Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Eight hundred and sixtieth IX The Fifth Test Twelve

Remember in a second【】

See this scene.

Everyone could not help but frown.

Unexpectedly, the spider silk was so tough and extremely sticky.

If they had released this move while fighting Godzilla just now, most of them probably wouldn't be able to avoid it.

"Hey. I can't help it." Baique sighed helplessly.

The lead beast soldier seemed to have heard that they were going to give up on him, and struggled hard, but the goose couldn't move, and could only whine non-stop.

His voice was very miserable, and there were even tears rolling in his eyes.

But which one here is not an orc who has experienced bloody battles? No one would pity him because of his behavior, they all treated him coldly.

In the end, Xuan Shui couldn't stand it anymore, and said lightly, "We can't save you, I can see your Wooden Immortal Token, if you want, I can help you quit this test, maybe you will still survive .”

"Mmmmm! Mmmm!"

The leading beast soldier became emotional immediately, but because his mouth was blocked, no one knew what he was talking about.

Xuan Shui: "Blink if you want."

The lead beast soldier began to blink desperately.

In the end, Xuanshui, with Chi Shu's assistance, took off the wooden fairy token from the waist of the leading beast soldier, folded it, and handed it to the leading beast soldier's only movable finger.

With a slight force, the wooden immortal's tongs were broken, and the leading beast soldier turned into a white light and shadow, and disappeared in place immediately.

It seems that after being bound by the spider web, he can only choose to destroy the Wood Immortal Token and leave the test, otherwise he will not be able to escape.

The moonlight shone leisurely on the solemn and heavy stone wall, reflecting bursts of cold light.

Looking at the large maze in ruins around him, Cain always felt that things were not that simple, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

"Let's go!" The time to come out is not short, if you don't go back, Tangtang will be in a hurry.

Adam and Xi naturally had no objections.

People just walked a few steps,

The white sparrow called out to stop them.

"Wait! I have something to say!"

But Cain had already expected what the white sparrow was going to say to him, so he didn't stop and said without turning his head, "There is no need for us to cooperate."

White Sparrow yelled at Cain's back without giving up, "Godzilla is dead, we will surely find the exit of the maze soon, it won't do us any harm!"

After waiting for a long time, until Cain's back disappeared from sight, he did not hear his response.

Bai Que couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Xuan Shui stepped forward with some hesitation and asked, "Young Master, then, do we want to catch up?"

The white bird turned back with a cold face, "What are you chasing after, don't you see that they don't want to form a team with us?"

Xuan Shui quickly lowered his head, "Yes!"

"Let's go, Godzilla is dead, I think there will be no more danger in the maze, let's go all night, we must find the exit of the maze before them!"


Sitting in the safe hut, intermittent roaring sounds came from my ears.

Although everyone didn't say anything, they had already mentioned it in their hearts.

Until the roar stopped, everyone waited patiently for more than half an hour, but they still didn't come back, so they became a little anxious.

Qiu Mo paced back and forth in the small room, and his face was stained with impatience, "Why haven't you come back after so long, can something happen?"

Holding the radiant lovesickness stone in Su Tangli, she firmly said, "No."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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