Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 840: The Fourth Test 13

Remember in a second【】

After saying so much in one breath, Su Tang felt his mouth dry.

Qiu Mo at the side immediately handed over a small water polo.

The coolness went down the esophagus to moisten the lungs and heart, which immediately made Su Tang feel better.

"Okay, time is limited, let's study what this picture means."

So everyone stared at the second picture, almost staring at it as a flower.

A long time has passed.

Touching his chin, Xi said, "There are 9 dots in the upper frame, and 12 dots in the lower frame. Is there any connection between them?"

With his beginning, others also spoke enthusiastically.

Qiu Mo guessed, "Could it be Cave No. 3? The dots in the lower frame are three more than the ones in the upper frame."

Sean said, "Well, I think Qiu Mo is right."

Adam: "Second."

Su Tang: "Secondary proposal +1."

So everyone's eyes turned to Cain, and now he was the only one who didn't express his opinion.

Cain couldn't help the corner of his mouth twitching.

What else can I do? Of course I agreed.

Cave No. 1 and Cave No. 2 have been eliminated, and they only need to choose among the remaining caves No. 3, 4, 5, and 6.

When they ran out just now, Cain took a closer look. The entrances of the four caves behind were not covered by barriers.

This situation means that Baique and the others were either eliminated by the long-toothed beasts, or they have already moved on to the next cave.

This is just the first wrong choice, and there are only two long-toothed beasts. According to the strength of the white bird, it is impossible for them to be eliminated, so they must have found the right cave.

Before they entered the second cave, the white sparrow had said that they would enter the last cave.

If this is the case, then the last cave is the correct one.

Unfortunately, Cain didn't believe in white sparrows.

What he believes in has always been only himself.

"Okay, let's go to the third cave!"

Before leaving, Su Tang asked everyone again.

"Everyone remember these pictures separately. Although it is said that they can be returned, it is a waste of time."

After everything was ready, everyone stepped into the cave again with high spirits.

Not long after walking, Qiu Mo gave a strange 'Huh'.

Everyone stopped.

Su Tang asked, "Momo, what's wrong?"

Qiu Mo scratched his hair, "Oh, it's okay, I just think that the vines and small white flowers on the walls on both sides of the cave seem to be in the same position as the second picture we just saw, those lines and dots."

Hearing what she said, everyone immediately looked at her carefully.

Adam didn't pay attention to the second picture at the time, but fortunately this place is also very close to the entrance of the cave. He glanced at the environment in the cave and ran out quickly.

After a while, he ran back bluffing and yelling loudly, "It's really the same! It turns out that the painting on this picture is a cave, and this painting is too weird, hahahaha..."

This unexpected discovery made everyone feel a little bit happier.

Thinking about the next few pictures again, everyone immediately understood how to find the clues.

"Momo, you are amazing!"

"Ah Mo is amazing!"

"My younger sister is the smartest!"

Qiu Mo, who hadn't done much in the previous rounds of tests, felt a little embarrassed to be praised by everyone now.

She blushed and muttered in a low voice, "No, Tangtang is the best, and I can't help you much."

Su Tang smiled and stepped forward to hold Qiu Mo's arm, "Our Momo is also very good."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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