Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 812: The Third Test Forty-Five

Remember in a second【】

But the Black Mountain old demon also has rules that she has to abide by, so even if she is very angry, the test still has to continue.

So after counting twice, the Montenegrin old demon suddenly learned that Adam had also entered the dust.

But the female trapped by the worm was still alive and kicking.

As a last resort, she could only draw out some of the worms to resist Adam's approach.

But because the smell of holy water on Adam's body was too strong, the worms and beasts didn't want to get too close.

It was precisely because of the obstruction of these worms that Adam's approach slowed down.

After Adam broke through the sand and dust barrier and came in, the number of insects and beasts surrounding him doubled directly, trapping him in place.

But Adam didn't care, because this position was enough for him.

Therefore, when the little snake on the head of the Montenegro old demon looked at Adam, he was directly hypnotized by Adam with supernatural powers.

Those little snakes thought they were monitoring everyone's actions. In other words, the old black mountain demon thought he was controlling the little snakes and monitoring their actions.

Little did they know that those little snakes had already been controlled by Adam, and everything they saw was an illusion woven by Adam.

So naturally, the news that the Montenegrin old demon got is also false.

When all the little snakes were under control, Adam sent the promised signal to Cain.

So Cain and Baique moved here at the speed of light.

The sudden arrival of the two of them caused the worms to start a commotion.

The black mountain old demon who had a faint smile on his face suddenly froze.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Originally, the little snake gave her feedback that no one moved, but why did her other partners start to be restless?

The Montenegrin old demon sensed something was wrong.

She asked the little snake again, but still got the same message as before.

Before she could figure out what was going on.

Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation in the top of my head.

Immediately afterwards, the little snakes began to twist wildly!

The Montenegrin old demon immediately realized that he had been fooled!

She wanted to fight back, but as soon as she had this thought, she felt a sharp pain, and her little snake was severed from her head!

"Ah! I want to kill you! My little snake, my little snake!"

Two white lights suddenly shot out from the eyes of the Montenegro old demon.

Because all the little snakes on the head were cut off by Cain, some were burned to ashes by the white bird's fire, and some were still writhing in pain back and forth in the sand.

The Montenegrin old demon couldn't see anything, and could only shoot two white lights aimlessly.

All living creatures, even those snakes, scorpions and centipedes, turned into sand sculptures without exception after being illuminated by the white light.

Finally, accompanied by a gust of wind, it became a pile of sandbags.

While avoiding the white light, Cain generally quickly attacked the old Black Mountain demon.

Dodging behind her, a sharp knife emerged in his hand, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, he said coldly, "Goodbye."

As soon as the words fell, the sharp blade in his hand aimed at the black mountain old demon's neck and wiped it mercilessly.

The weird scene happened again.

There was a bowl-sized wound on the neck of the Montenegro old demon, but sand flowed out of the wound.

Slowly, slowly, the scope of the wound began to expand.

The Montenegrin old demon was like the person who was hit by the white light from her eyes before, and his whole body began to turn into gravel.

It turned into a sand sculpture, and finally turned into a pile of yellow sand, which was blown away by the wind and disappeared without a trace.

The second after she disappeared, the hourglass in the sky disappeared.

Like me getting rich in the world of beasts

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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