Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 870: The Fifth Test 13

Remember in a second【】

The Acacia Stone is a prop obtained when clearing the second test. It can be judged whether the opponent's life is in danger by the strength of the light on the stone body.

The acacia stone in the sugar represents Cain's life and health. The brightness of the light is not much different from when they left, so they should not be in danger.

So they sat side by side in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the direction they left when they left.

Suddenly, Sean stood up from the ground, lying on the floor-to-ceiling window and staring outside.

Qiu Mo was startled, "Sean, what are you doing?"

Sean turned his head in astonishment, and murmured, "They seem to be back."

Hearing this, Su Tang and Qiu Mo also lay down in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, seeing nothing but darkness.

"A black shadow is running towards us, and I can't tell if it's them or not! It's them! They're back!"

Hearing Sean's affirmative answer, Su Tang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, the door of the safe house was opened, and people came in one after another.

"How? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Su Tang and Qiu Mo circled around the people with concern on their faces.

Adam smiled boldly, "Small, I was not injured, not only was I not injured, we even beat Godzilla to death!"

Su Tang's eyes widened in disbelief, "How could he be beaten to death? Didn't the butler test the rules and say that Godzilla is invincible in the maze?"

That's why she didn't want Cain and the others to take risks!

But now they came back and said that Godzilla was killed? Why doesn't Su Tang believe it?

Su Tang turned to Cain with puzzled eyes.

Cain hesitated, but nodded anyway.

Su Tang was shocked!

"He was really beaten to death? What does Godzilla look like? You are too powerful to be beaten to death so easily!"

Adam looked at Su Tang pretending to be sad, "Sugar Cub,

You have changed, and now you don't even believe what brother said. "

Su Tang laughed awkwardly, trying to put on a sincere look, "I believe it! Why don't I believe it? I really believe it!"

Adam couldn't help turning his eyes away, this acting was so fake that he didn't see it.

Cain smiled faintly, stretched Su Tang's arms and explained, "It looks like a long-toothed beast, but it is huge in size. When it is dying, it will spit out a ball of spider web from its mouth. The spider web is constantly burning, very tough and sticky. Once it is glued, there is no possibility of escape."

Xi nodded with lingering fear, "That's right, that's how that stupid soldier in the White Sparrow team was eliminated."

Qiu Mo immediately asked curiously, "Then how did you defeat it?"

"I don't know."

"Don't know?" Su Tang also felt a little strange, "How could you not know after defeating it?"

Adam recalled it for a while, and then said, "It's strange to say that when we pulled Godzilla for the first time, it was covered with a layer of phosphorus armor, and it couldn't be touched at all, but I don't know why it suddenly became It’s extremely fragile, and it’s gone after just a few cuts.”

After listening to Adam's description process.

Sugar: ""

She turned her gaze to Cain again, blinked her eyes, and looked at him expectantly.

Cain smiled softly, "If I'm not mistaken, the eyes are its weak point. After its eyes are attacked and injured by us, the phosphor armor on its body becomes very fragile. This may be the reason, but I'm not sure."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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