Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 845: The 4th Test 18

Remember in a second【】

Qiu Mo nodded with a serious face, "Okay, then quickly open the protective cover."

After finishing speaking, she trotted all the way and hid in the corner again.

Su Tang laid Sean's body on his side, leaving the injured left shoulder on it, and curled his legs up on his chest.

There is no way, the space that the protective cover can protect is limited, otherwise, there is no way to protect them.

Afterwards, Su Tang opened the protective cover, and began to treat Sean's wound with a solemn expression.

not far away

The red light in Adam's eyes almost burst out.

The two long-toothed beasts in front of him swayed from side to side, tottering, stabbing and biting each other from time to time, but regained clarity from time to time, trying to stay away from each other.

Cain and Xi struggled with a long-toothed beast respectively.

It was obvious that they were struggling.

Especially Xi, under the indiscriminate attack of the sharp spider legs, he has been injured in several places.

Cain didn't get any advantage here, and his calf and upper arm were also injured.

But in comparison, the long-toothed beast in front of Cain was scarred, not to mention a broken spider leg, and half of the eyes on its head were poked out.

I believe that it won't be long before Cain will be able to solve it.

"You guys, hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!" Adam said with great difficulty.

Simultaneously manipulating two long-toothed beasts to attack each other caused the energy in Adam's body to drain rapidly, showing faint signs of bottoming out.

Mainly, these two long-toothed beasts were not obediently allowed to be controlled by him, but were struggling all the time, which caused Adam's mental power consumption to be more rapid than that of his elemental power.

As soon as this sentence was finished, a long-toothed beast broke free from the control with a brilliant effort.

Adam was shocked in his heart, and it was too late when he wanted to control it again.

Because the long-toothed beast was running towards Su Tang, whose back was facing it.

"Sugar Cub! Watch out!"

Adam shouted,

He tried his best to control the long-toothed beast to chase and obstruct it, but it was still a step too late.

The long-toothed beast that escaped covered Su Tang and Sean under its body, and opened its mouth full of fangs to bite them down.


"Sugar Cub!"

With a distraction, there was a bloodstain on Cain's back.

Cain's eyes were about to burst, and the panic in his heart made him burst out with astonishing courage in an instant, cutting off half of the long-toothed beast's head with one knife.

Afterwards, he held the knife and ran towards Su Tang.

Behind him, the long-toothed beast screamed, twitched all over, and fell down unwillingly.

Su Tang was giving medicine to Sean, but his eyes dimmed, and then he heard Adam's cry.

Su Tang was so frightened that he shuddered and lowered it a little harder, which directly woke Sean up in pain.

"Hmm, hiss"

As soon as Sean opened his eyes, he saw the long-tusked beast biting down on them with its big mouth full of fangs.

"Su Tang, be careful!"

His heart skipped a beat, but he subconsciously sat up and pulled Su Tang behind him.

Seeing the long-toothed beast getting closer and closer, Sean even faintly smelled the stench, so he closed his eyes in fear.

Originally thinking that he was going to die here, there was a helpless wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

But did not expect.

"Crack, crash, crash"

There was a toothache breaking sound, accompanied by the scream of the long-toothed beast.

Sean opened his eyes strangely, just in time to see the long-tusked beast with several fangs broken.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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