Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 874 The Fifth Test Seventeen

Remember in a second【】

Adam stepped on Godzilla's big eyeballs, and teased in a good mood, "Is that so? Then I won't compete with you to show off in front of Sugar Cubs, just take your time!"

Cain cut off a spider leg that was stabbing towards him with a knife, panting slightly, "It's up to you."

Sean wiped the sweat from his brow.

He didn't help much in that battle just now, but the energy in his body has been emptied twice.

Although he still had a chance to take Yuanli Pill, Sean felt that it would be a waste to take it directly. Because Godzilla is no longer a threat to them, as long as they find a place to meditate quietly, they will soon recover their energy.

So Sean walked straight towards the stone wall not far away. It didn't look so messy there, allowing him to sit down and rest for a while.

Xi glanced at Adam, and said calmly, "Kill it, I'll go find Ah Mo."

Adam nodded.

He raised Li's big knife high and was about to insert it.

Godzilla below seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and began to struggle violently. Adam couldn't stand still, and his figure couldn't help shaking.

At the same time, Qiu Mo carefully lifted the vines blocking the cave.

Because females in the beast world do not have night vision in the dark, Qiu Mo, who looked dazed, did not see the fallen Godzilla not far from her.

When Adam finally stabilized his figure and was about to end Godzilla's life, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Qiu Mo facing Godzilla's front from the corner of his eye.

Adam was shocked!

He yelled, "Ah Mo, run!"

Qiu Mo, who had just climbed out of the cave, looked dazed. She heard Adam's voice, and ran away subconsciously.

But because she didn't have the ability to distinguish the direction, she ran in the direction facing Godzilla's mouth.


Adam cursed, and thrust the machete between Godzilla's eyebrows forcefully.

Godzilla was still struggling tenaciously, his two big eyeballs were flickering, and his belly was gradually bulging, obviously trying to gather strength to complete the final blow.

Adam's forehead throbbed non-stop, but his body didn't dare to stop at all. He quickly rushed to Qiu Mo, took her into his arms, and then started running to the side with her.

Seeing Sean who was in a daze in front, he cursed loudly, "Hurry up! You idiot!"

Sean felt baffled, but he still followed Adam's instructions, got up and ran forward.

But time is still too late.

When Xi heard the voice and came back again, he saw Godzilla spit out a ball of white stuff, and flew towards Adam Qiumo and the Xien people at high speed.

At that moment, Xi almost stopped breathing.

The speed of the spider web was more than twice that of Adam and the others, and it caught up with them within a few seconds.

Feeling the pressure, Adam immediately knelt down on one knee, one was protecting Qiu Mo's head from bumping, and the other was firmly supporting the ground, creating a small space for Qiu Mo.

Sean was running, only to feel that something was holding him back, and he fell to the ground, his forehead hit the ground heavily, and fell into a brief faint.

This accident happened too fast and too suddenly.

Everyone didn't have time to react, but the matter was a foregone conclusion.

With a sullen expression, Xi ran to the side of the spider web, looked at the bulging part and asked, "Adam, Ah Mo, how are you doing?"

in the spider web

Qiu Mo curled up under Adam, his expression still obviously astonished.

She still hasn't realized what happened just now.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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