Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 848: The Fourth Test Twenty-one

Remember in a second【】

Just when Adam couldn't help but want to ask aloud, there was a sudden slight pop.

It sounded like someone farted.

This made Adam, who was about to ask, suddenly shut up.

Asking at this time will inevitably embarrass the person who farts, so let's move forward.

Unexpectedly, after this walk, he walked outside the cave.

Before everyone had time to discuss the clues of this round, Qiu Mo suddenly pointed to the No. 6 cave and said excitedly, "Look! There is a barrier!"

Everyone is looking for fame.

Sure enough, the entrance of Cave No. 6 was faintly covered with a transparent soft membrane.

Needless to say, there must be white sparrows and the others inside.

Su Tang laughed loudly with her hips on her hips, "We have found them, and I know that the god of luck will not hang over them forever!"

Adam was also gearing up and gnashing his teeth, "Then we'll just wait here for them. How dare you lie to us? I'm so impatient! When they come out, let them experience what life is like death!"

Su Tang hurriedly straightened his face, and said solemnly, "Brother, are you stupid? How can we waste time fighting with them at this time? Of course we have to rush to the finish line in one go, and then laugh at them at the finish line." right!"

Adam stroked his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, what you said makes sense. Then, which cave should we go to?"


Several people looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke for a while.

"By the way, is the clue in this cave really a sound? I just came here, and I didn't hear anything."

The caring Qiu Mo naturally skipped the slight sound of fart.

But there are some people who don't play their cards according to the routine.

Sean said frankly, "Why is there no sound, I obviously heard someone farting!"


After a second of stunned.

Adam shook first, "It's not me."

Xi followed closely, "It's not me either."

Qiu Mo blushed, lowered her head and twisted her fingers, mumbling, "Me, I don't either."

So, the eyes of several people turned to Su Tang and Cain.

The two looked at each other, and smiled at each other.

"You mean, none of you farted, but you heard farts. That's weird, we didn't fart either."

Adam and Xi, who reacted quickly, had already heard the meaning behind Su Tang's words.

Qiu Mo and Sean, who reacted slowly, were still scratching their heads and thinking hard, "Yes, why is that?"

Adam frowned, "Wait for me here, I'll go back and walk again."

Su Tang smiled and nodded.

Adam's speed is also very fast, but he is back in a minute or so.

"How about it?"

Adam nodded excitedly, "Yes, it's a clue!"

After getting an affirmative answer, the corner of Su Tang's mouth couldn't help twitching.

This test is really frustrating.

When I just came here, everyone heard that voice, but everyone thought it was someone who farted, and they were afraid that it would be too embarrassing to say it rashly, so they didn't open their mouths all the time, and they didn't connect it with clues at all. I thought it was actually a clue!

How can one say this?

What a neat little clue.

Under the doubts of Qiu Mo and Sean with question marks on their heads, everyone walked towards the No. 1 cave lightly.

Walking in the cave, Adam couldn't help laughing and asked, "You said the white bird will come out later"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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