The remnants of Buddhist civilization are just remnants, not idiots.

Among the twelve livable worlds, it is definitely not easy for two worlds to make big commotions in succession.

The three Buddhas who stand across the starry sky and incarnate as the sun, Medicine Buddha in the east, Sakyamuni Buddha in the center, and Amitabha Buddha in the west, are so high that they can ignore the affairs of the world.

Those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with special status (the pinnacle of ninth-level great sages) who exercise the authority of the three Buddhas and manage human affairs in the twelve livable worlds cannot be ignored.

In response to the flames of war between the two worlds, Buddhist and Bodhisattva edicts were issued one after another, requiring the local Buddhist temples to put them out as soon as possible and restore the previous peace.

Under this situation, Forrest and Medici's room for maneuver continued to shrink, and Iris was also under greater pressure.

Fortunately, none of the three of them are fuel efficient.

A monk who has attained the status of a Bodhisattva (great sage) can persist for a long time before his death.

Iris even has the remaining energy to further expand and consolidate the scale and foundation of the Lotus Society.

For this, Iris has to thank those who used the name of "Lotus Society" to rebel.

These people not only shared the pressure, but also gave Iris the opportunity to hide the backbone of the True Lotus Society, and also provided a large number of preliminary members of the True Lotus Society.

In such a situation, it can only be said that every drink and every peck has its final result.

If Buddhism hadn't reached the extreme level of oppression and exploitation, it would have been impossible for Iris to have reached a situation where "the whole world gathered in response, and the food and scenery followed" before Iris raised her arms.

It is in line with the saying "it is your own fault and you will not live".

After Iris, Forrest, and Medici had been busy and lively for several days, the excitement of the Guanglin County Prince's Mansion finally arrived.

All the Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty received invitations from the Prince of Guanglin, inviting young and promising monks to come to the son-in-law recruitment meeting of the remaining princess of Guanglin.

Based on the special status of Prince Guanglin and the fact that Buddhism needs one, several or even many secular courts to squeeze and exploit the people, after receiving the invitation, all Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty sent their own young noblemen to attend the meeting.

Some Buddhist temples are closer to Guanglin Mansion, such as Baima Zen Monastery, so you can get there faster and arrive earlier.

Some Buddhist temples are far away from Guanglin Prefecture, such as Bianjing Ci'en Temple, so it will be slower to arrive and arrive later.

Thirteen days after Link arrived at the Guanglin County Prince's Mansion, all the monks of the right age who were confirmed to be attending the meeting finally arrived, and the son-in-law recruitment meeting began accordingly.

The venue was located in a small square specially opened by the county prince's palace.

More than 300 monks came to the small square in a certain order and took their seats according to the guidance signs.

The last person to arrive was Monk Nengqing, a direct disciple of the abbot of Cien Temple in Bianjing.

According to legend, the Prince of Guanglin County fell in love with Monk Nengqing early on. He wanted to reach a higher position and asked Monk Nengqing to marry the princess.

The young monks from other Buddhist temples are just running around, and they cannot win the beauty back.

This rumor reached Link's ears early with the help of a kind-hearted person.

In response to this, Link just smiled and then took it indifferently. He only looked at Monk Nengqing a little more when he saw him.

"Junior brother, do you have any objections to him?"

Monk Liao Chen keenly noticed something was wrong and asked curiously.

After that day, Monk Liaochen locked himself in his room for three whole days, thinking hard without thinking about tea or food.

In the end, he couldn't think of a reason. Monk Liaochen couldn't help but became furious and angrily decided not to take advantage of the situation.

Whether it is cultivating or worshiping Buddha, whether it is an inanimate master or a living master, whether it is a Buddha land in the human world or a sea of ​​suffering in the human world, all of them should be put aside.

All compassion, pity, and doubt were suppressed in the heart by Monk Luochen.

When he appeared in Link's sight again, it was as if nothing had happened.

Link made no comment on this. He was neither surprised nor repulsed, and accepted it casually.

After hearing Monk Chen's question, Link smiled but did not answer.

When Monk Liaochen saw this, he knew that his injury was healed. When he woke up, his younger brother, who was becoming more and more different, was unwilling to answer the question and said to himself: "Even if you have any objections to him, you have to hold it in. We at Baima Zen Monastery, You can’t afford to offend Ci’en Temple.”


Link nodded slightly, indicating that he understood what Monk Chen meant and had no intention of causing trouble to Monk Nengqing.

In the princess's boudoir.

Lotsino's voice came from the dressing mirror and penetrated into Jasmine's ears:

"Look, look, my cheap brother is not jealous at all.

Cheap sister-in-law, Cheap brother, I really feel worthless for you.

You have worked so hard to plan for him and sacrifice for him, but he is not even willing to deal with a little Nengqing monk, just because Baima Chanyuan cannot offend Ci'en Temple.

