Monk Liaochen walked away in despair.

Link didn't say goodbye and watched Monk Chen leave quietly, his eyes calm.

Things like the Three Views cannot be collapsed or reshaped.

Moreover, Link did not forcefully destroy Monk Chen's three views, but even reshaped Monk Chen's three views.

In short, if you have no desires, you will be strong.

It was precisely because Link didn't force this point that Monk Liaochen didn't feel surprised.

Everything today, the doubts about Baima Zen Monastery and the Buddhism, are all caused by Monk Luochen.

After watching Monk Chen leave, Link did nothing else but sit quietly and meditate.

The princess's solitary courtyard.

Jasmine looked at the dressing mirror in front of her and asked silently: "Is he here?"


The answer came from the mirror.

The maid on the side was not aware of it and was still dressing Jasmine seriously.

"How is he doing?"

"It couldn't be better."

"What's his plan?"

"It appears not at this time."


"You will be able to meet openly and openly soon. You should be together as a matter of course. If you ask him, why are you asking me?"

Lotusnow, who was communicating with Jasmine through the dressing mirror, finally couldn't bear it anymore and his tone became annoyed.

Jasmine pursed her lips and suppressed her smile.

Of course she knew this, and the reason why she chased Lotsino to ask was firstly because she wanted to know as soon as possible, and secondly because she was looking for trouble.

Yes, looking for trouble.

Who let Lotus Nuo wander around these days when he had nothing to do, and even wandered in front of Link?

Even though she was just standing in an attic and watching from a distance, Jasmine could still see Link's slight displeasure hidden under the calm.

If her husband is displeased, she, Jasmine, will take it back and bother the cheap brother who made her husband displeased.


Lotsino let out a long sigh, "I'm fed up with you two, always spreading dog food everywhere!"

After sighing, Lotusnow broke off the connection with the dressing mirror and walked out of the Guanglin County Prince's Mansion.

As the reincarnation of a saint, and also a "body-stealer", Lotesnow's special feature is of course not just that others have bodies when they come in, but he is a ghost.

While Link is pursuing destiny sensing, Jasmine is accumulating power, Iris is planting white lotuses and setting off sparks, and Forrest and Medici are unfortunately being hunted down, Lotus Snow can already do many, many things.

For example, sneaking into Prince Guanglin's study quietly.

After entering, Lotusnow did not take anything, but instead put down a letter.

Guanglin County Prince is a very interesting title.

There are two lines of succession to the throne of the Song Dynasty, one is the Taizu line and the other is the Taizong line.

The Taizong family is now in charge of the country.

The Prince of Guanglin County is the direct bloodline of Taizu of the Song Dynasty.

According to the throne inheritance rules of the Song Dynasty, Prince Guanglin is the first heir to the throne, that is, the crown prince.

However, after Prince Guanglin came of age, the current emperor of the Song Dynasty did not follow the rules and make Prince Guanglin the crown prince.

This is very interesting.

That is to say, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was only the pinnacle of secular power. He still had to submit to and serve many major Buddhist temples. The current emperor did not dare to go too far.

Otherwise, if you accidentally offend Buddhism, you will change the emperor if you say it will, and you will never be sloppy.

This is how the two lines of succession to the throne of the Song Dynasty came about.

With the lessons learned from the past, the current emperor of the Song Dynasty could only use some small tricks.

For example, the officials dispatched to Guanglin Mansion are all the kind of people who have no bottom line to please Buddhism.

In the environment where Buddhism is supreme, no one can tell what the current emperor of Song Dynasty did wrong.

On the contrary, we have to praise the current emperor of the Song Dynasty for his loving and protective heart towards the Prince of Guanglin.

After all, if the counties under the Guanglin Mansion please the Buddhists, doesn't it mean that the Guanglin County Prince has please the Buddhists?

This is to accumulate blessings and virtues for Guanglin County Prince!

The Prince of Guanglin County cannot express his suffering.

It is right to respect Buddhism, but after all, the throne of the Song Dynasty is a secular power, and you still need to have some face and some reputation among major families, merchants, scholars, and ordinary people at the bottom.

If this continues, the reputation of Prince Guanglin among major families, merchants, scholars, and lower-class people will be completely ruined. Even if the Taizong line returns the throne to the Taizu line and passes it on to Prince Guanglin, Prince Guanglin will also sit on the throne. Unstable.

Therefore, the Prince of Guanglin secretly allowed the original princess to go around doing chivalry and justice, killing the rich to help the poor, and killing officials to provide food, in an attempt to remedy the situation.

It's a pity that the devil is only as high as the Tao.

