Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 847: The Fourth Test Twenty

Remember in a second【】

When everyone around looked at her with admiration, Qiu Mo seemed to understand why Su Tang wanted her to talk.

She subconsciously wanted to explain.

Before he could speak, the exit was interrupted by Su Tang.

"Momo is right. Now that everyone has rested, let's go. If we don't see the white sparrow, I'm panicking."

Hearing this, Adam immediately stood up.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go, let's go!"

Several people returned along the way they came.

The moment everyone stood in front of the No. 5 cave, they felt a little heavy again.

He squeezed the Immortal Wooden Token tightly, planning to break the Immortal Wooden Token immediately if something went wrong and leave here.

Cain and Xi lead the battle.

Between Sutangqiumo Station.

Adam and Sean broke up.

When they stepped into Cave No. 5, their first reaction was black!

The inside of this cave is very dark, how dark is it?

The shape is so black that you can't even put it in front of your eyes.

This abnormal phenomenon made Su Tang feel confident.

The cave should have been chosen correctly, but it was so dark that she couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

Su Tang tried her best to open her eyes wide, and took a tentative step forward, but was stumbled by a stone under her feet.

Accompanied by a sense of weightlessness, Su Tang exclaimed, and then fell into a warm embrace.

"Be careful."

Above the head is Cain's thick and masculine voice, deep and hoarse, so nice that one can't help but tremble in the heart.

Because of the blackness in front of his eyes, Su Tang was like a fish out of water, clinging to Cain's arm tightly.

"A Yin, can you see it?"


Yes, don't worry, there's nothing in here, it's safe. "

While speaking, he kicked aside the stone that Su Tang had just tripped over, and added, "Oh, there are only four stones."

Upon hearing this, Su Tang hurriedly asked, "Are the positions of these four stones the same as those in the clue map?"


Su Tang breathed a sigh of relief after getting an affirmative answer.

"Let's go, if there's nothing unexpected, it's Cave No. 4."

Orcs all have night vision.

Even though it's already so dark that you can't see your fingers, it doesn't affect them at all.

Cain hugged Su Tang, Xi hugged Qiu Mo, and the group quickly walked out of the cave.

Fortunately, the light in the cave is not particularly bright, otherwise the eyes will definitely suffer.

After I came out, I looked around, but there was still no trace of Baique and the others.

Su Tang also began to doubt himself a little.

Could it be that their previous speculation was wrong?

Baique and the others have actually been eliminated?

Su Tang's brows were almost knotted.

"Don't think too much, let's move on." Cain seemed to see what Su Tang was thinking, and gently smoothed her brows.

Su Tang snorted softly, "Luck is also a part of strength, but luck will always run out, I don't believe they can get to the end with luck!"

Everyone laughed helplessly.

Before entering the No. 4 cave, Xi said, "If Su Tang is right, the clue this time should be the voice, everyone pay attention."

Everyone nodded in unison, and then walked into the No. 4 cave with a serious face.

Everyone's footsteps were very light, not daring to make the slightest sound, for fear of missing the clue.

But after walking for a long time, not to mention the sound, I didn't even see a stone or sand.

Just when someone couldn't help but want to ask aloud.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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