Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 819 Anti-theft chapter, refresh in half an hour

Remember in a second【】

For these orcs, it may be a peerless problem.

no no no!

The direction of her attention was reversed!

Why do I need to answer questions to exchange props?

Originally, the required points were enough for them to drink a pot, plus such a difficult question.

Su Tang had serious reasons to suspect that the designers simply didn't want these things to be taken away.

Just thinking about it.

Bai Que and his party also entered the point exchange cabin.

When they saw the colorful masks in the room, they were taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously became alert.

After seeing Su Tang and the others here, they slowly relaxed their vigilance.

Not far away, Sean picked up a transparent mask.

Props: points transfer card

Points: 10

Question: Five trees, how many are left after one is cut down?

Sean snorted strangely.

"Why answer questions?_?"

Qiuqiu jumped up and down happily.

"Qiuqiu has already said that you can view the item information and the points needed to redeem the item by touching the mask, and the rules.

Every time you exchange a mask, you need to answer a question. The types of questions are random, and the difficulty level depends on the preciousness of the items you need to exchange. "

Sean nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, so that's the case."

Qiuqiu jumped happily, "Then do you like this prop?"

Sean touched his chin, "It's quite interesting."

Qiuqiu circled around Sean and said happily, "Qiuqiu promises you to get the props for you, but the corresponding points will be deducted."


The transparent mask in Sean's hand shattered with a snap.

A small square wooden block, engraved with the same patterned font as the Muxian Order.

She found that these props shrouded in light masks have a total of five colors.

Among them, transparent masks are the most, followed by pink, blue, and purple masks, which seem to be about the same in number.

But there is a golden mask, which is very rare.

So Su Tang guessed that the color of the mask might represent the rarity of the props, and the golden mask with the least color must have the most precious props inside.

In order to confirm his guess, Su Tang asked Cain to help fish out a golden mask from a high place.

The moment he touched the mask, Cain's face became a little strange.

Su Tang followed his movements closely, seeing him like this, she couldn't help asking curiously.

"What's wrong? Did we guess wrong?"

Cain shook his head, and handed the mask to Su Tang.

"No, you'll know when you look at it."

With doubts, Su Tang reached out to catch it.

The moment he touched the mask, a string of information entered Su Tang's mind——

Props: advanced practice exercises

Points: 1000

Question: Today there are pheasant rabbits in the same cage, with thirty-five heads on the top and ninety-four legs on the bottom, how many are the pheasant rabbits?

Su Tang:? ? ?

What the hell is that question?

Looking at the title, although it used an old saying, she could tell that this was a very classic problem of chicken and rabbit sharing the same cage, and it was not difficult.

No, it's not difficult for her because she has studied Blue Star's modern formula.

She found that these props shrouded in light masks have a total of five colors.

Among them, transparent masks are the most, followed by pink, blue, and purple masks, which seem to be about the same in number.

But there is a golden mask, which is very rare.

So Su Tang guessed that the color of the mask might represent the rarity of the props, and the golden mask with the least color must have the most precious props inside.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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