The current emperor of the Song Dynasty's response made the Guanglin County Prince feel aggrieved.

This time, the prince of Guanglin County arranged for the princess to recruit a son-in-law, and the target of recruiting a son-in-law was limited to Buddhist monks. He wanted to please Buddhism himself, get close to Buddhism, and attract some Buddhist forces as his backing.

The letter that Lotusnow placed in Prince Guanglin's study contained nothing else but a brief introduction to Master Wusheng, some of his deeds, and an explicit statement from Monk Fan who was suspected of being reincarnated into White Horse Zen Monastery.

Doesn’t Prince Guanglin want to find a solid backing?

Baima Zen Temple is not very powerful, but Sanyang Temple, the main sect of Master Wusheng, is one of the few great temples in Buddhism in the Song Dynasty and surrounding countries.

There are countless diamonds, one hundred and eight Arhats, twelve Bodhisattvas, and according to legend there is even a Buddha!

If someone could be reincarnated by Master Wu Sheng and come to Sanyang Temple, it would be easy for the Prince of Guanglin County to annex other countries, not to mention inheriting the throne of the Song Dynasty as promised.

Therefore, Prince Guanglin returned to his study after finishing the reception work. When he found this letter, he felt very conflicted and hesitant.

Firstly, the person who was able to break through the defense of his study and quietly put down this letter must have great supernatural powers, which increases the credibility of the content of this letter;

Secondly, it is said that it is an open recruitment for a son-in-law, but in fact the prince of Guanglin County has already found a suitable candidate, and that is Monk Nengqing, a direct disciple of the abbot of Ci'en Temple in Bianjing;

Thirdly, Sanyang Temple is indeed powerful, but White Horse Temple is too ordinary.

Holding a thin letter, Prince Guanglin had no clue for a moment. He was obviously the first heir to the throne of Song Dynasty, but he was so messed up that he couldn't even get the title of crown prince.

Lotsino was speechless when he saw it, and simply did nothing to confuse Prince Guanglin's thinking.

Of course, Lotsnow didn't go too far, just guided it appropriately.

As if enlightened, the Prince of Guanglin County immediately understood the principle of "if you continue to stop, you will suffer chaos", and decided to focus on inspecting Monk Liaofan of Baima Zen Temple.

Having made up his mind, the Prince of Guanglin County immediately called someone in to read the information about the candidates for son-in-law recruitment sent by Baima Chanyuan.

It didn't take long to get the relevant information.

After reading it, Prince Guanglin couldn't help but put on a very bright smile on his face, and said to himself like a fool: "If you cultivate the six magical powers, you can achieve the status of Arhat (sage) at any time. There are great benefits." I hope to achieve the status of Bodhisattva, and even hope to become the Buddha, who is suspected to be the reincarnation of Master Wusheng. Haha... My good son-in-law, you are my good and good son-in-law."

Lotsino, who was secretly observing Prince Guanglin's movements, couldn't stand it any longer and stepped away.

Anyway, the seeds have been sown, the Song Kingdom is in chaos, and Lotesnow has the final say.

Just as Link was waiting calmly for the recruitment of a son-in-law at the Guanglin County Prince's Palace, in another world, Forrest and Medici successfully reunited.

"How were you exposed?"

In the dark and damp cave, Frist, whose right arm was broken, asked doubtfully.

"I 'seized' a death row prisoner."

Medici, who was stabbed in the abdomen and finally stopped the bleeding, said helplessly, "I will be beheaded the next day to scare the monkeys and warn others not to disrespect the Buddha. In this case, of course I can't just sit back and wait to die. It makes sense to walk through the execution ground, right?”


Frist nodded, then spat, "That's reasonable!"

Unknowingly, after stepping down as the dean of Riversouth College, Forrester's words and deeds became bold and rough. He cursed: "As an executioner, I heard that the wanted criminal was executed before I even got on the stage to supervise the execution." Is it reasonable to escape from the execution ground and then be held accountable, convicted, and sentenced to be beheaded?”

Medici's eyes widened, he looked Frist up and down, and said strangely: "So it's you who wants to kill me, haha... that's right!"

Frist rolled his eyes angrily, calmed down, and asked seriously: "What are your plans now?"

"Shouldn't I ask you this?"

Medici rolled his eyes in return, "You, Forester Diomande, are a famous wise man, and you know all the options. Of course, what to do next must be decided by you, the wise man."

"Ah... wise man."

Forrest laughed at himself, and then analyzed it carefully, "Whether it's you 'seizing' the body from the condemned prisoner, or I'm seizing the body from the unlucky 'executor', it's not as simple as it seems. The elemental saints call randomness." After this incident, I don’t believe it. So..."

