Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 846: The Fourth Test Nineteen

Remember in a second【】

Sean opened his eyes strangely, just in time to see the long-tusked beast with several fangs broken.

Dark green viscous blood gushed out of its mouth and fell on the protective shield that protected them. It looked really disgusting.

The next second, Cain arrived with a big knife.

Apart from anything else, he went up and slashed at the long-toothed beast.

Su Tang and Sean couldn't see anything because the protective shield was covered by the thick dirt.

Only the angry roar of the long-toothed beast and the sound of chopping meat similar to bang bang bang can be heard.

the end.

It was silent outside.

Su Tang called out fearfully, "A Yin? Are you okay?"

No one answered.

Su Tang's heart was raised high in an instant.

Immediately, like an ant on a hot pot, I feel restless.


A pair of giants appeared on the shield covered with green slime.

The general wiped off all the mucus, and then Cain's terrified face was revealed.

"Tangtang? Are you okay?"

Su Tang in the protective cover instantly felt relieved.

"I'm fine."

Cain nodded in shock, "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, just stay inside and don't move, and come out when it's safe."

Afterwards, Cain wiped the blood from his cheeks, and walked towards the remaining two long-toothed beasts with a big knife in hand without hesitation.

Su Tang also patted his chest with lingering fear, and helped Sean apply the medicine again.

He took the time to look up at the durability value of the protective cover.

After all the tossing just now, there are still some left.

It really complied with the phrase that Erha often talks about: produced by the system,

Must be a boutique!

This protective cover is really good, but it’s a pity that there is only one, and you can’t buy the kind that you can’t buy.

After such a long period of consumption, the remaining two long-toothed beasts were already overwhelmed. In fact, even without Cain's help, it would be a matter of time before Xi and Adam killed them.

Cain's joining only brought this to an early end.

Although the four long-toothed beasts were successfully killed, there were wounds all over the body, which were not as serious as those on Sean's body, but they still looked very distressing.

This time, they chose the wrong cave and were injured, which consumed eight or eight of the golden sore medicines on their bodies. The most important thing is that this battle severely damaged their vitality, and they were unable to fight again in a short time.

In other words, if their choices in the back are slightly wrong, they will really lose the whole game.

Everyone rested in this cave for a long time.

Adam couldn't figure it out, "We obviously chose according to the method of the first round, why is it still wrong?"

Xi couldn't help frowning, "Or are there other clues that we haven't noticed?"

Adam categorically denied, "Impossible! I remember that picture clearly, and it will never be wrong!"

"That would be strange."

When everyone was frowning and thinking hard, Su Tang quietly went to Qiu Mo's ear and whispered something.

Qiu Mo gave Su Tang a strange look, his eyes seemed to be asking: Since you know, why don't you say it yourself?

Su Tang smiled, looked at Qiu Mo with encouraging eyes, and nodded to her.

Qiu Mo: There is something wrong with your designation.

Although she didn't understand what Su Tang was doing, she still followed Su Tang's words and said, "It should be cave No. 5. Since cave No. 1 is incorrect for subtracting two numbers, then the correct cave should be cave No. 5 for adding the numbers together." cave."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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