Well, Sister Shiyu, what are you staring at me for?"

"A Yan, it was so cruel last night... My body is still a little uncomfortable now."

"I'm really sorry, I couldn't hold back Shiyu because Sister Shiyu was so tempting. If Shiyu is very angry, just cut me with a knife!"

A real man must not shrink back at this time, anyway, he would do it anyway, the big deal would be cut a few times by Shigure, as long as he doesn't move his life, it doesn't matter anywhere else.

However, Shi Yu didn't seem to have any plans to take action. He just looked at Lin Yan silently, then tilted his head, "I'm not angry, but A Yan, you are too impulsive, and it may affect your actions tonight."

"It doesn't matter, I'm invincible tonight, Shiyu sister...No, Shiyu, just stand behind me and watch me!"

Seeing Lin Yan patted his chest as a guarantee, Shi Yu couldn't help showing a smile. This beautiful smile made Lin Yan addicted to it for a while.

After eating and drinking, Shigure moved her body a little bit. Although she was a little uncomfortable after the end of the show, it didn't affect her actions fortunately.

Seeing Lin Yan who didn't know where to take out a famous knife (Black Knife Qiushui), Shigure was a little confused but didn't say much. Afterwards, Lin Yan was allowed to carry her on his back and quickly headed to the next town. Trading location.

Although it is only a few tens of miles away, it doesn’t take long for Lin Yan’s moving speed. What’s more important is that the fat from Shigure’s chest, which is constantly moving and colliding with Lin Yan’s back muscles, feels really good to the touch. It's so wonderful.

At night, the moon hangs high in the sky. At this time, the shrine, which is the place of trading, is full of people. These are all for taking Shigure’s head, or the "blade gold" in Shigure's hands. Assassins gathered together.

"Unexpectedly, there will be so many masters here. Did everyone come for that Kosaka Toshigure? Is that guy so terrible?"

Looking at the dozens of masters with weapons gathered here at this time, a passerby-faced trash fish asked him about the old trash fish next to him, but the other party saw him look like a foolish man. Snorted disdainfully.

"Don't be careless, although that woman is a woman and she is not very old, but her strength is genuine, and she will suffer a big loss if you look down on her!"

"Liang Shanbo's...sword and weapon genius!"

While these guys who looked like miscellaneous fish were chatting while waiting, an unusually tall man came over and saw his appearance, some of the people present changed their faces.

"Ahhhhhhhhh? What's wrong? Who is he? How do you feel everyone is afraid of him?"

"Idiot, that's one of the members of the "Dark" weapon group, Ming E's Kii Kyouyan! "

Seeing the blank look of the young junior next to him, the uncle who was an elder couldn't help but reminded him that after knowing the identity of the visitor, the young man was also startled.

Although he is not very familiar with Kii Kyouyan, the name "Dark" is quite loud. Although the members of the weapon group are more mysterious than the empty-handed group, as long as it is a "dark" cadre, there is no weak person.

"Ah, I seem to have heard the sound of knives and swords just now?"

Hearing Ji Yi Yangyan's words, the face of the uncle wearing a hat suddenly changed, and he became extremely scared, and he also frightened the uncle who was holding a spear next to him.

"What's the matter with you? Suddenly your face is so bad?"

"Don't you know? Kiyi Yangyan is best at supersonic I-Hai cutting. When he hears the sound of knives, it means that someone has been cut!"


The uncle, who was still surprised, suddenly let out a scream, and then he spurted a burst of blood from his body, and fell to the ground for unknown life or death.

Looking at this uncle’s tragic situation, the other assassins who originally came to take Shigure’s first-level class are also on guard at this time. Although "Darkness" is quite famous in the underground world, they are not "dark" lackeys. , There is no need to give Ji Yi Yangyan a good face.

Seeing that everyone around him was on guard, Ji Yi Yangyan spread his hands indifferently, and after a glance, he walked to the side of the stone and sat down silently.

"I just came to watch the show and didn't intend to participate in your actions. It was just because that person pointed the tip of a gun at me, and I had to fight back. You can't blame me!"

Seeing that Ji Yi Yangyan really didn't intend to intervene in their actions, the others looked at each other, and then put away their weapons, although the gaze looking at Ji Yi Yangyan was still full of guard.

On the cliff not far from the place where they gathered, Lin Yan held Shigure here and watched the gathered people. When he saw Ji Yiyangyan appear on stage, Shiyu's face flashed with surprise.

"Unexpectedly, he would also be here."

"Shigure, do you know that tall looking man?"

Although Lin Yan knows the general plot, he does not have a deep impression of the people in the weapon team. Most of them are the one shadow nine punches of the empty hand team. At this time, seeing the figure of Ji Yi Yangyan, although he feels a little familiar. Can't remember who he is.

It wasn't until someone said Ji Yi Yangyan's name that Lin Yan suddenly realized that he was a member of the "dark" weapon group, and he seemed to be very powerful.

"Well, I met him once when I was a kid, he is very strong, he can be regarded as a shadow of my childhood!"

"I didn't expect Shigure to have childhood shadows too! But since he is your childhood shadow, let me solve him!"

Shi Yu, who was originally in Lin Yan's arms, was put down by Lin Yan. Lin Yan picked up the famous knife he had placed in the system space before, Black Knife Qiushui, and then jumped directly from the cliff and rushed towards the shrine.

Seeing Lin Yanhuo rushing past his back in a hurry, Shi Yu tilted his head expressionlessly, seeming to feel helpless at the behavior of Lin Yan this disciple's escape. After a deep sigh, he half-squinted and jumped off the cliff. Follow Lin Yan's route.

On the other side, Lin Yan didn't hide his figure at all. When he rushed to the shrine, he was discovered by these assassins who had gathered.

Seeing the unkind look of Lin Yan, the assassins took out their weapons and prepared to fight the enemy, but Lin Yan was not interested in their miscellaneous fish at all. He didn't even draw out the sword, and directly punched the masters of these weapons one by one. We flew one by one.

Seeing Lin Yan's violent posture, Ji Yi Yangyan, who was originally going to watch the show, also suddenly became interested. This kind of powerhouse is well worth his cut. Presumably "Sanamaru" will be happy too!

The first wave of assassins who approached Lin Yan was basically flew by Lin Yan with a punch, and then it was unknown whether the remaining assassins dared to step forward when seeing this horrible situation. he.

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