Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 871 The fifth test one fourteen

Remember in a second【】

"It turned out to be like this! I said how could it suddenly become like this? It's not all due to us, but the stupid soldier still wanted to snatch it from us. It's funny! If it weren't for us, he would still be able to hold the stone." Break Godzilla's leg? I'm afraid you can't even break a layer of skin."

Listening to Adam complaining, Su Tang asked curiously, "What's going on?"

Adam immediately poured beans out of a bamboo tube, telling the whole story.

After hearing this, Su Tang felt that the leading beast soldier was funny because he was too pretentious.

Then she nodded, "Okay, don't think so much. Since he has already been eliminated, and Godzilla has been killed by you, then we can go on our way with peace of mind tomorrow, and it will be dawn in six hours. Take the time to rest and try to find the exit as soon as possible.”

"Well, Sugar Cub is right, go to sleep and go to sleep."

the next day.

It was bright.

When everyone came out of the safe hut, they inexplicably felt that the air was extraordinarily fresh, the sun was infinitely bright, and their mood was extraordinarily high.

The crowd continued to move forward according to the route Cain and the others traveled yesterday.

There was talking, laughing, and noise along the way. It didn't look like they were here to take part in the test, but rather like they were here for vacation.

It was noon soon, and after feeling the hunger, everyone took the fullness pills, and the stomach swelled up a little bit soon.

Su Tang sighed, "I want to eat barbecue, roasted chestnuts, steamed Gugu eggs, beggars, stir-fried mushrooms, twice-cooked sliced ​​pork, boiled fish and kelp ribs soup."

Qiu Mo looked at Su Tang in shock, "Are you a devil? Why are you talking about this at this time!"

After staying with Su Tang for a long time, I have also learned some ways of speaking and common expressions.

Su Tang looked at Qiu Mo innocently, "Don't you want to?"

Qiu Mo: "I!! Of course I want to! But isn't there nothing?"

Sean on the side came up and asked, "What is barbecue, roasted chestnuts, steamed Gugu eggs, beggars, stir-fried mushrooms, twice-cooked sliced ​​pork, boiled fish and seaweed ribs soup?"

Su Tang smiled and patted Sean on the shoulder,

"Okay, I have great potential to be a foodie, and I remember all the names correctly!"

Sean smiled shyly.

"These are delicious. When we pass the test and return to Taoyuan, I'll ask Aunt Hongguo to make it for you."

Sean responded in a low voice.

Here, the Su Tang people are discussing delicious food with great interest, while Cain and the others are frowning not far away.

"The road here is absolutely different from the road we walked last night. I clearly remember that I should turn right when I came here, but why did it become a dead end here?"

Adam touched his chin and fell into deep self-doubt, "Could it be that we went wrong?"

Xi shook his head resolutely, "If it's you alone, maybe you really misremembered, and I also clearly remember that this is not a dead end."

Adam's face was a little heavy, and he guessed, "Could it be that the maze here will move?"

Cain, who had been silent all this time, said, "More than that, what do you think this is?"

Looking in the direction that Cain pointed, there was a half of something glittering inlaid in the stone wall, and looking carefully, wasn't this the big knife that Cain condensed with his elemental force?

Adam was speechless for a while, "This, how could this be?"

Of the big knives condensed yesterday, only one was lost, the one stuck on Godzilla's spider leg.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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