Oh My God!

What is Ci'en Temple?

A fire set the matter ablaze.

Brother Cheap really doesn’t think much of you, Sister Cheap. "

As Lotus Nuo rambled on, Jasmine's brows furrowed more and more tightly, and an impatient look appeared on her face. Chuanyin scolded: "Can you shut up? I've been busy all day long, don't you bother me?" ?”

"Ahhh...tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Lotsino was not embarrassed at all by being scolded, and continued to make fun of the sound transmission, "When it comes to cheap brother, you become anxious. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."


Not wanting to waste time with Lotus Nuo, Jasmine placed the dressing mirror on the dressing table and disconnected the sound transmission.

The maid on the side was startled, wondering if the son-in-law recruitment meeting was about to officially begin. The princess had endured it for so long and finally didn’t want to endure it anymore?

Do you want to inform the princess quickly to prevent the princess from messing around?

Just when the maid was hesitating, Jasmine had already regained her composure, and then continued to pay attention to the son-in-law recruitment meeting using the secret method taught by Lotus Snow.

The auspicious moment has arrived. Prince Guanglin stood on the lecture platform in the center of the small square and said loudly:

“Welcome all eminent monks to the Xiaowang Mansion.

Xiao Wang is stupid and can't speak, so the meeting for recruiting a son-in-law for his daughter will officially begin.

The process is very simple, that is, each eminent monk comes on stage to preach a piece of Dharma.

Xiao Wang thinks that the lecture is good, and all the eminent monks also think that the three eminent monks who lectured well are the final candidates.

The younger daughter will choose one of the three candidates to be her husband. "

After saying this, no matter whether it was the more than 300 monks present, Lotesnow who was secretly observing, or Jasmine who was staying in the boudoir, they all looked at Prince Guanglin in a strange way.

Is this how the first heir to the throne of a country should behave?

It's not that he's mentally retarded, it's just that he's out of character.

It is obviously a good thing, but when it comes from the mouth of Prince Guanglin, why does it feel like a sales recommendation and selection in the market?



Faced with many strange looks, Prince Guanglin seemed to have noticed something. A little embarrassment appeared on his face. He used the action of clearing his throat to cover up this emotion, and then said, "Let's get started."

After saying these words, Prince Guanglin almost fled and got off the lecture platform.

Most of the more than 300 monks looked at Prince Guanglin with even more strange eyes.

The host is leaving now?

Who should start teaching the Dharma first, how long should it last, and in what order? These rules are not determined yet?

It was still decided, but you forgot to mention it?

However, Prince Guanglin didn't seem to notice this strangeness. Despite the many strange looks, the old god sat on the main seat on the ground, looking at his nose and nose, looking at his heart, very calm.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the small square was quite strange.

Lotsino, who was observing secretly, looked at Prince Guanglin with a change in his eyes.



Among the more than 300 monks sitting around the lecture platform, Link was also muttering in his heart.

From now on, if anyone says to him that Prince Guanglin is a fool, he will definitely sarcastically say that those who think Prince Guanglin is a fool are the real fools.

It is also possible for people to be very wise but foolish, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

But in the end, Link didn't care about this. He just wanted to do something with this Guanglin Princess son-in-law recruitment meeting.

Thinking like this, Link ignored Monk Chen's surprise, stood up, broke the strange atmosphere of the small square, and walked up to the lecture platform with steady steps.

The crabs were just there, there were always people to eat them, and no one dared to eat them, so he just had to be the first one.

Standing on the lecture platform, Link clasped his hands together, turned around in a circle, showed all the etiquette, and then said: "I have met all the fellow practitioners in Baima Chanyuan. I have a question, and I want to use the Guanglin Princess Son-in-law Recruitment Conference to seek advice. Answers from fellow practitioners."

After a pause, Link ignored the more than 300 monks who looked at him with equally strange eyes, and said loudly:

“I have heard that Buddhism has three vehicles, namely the Sravaka Vehicle, the Pratyekabuddha Vehicle, and the Bodhisattva Vehicle.

The Sravakayana practices the Four Noble Truths, from an ordinary person to an Arahant. In terms of time, the fastest is three lives, and the slow is sixty kalpas. There are seven methods of practice and four fruits: Sotapanna, Sthagami, and Aha. Naham fruit, Arahat fruit.

Pratyekabuddha cultivates the twelve causes and conditions, from ordinary people to Pratyekabuddhas. In terms of time, the fastest is four lives, and the slow is a hundred kalpas. Its practice focuses on enlightenment. Wherever enlightenment is, there is enlightenment, so there is no obvious Rank can be said.

The Bodhisattva Vehicle seeks supreme Bodhi, is willing to save all sentient beings, practice the six perfections, and use these six perfections as a vehicle to reach the shore of supreme Bodhi and Mahaparinibbana.

