Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 875: The Fifth Test 18

Remember in a second【】

After only feeling a violent shock, Adam protected her under his body.

In the darkness, she couldn't see Adam's expression clearly, but she could feel from his rapid breathing and tensed arms that he was under a lot of pressure.

Thinking of this, Qiu Mo burst into tears instantly, "You, how are you?"

Adam breathed heavily and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"But" Qiu Mo's voice choked up.

Adam sighed, and the other one was pulled out from under Qiu Mo, and after wiping away her tears, he propped it on the ground.

With an extra arm to help share the pressure, Adam suddenly felt a lot easier.

"I'm really fine, but we may not be able to continue to participate in the test and have to leave."

"Leave?" Qiu Mo looked blank.

Before she could figure it out, she heard Xi's eager voice.

Qiu Mo hurriedly said, "Brother, I'm fine, it was Adam who saved me."

Hearing this, Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he quickly asked, "Adam, are you okay? Can you hold on?"

"I can hold on for the time being. You go and help Cain get rid of the other Godzilla first, and we can talk about other things later."

"it is good!"

A short sound of footsteps disappeared.

The surroundings returned to silence again.

For some reason, Qiu Mo's heart suddenly became tense.

Due to the shackles of the spider web, the space Adam propped up was just enough to hold her.

Therefore, the distance between the two is unprecedentedly close, and the lingering and rapid breathing is mixed together, and the hotness rushes to the cheeks.

boom boom boom

Qiu Mo put his hand on his chest in annoyance, trying to calm himself down, but Nai He felt as if he had a rabbit in his heart, jumping up and down, left and right, and couldn't control it at all.


Adam's voice was extremely low,

Dark and slightly hoarse, captivating.

The hot breath hit Qiu Mo's face, making his restless heart feel like a drop of water splashed into a hot oil pan, full of passion.

Qiu Mo's eyes were also stained with a trace of confusion.

The originally small distance between the two began to shrink, shrink, and shrink again.

outside the cobweb

When Su Tang heard Adam's heart-piercing cry, his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

But in the dark, she couldn't see anything.

After a brief struggle, Su Tang quietly took out the flashlight from the space, turned it on, and took a picture nearby, but found no danger.

The sound of fighting continued to come, much weaker than before, and the distance sounded farther away from here.

Su Tang thought for a while, turned off the protective cover, got up and walked carefully along the corner of the wall.

When the flashlight accidentally scanned the body of the killed Godzilla and the wreckage all over the place, her heart skipped a beat.

Su Tang panicked a little.

"Ah Mo, where are you? Momo?"

Afraid of disturbing another battle, Su Tang only dared to lower his voice and shout softly.

But the two people who were in a daze didn't hear it at all, and Sean hadn't woken up from the faint yet, so no one responded to her at all.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Su Tangji's forehead, and he held up the flashlight and scanned around cautiously, not daring to make too much noise.

in the spider web

Seeing that the two are going to be close to each other.

Suddenly, a white light shot from nowhere, hitting the faces of the two of them directly.

Adam: ""

I have a p in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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