"So you think this was intentional by the Elemental Saint?"

Medici took up Frist's words and said the guess that Frist wanted to say but was hesitant to say it out in one breath.


Forrest nodded, then immediately ignored the topic and continued, "Why you want to participate in this mission, I don't know. But I know that I participated, firstly, to show the relationship between Reversoth College and the Supreme Council. The existence value of the Diomande family is, secondly, to maintain a close connection with Lotus Snow and Link Grande. Therefore, whether this mission is completed or not, and how to complete it, the focus is not on me. I can definitely do it An attention-grabbing character.”

After speaking, Frister looked at Medici intently, waiting for Medici's statement.

"I can too."

Medici answered very calmly.


Frist grinned, "Then let's make the noise louder and attract attention, so that they can do things more easily."

"no problem."

Medici agreed without hesitation.

This made Forrest even more certain that he and Medici were feinting, and the meaning of their existence was to provide cover for Link and the others.

In this case, let's make a big noise.

The two of them made a plan and began to deal with the injury and regain their strength as soon as possible.

Then they will ignite more and wider beacons and disrupt the remaining internal situation of the Buddhist sect.

Where Iris is, the beacon fire around Liangshan has been lit.

Sixteen girls and twenty-three women attacked everywhere, and the lotus shrines they built one after another were uprooted one after another by the coalition of Buddhist monks.

The death of the abbot of Ciren Temple among the abbots completely angered these high-ranking Buddhist temples.

After consulting the Buddha for instructions, the eminent monks decided to use vajra methods to punish the fools who did not know their dignity, truth and falsehood, and good and evil.

Every village where a lotus society was established faced a heavy blow from the coalition of Buddhist monks.

All farmers, young and old, who had joined the Lotus Society were flogged.

All the fields cleared with the help of Lianshe were destroyed; all the grain harvested was burned.

People who spread the ideas of Lotus Society everywhere were either hanged or burned to death, and their end was extremely miserable.

For a time, wailing was everywhere.

At Iris's instruction, the sixteen girls and twenty-three women did not confront the Buddhist monks' alliance head-on. Instead, they moved to Liangshan with the backbone of the lotus societies from various places and the young and old who were willing to move.

After settling the young and old who were willing to leave their homes, the girls and women led the backbone of the troops down the mountain again and started guerrilla warfare.

Kill one or two lone monks today, rob one or two lightly guarded execution grounds tomorrow, and dare to attack the empty temporary stronghold the day after tomorrow.

The fire teleportation method passed down by Iris gave the backbone of the Lotus Society led by girls and women the ability to appear and disappear.

Although the coalition of Buddhist monks and monks did not suffer enough damage to their bones and muscles, they were overwhelmed and helpless.

No matter how powerful the force is, it must find a target to be effective.

It’s not that the coalition of monks from the Buddhist temple didn’t think about setting up an ambush, or that they didn’t think about cracking the Lianshe’s elusive power.

However, Iris, who was standing on top of Liangshan Mountain, just wanted to temper her subordinates, and did not want to ruin the budding seeds in vain. How could the plan of the Buddhist monks coalition succeed?

Those farmers, gray-headed and gray-headed, will die as soon as they die.

The sixteen girls and twenty-three women who had spent a lot of effort to cultivate them, as well as the backbone of the Lotus Society who had successfully survived this disaster and achieved great growth, could not die in vain.

You must die a worthy death!

With the help of Iris, Lotus Society seems to have opened its eyes, and can avoid the ambush and pursuit of the Buddhist monks every time.

As the saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

The turmoil caused by the Lotus Society became louder and louder, spreading wider and wider. The society, which had endured the high pressure and extreme oppression and exploitation of Buddhism for too long, quickly became turbulent.

The already unstable situation worsened dramatically.

Although the Lotus Society is symbolized by the white lotus, it is like the seeds of a dandelion, floating in the wind and taking root everywhere.

Sixteen girls and twenty-three women appeared one after another in places where they had never been before.

Even though many lotus societies were destroyed just after they emerged.

Although too many lower-class people who joined the Lotus Society ended up with their families broken up and their lives destroyed.

However, if a numb heart feels pain, desire, and resistance again, it will not return to numbness so easily.

Life is worse than death, so what about death?

If the people are not afraid of death, why should they be afraid of death?

Continuing to be numb is also death, and standing up to fight is also death. It is also death, so why not die more vigorously?

Even if you can't knock down the Buddha statue, you can still spit on it. (End of chapter)

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