The first two vehicles are only self-interested, not altruistic, and aim at self-improvement and liberation;

The latter vehicle is self-interested and altruistic, with the purpose of bringing countless sentient beings to the other side.

I wonder, fellow practitioners, which vehicle do you practice? And how to repair it? "

Link's words are very simple and straightforward. Not only monks who have studied Buddhism for many years, but also lay people practicing at home can understand it.

But precisely because of its simplicity and straightforwardness, it is even more powerful.

Previously, the atmosphere in the small square was nothing but wonderful.

Now, the atmosphere in the small square was extremely awkward.

There is no other reason. Most of the monks present have not practiced the Dharma of the Shravakayana and Pratyekabuddha Vehicles, let alone the Dharma of the Bodhisattva Vehicle!

Many monks don’t even know what vehicle of Buddhism they practice and whether it is Buddhism or not!

They just follow the teachings of Buddhist temples, eminent monks, masters, and brothers, and worship blindly, without thinking or practicing.

Even Buddhist temples, eminent monks, masters, and brothers occasionally say that they practice Mahayana Buddhism, that is, Bodhisattva Vehicle Buddhism.


Seek supreme Bodhi and wish to save all sentient beings?

Any enlightened monk who has read the Buddhist scriptures of the Bodhisattva Vehicle and then looks at the reality in the world will not believe that what they are practicing is the Bodhisattva Vehicle Dharma.

Conflict arises from this.

Faced with this extremely fragmented contradiction, the vast majority of monks choose to close their own "wisdom" and blindly follow the "dharma" of Buddhist temples, eminent monks, masters, and senior brothers, without looking at the reality of the human world, the real human world.

They live in a pure land, bathed in Buddha's light and enjoying offerings.

As it should!

A very small number of monks, such as the master Wusheng who lived in Baima Zen Monastery, did not choose to escape, but they did not have enough wisdom and courage to practice the true Bodhisattva vehicle.

Therefore, the White Horse Zen Monastery said that Master Wusheng chose to be reincarnated and practice again because he could not become a Buddha. This is correct and he is not lying.

Link's words seemed to be asking for advice, but in fact he was pointing at the monks present and scolding them: "Bald donkeys."

The hypocrisy of more than 300 monks was completely torn away.

Monk Liaochen was in a very complicated mood at the moment.

He felt pain because he was asked to have his heart tapped again, but he was also somewhat relieved because many monks present felt the same pain.

This is an unspeakable emotion.

Prince Guanglin, who was sitting in the host's seat, felt something was wrong.

This monk Liaofan from the White Horse Monastery not only practiced extraordinary powers, but was also very profound in Buddhism.

Although the words are simple and straightforward, they go to the core and poke at the dark side of many monks' hearts, making many people feel ashamed of themselves.

If you are unable to face your ugly heart, you will most likely leave the table in anger.

Wouldn’t there be a lot less competitors?

What a good idea...

What a fart!

It is true that the Prince of Guanglin County is looking for a husband for his daughter. It is even truer to please the Buddhists, get close to the Buddhists, and seek the support of the Buddhist forces!

Monk Liaofan did this, which made me feel happy. What should Prince Guanglin do about his real purpose?

Not to mention trying to please Buddhism, get close to Buddhism, and seek the support of Buddhism, but it may even offend Buddhism!

The one who reacted more violently than Prince Guanglin was Monk Nengqing from Ci'en Temple in Bianjing.

I saw Monk Nengqing stand up slowly, clasping his hands, with a solemn expression and a solemn Dharma. He looked at Link on the lecture platform, his face suddenly turned cold, and he shouted coldly: "Who are you, a heretic, how dare you taint me?" Are you sincerely seeking the Taoism of Buddhist monks? Why don't you show your true colors?"

Hearing these questions, some monks reacted, stood up immediately, and followed Monk Nengqing's words and asked: "Where is the evil spirit that has not shown its original form and willingly surrendered to death?"

This change was very sudden.

Prince Guanglin was stunned, Monk Liaochen was speechless, Lotus Nuo couldn't stop laughing, and Jasmine frowned.

Link on the lecture platform felt it was extremely "reasonable".

This is what he realized during the period after "seizing the body", reading Buddhist scriptures, observing Zen monasteries, or looking at the human world, about the remaining Buddhist dharma in this world and even the entire Buddhist school, and the behavior of people who practice Buddhism!

To refer to a deer as a horse is to confuse right and wrong.

Facing the shouts and questions of many monks headed by Monk Nengqing, Link separated his clasped hands, formed the root seal of Ksitigarbha, and declared loudly:

"I am a poor monk who vows to save all sinful and suffering sentient beings until they reach Bodhi and achieve enlightenment." (End of this chapter)

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