Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 820 Points Exchange Cabin VI

Remember in a second【】

Su Tang didn't refuse.


She took the Points Conversion Card and Sean's Wooden Immortal Token, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

Along the way, she has already regarded Sean as her own.

There is no need to be so polite to your own people.

Su Tang intends to use points to convert cards first, and gather everyone's points together to see how far they can be exchanged for advanced cultivation techniques.

But she just turned around.

There was someone standing where she was standing just now, and that person was clearly holding a very familiar golden mask in his hand.

Bai Ling shouted excitedly, "Come here, Baique! Look what I found?! Advanced cultivation techniques, there are actually advanced cultivation techniques here!!"

The white sparrow heard the sound and rushed over after hearing the news.

Su Tang's face turned ugly, and Bai Ling took the opportunity to enter through his negligence.

But she couldn't say anything.

Because it was indeed she who put down the mask first, and her name was not written on the mask, so there is nothing to prove.

After the white bird arrived, it touched the mask, with a look of disbelief on its face.

"It's really an advanced cultivation method. I didn't expect it to be found so easily by us!"

Bai Ling raised his head triumphantly, "I found this, none of you are allowed to snatch it from me! I want it, I want it!"

Bai Que held back her surprised expression and sneered slightly.

"What's the use of what you found? Do you have points that can be redeemed? Can you answer the questions it raises?"

Bai Ling was dumbfounded by Bai Que's question, but Su Tang almost smiled.

That's right, they don't have enough points, and they don't have item point transfer cards, let alone answer the questions on the mask.

So what was she worrying about?

What's hers is hers after all,

I can't run away.

"Young master, look, I got a point transfer card, which can be used five times!"

Xuan Shui was walking towards this side holding a wooden signboard that Su Tang found very familiar.


Cracked on the spot!

Bai Que happily took it, and after checking the purpose of the point transfer card, he called out, "Okay, good stuff! Good stuff... Hahaha..."

Su Tang's heart started beating non-stop.

She watched as Bai Que held the points transfer card and transferred all the points of all the orcs in his team to his Wooden Immortal Token.

I don't know exactly how many points Su Tang has, but she can tell from Bai Que's happy face that he has a lot of points.

Su Tang pursed her lips.

She also began to transfer the points of everyone in their team. For the sake of safety, all the points were stored on Cain's Wooden Immortal Token.

After transferring the last person's points and feeling the amount in the Wooden Immortal Token, Su Tang was immediately happy!

Because these points are not too much, just enough for a thousand!

On the other side, Baique and others were trapped by the problem on the mask.

"What the hell is going on with this question? Will there really be an answer to such a difficult question?"

"Yeah, this is too difficult!"

"Can we break this thing open? Do we have to answer questions?"

Qiuqiu, who has been acting coquettishly and cutely by Sean's side, suddenly moved over when he heard the last orc's words.

She warned in a serious and cute voice, "Competitors must obtain the props through the correct way, otherwise they will be punished by the ball!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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