Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 813: The Third Test Forty-Six

Remember in a second【】

At the same time, the platform that she was originally sitting on began to gradually change.

The sand swirled and danced in the air, and finally re-formed into a door frame.

The colorful mist vortex familiar to everyone reappeared.

This also means that they have passed the third round of tests!

As if to confirm their conjecture, Sanduo's voice sounded in the next second.

"The third round of testing has ended, there are currently 12 contestants remaining, and the point exchange cabin has been opened, and all contestants can choose the items they need to exchange.

Reminder: The number of items in the points redemption cabin is limited, first-come-first-served. All the exchanged items can be taken out of the test, and after each round of the test, there will be an exchange hut, and the items in the hut will be refreshed accordingly.

Note: All contestants are expected to make good use of the exchanged items, continue to work hard, pass the test, and obtain the inheritance right of the Wood Immortal Mansion. "

This is an announcement that everyone can hear.

Then Sanduo's voice sounded again in Su Tang's mind.

"Congratulations to the contestants who have successfully passed the third round of tests and obtained reward points: 100, and reward items: the eggs of the Black Mountain Old Demon*2 (already stored in the Wooden Immortal Token), please continue to work hard and pass the test to obtain the Wooden Immortal The right to inherit the Divine Palace."

Su Tang opened her eyes with a swish, and her eyes were full of excitement!

She actually scored 100% in this round of tests, and that prop, just hearing the name makes her feel a little disgusted. .

The eggs of the Montenegrin old demon?

It doesn't feel like a good thing.

Although he doubted this in his heart, Su Tang still took it out of the Wooden Immortal Token.

Take it out and have a look, eh?

Isn't it just white beads?

At the same time, the basic information of Bai Zhuzi also appeared in Su Tang's mind.

Black Mountain Demon's Eggs: Heishan Demon's favorite partner, when it hits the ground, it can randomly summon five worms to fight for it until death. (Insects can survive for up to ten minutes)

Su Tang shivered silently,

Throw the eggs back into the Wooden Immortal Token.

While taking it back, she had a flash of inspiration!

I still remember that at the beginning of the third trial, she didn't know the purpose of these white beads, so she threw them all into the space,

There is no difference between the props and insect eggs that were rewarded just now and those white beads.

Will that...

Su Tang thought for a while, holding the Wooden Immortal Token, he actually took out a white bead from the space.

Holding it in hand does not present any additional information.

Su Tang remembered the introduction to the white bead just now, and when it hit the ground, it could summon five random worms to fight for it.

After hesitating for a while, Su Tang still threw the white beads in his hand, but he threw them at a place far away from him.

The moment the white beads touched the ground, a puff of white smoke rose, and after the white smoke dissipated, two scorpions, two snakes and a centipede appeared!

Because it didn't get the master's order, the worm subconsciously crawled to Su Tang's side.

This action frightened Su Tang, she yelled loudly, "Don't come, don't come, stay away from me! The farther the better!"

The worm got the order and crawled in the opposite direction of Sutang without looking back.

Su Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the white beads put in the space earlier have also become props.

I don't know exactly how many, but there must be a hundred or ten.

Su Tang felt awkward at the thought of so many insect eggs piled up in the space.

There is still a feeling of dumbfounding in my heart.

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