Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 839: The Fourth Test Twelve

Remember in a second【】

Accompanied by a burst of gravel falling and dust rising, several stick figures with clear lines appeared on the mountain.

Everyone stepped back a few steps in order to see the above content more clearly and intuitively.

The original picture was an arched semicircle inside an irregular rectangle.

Su Tang researched for a long time before finally guessing that the drawing on the picture was the cave they saw now.

The second painting is also very simple. Two rectangular frames are arranged one above the other. There is an irregular curve inside the frame, and there are many small dots at both ends of the curve.

In the two frames, the number of dots is different.

This picture makes everyone a little puzzled.

"Is this the clue? I have no clue at all, Sugar Cub, can you understand?"

Adam turned his head and looked at Su Tang with a tangled expression.

Su Tang's brows were also tightly knotted, she lightly rested her chin with her fingers with a serious face, her brain was spinning rapidly.

But after staring at it for a long time, I still couldn't see any clue.

Helpless, I had no choice but to turn my gaze to the next one.

The third picture is two vertical lines, and a pattern similar to a small hourglass is drawn next to the vertical line on the right.

The fourth picture is very similar to the second picture. There are two rectangular frames arranged up and down. Two dots are evenly distributed in one frame, and three dots are evenly distributed in the other frame.

The fifth picture is also two vertical lines, but in the middle of the vertical lines, there are a few small dots distributed irregularly.

The sixth picture is two vertical lines again, and a small trumpet pattern is drawn next to the vertical line on the right.

As for the seventh picture...

Su Tang couldn't help but remain silent after watching it.

Is the bright uppercase Arabic numeral 6 afraid that she will choose the wrong one?

So is she cheating? Or is it cheating? Or is it cheating?

Su Tang's strange expression fell on other people's eyes, even she seemed helpless.

So Adam scratched his hair irritably, "What kind of ghost clue is this? If you give it, you might as well not give it!"

In Adam's eyes, these patterns are just a bunch of lines and dots. He can't understand the patterns of trumpets and hourglasses, let alone the Arabic numerals.

It wasn't just him, except for Su Tang, everyone else was at a loss.

For a while, no one spoke again.

Su Tang took a deep breath, looked at the seven patterns again from beginning to end, and gradually got a clue.

She cleared her throat and said, "If I'm not mistaken, each picture here represents a cave, and apart from the cave in front of us, which is the first picture, we still need to go through six more caves. "

As she spoke, she went forward and pointed to the second pattern, "This should be the clue to the first cave we're looking for. I don't know what it means yet."

Immediately afterwards, Su Tang came to the third picture, "This symbol means an hourglass, which is the one we have seen in the previous rounds of tests. Think about it, isn't the shape a bit similar? An hourglass usually represents time , the second cave may be related to time."

Adam nodded thoughtfully, pointed to the horn sign in the sixth picture and asked, "Then what does this mean?"

Su Tang explained, "This is a trumpet, it should be related to the sound."

Without waiting for others to ask further questions, Su Tang directly explained the last picture, "The last cave should be Cave No. 6, I'm 90% sure."

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