Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 811 The Third Test Forty-Four

Remember in a second【】

But the Black Mountain old demon waited for a long time, but he didn't hear Su Tang's screams.

Just when she was feeling puzzled.

"Hey, your answer to this question is too watery and useless. Can I complain to the housekeeper about you?"

The old Montenegro demon's eyes widened in disbelief!

"You, why are you okay! How is it possible, how can you be okay?!"

The Montenegrin old demon couldn't figure it out.

Obviously the little snake told her that the female was surrounded, why? why!

But is Su Tang really all right?

of course not!

It is protected by a protective cover, but the protective cover is transparent!

Su Tang was almost terrified to death after being in close contact with so many terrifying insects and beasts!

I was scared again, my body trembled uncontrollably, and I even felt nauseated.

She closed her eyes subconsciously, the so-called out of sight, out of mind.

But the imagery of the moment when she was surrounded was so strong that she couldn't get it out of her mind.

Although there was no physical torture, Su Tang suffered psychological and spiritual torture.

No one loses!

Even if Su Tang is afraid, he must not show it, let alone let the Black Mountain old demon feel it!

She tried her best to hide her trembling voice, "You don't care if I'm fine, I'm fine now, hurry up and continue!"

The black mountain old demon's chest heaved violently, and it was obvious that she was very angry.

She closed her eyes and started counting.

Outside the dust——

Cain finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Tang's voice.

He quickened his pace and stepped in front of Xi and Adam,

I plan to discuss countermeasures briefly, and then end this test as soon as possible.

The white sparrow also rushed over after hearing the news.

The two questions that Su Tang asked just now are already obvious. As long as they kill the old Black Mountain demon, they will most likely pass this round of tests.

Or even if they can't pass the test directly, then killing the old Black Mountain demon is extremely beneficial to them.

Without the actions of the old Black Mountain demon to restrain them, those snakes, scorpions and centipedes would not be a problem for them at all.

So for the arrival of the white sparrow, Cain just glanced at it lightly, and did not stop it.

"Although the eyes of the old demon of Montenegro are invisible, there are six snakes on her head. Those snakes are her eyes. Therefore, if you want to kill the old demon of Montenegro, you must kill those snakes first."

Xi frowned slightly, "Do you have any ideas?"

Bai Que also said in a deep voice, "If you need my help, just ask."

Cain turned his gaze to Adam.

As a partner who has cooperated for many years, Adam immediately understood what he meant.

He nodded, "I can try, if there are only six snakes, it should be fine to control."

Cain hummed, and said quickly, "Find an opportunity to control the six snakes, try not to let the old black mountain demon notice the strangeness, and leave the rest to me and the white bird."

Baique has no problem with this arrangement.

Xi also understood that he could not be of much help in this test, so he withdrew consciously.

"Then leave it to you, I will stay and watch Qiu Mo and Sean."

After a brief discussion, the plan was basically reached.

The counting of the Montenegrin old demon has also come to an end.

Before the Black Mountain old demon could speak, Su Tang yelled anxiously.

"No problem, no problem, hurry up and start counting!"

The face of the Montenegrin old demon was almost crooked!

Like me getting rich in the world of beasts

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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