Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 838: The Fourth Test Eleven

Remember in a second【】

"Ham, this broken cave has nothing but the fading traces of fighting!"

Adam walked over carelessly, and was about to sit down beside Qiu Mo, but Xi, who followed behind, grabbed his collar and threw him aside.

Adam: Do I want to lose face? ah?

After all, he is the uncle in the future, so Adam dared not speak out.

Sitting beside Sean resentfully, like a little daughter-in-law.

As soon as he sat down, Su Tang grabbed his arm with excitement.

"Brother, what did you just say, say it again?"

Adam looked confused, thinking: What did he just say?

Rolling his eyes slightly, he tentatively opened his mouth, "There's nothing in this broken cave!"

Su Tang shook her head anxiously, "No, no, the previous sentence."

Adam was very confused. He said that sentence just now, tried to recall it, and repeated the original sentence again.

"This broken cave has nothing but the fading traces of fighting."

"Yes! That's it!"

Su Tang slapped her thigh fiercely, her voice raised several degrees, startling everyone around her.

Before everyone could react, Su Tang ran to the place where the traces of the fight had just been left, and squatted down to examine it carefully.

The traces that were originally left were more than a foot deep, but not long after, the traces have faded a lot, and I believe it will not be long before these traces will completely disappear.

It was Adam's words just now that reminded Su Tang that when they came to the fourth round of trials, she vaguely saw something carved on the wall of the outermost cave.

But when she came in before, she deliberately took another look, but she didn't see anything, so she didn't think much about it.

But now, a faint voice in Su Tang's heart told her that there were clues she wanted on the mountain outside, and she must go out to see it no matter what!

And didn't the test rules announced by the steward say that contestants can choose to return it!

Once the thought in my heart is ignited,

It became more and more intense.

Under the eyes of everyone looking at each other, Su Tang stood up again with a 'huh'.

"The clues are likely to be outside, let's go out and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Su Tang ignored the reactions of others and ran straight out of the cave, followed by Cain.

The others followed after being stunned for two seconds.

Su Tang came out of the cave first, seeing that there was nothing unusual about the mountain wall in front of her, her heart was pounding.

Adam caught up from behind, "Sugar Cub, are you sure there will be clues outside?"

Su Tang didn't speak, she stretched out her hand to touch the stone wall, it was hard and cold to the touch, no different from ordinary stones.

Su Tang didn't give up, and started stroking other parts of the mountain wall on a large scale.

Seeing this, Adam sighed and said, "Sugar Cub, how could the clue be in this kind of place? It must be..."

The words were only half spoken before they were swallowed again.

Because under Su Tang's touch, the stone wall in front of him was "poof rinsing" and dropping stone slag.

After falling, a picture drawn with very simple lines appeared on the stone wall.

Su Tang finally breathed a sigh of relief, she smiled and looked at Cain proudly.

Cain reached out and ruffled her hair, raised the corners of his lips and smiled, "Good job!"

Now she didn't need to say anything more, the rest of them rushed to the stone wall like wolves and tigers, touching up, down, left, and right.

Accompanied by a burst of gravel falling, dust rises...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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